It dawns on me that I have never done anything on Father's Day. Mother's Day is much touted and talked about but somehow fathers get the shaft on this one. I wanted to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all of you fathers out there. There is a sad misconceptions that we don't need fathers. That children don't really need both parents, doing what is right for the family as a whole to be a complete person and to have their feet firmly rooted in reality. Speaking as a person who has never met her father because he was a bigamist and picked after he impregnated my mother to tell her that he was already married when he married her, I can tell you, I needed a father and not just a sperm donor. I needed that half of who I am and as a result of not having it, I will forever go thru life wandering about myself and why I couldn't have meant more to him. Shame on him!!! My encouragement to you is that if you are about to be a father, be there. Show honesty, decency and respect for yourself and those around you. Let your child no matter whether you are married to the mother or not, that this life means the world to you and no matter what you have to do you will be there and take care of every thing you can for him or her. Let the tender side of yourself show and you will get a reward that you could have never expected. IT IS ALWAYS WORTH THE EFFORT. Again Happy Father's Day and I am sorry this is soo late. ![]() ![]()
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I loved this post most and I will read thy all journals next sunday.... I will copy this to my comp...
There comes a time in life when we find a need to define ourselves and our beliefs. I have had this time on may occasions. On each one, I have challenged the "truths" I held dear from the years before it. By and large, my beliefs have stood the test of time. I thought I might share some of them. ![]() No matter how bad things get, someone always has it worse than I do. I try to find someone who needs help more than I do and help them. It makes me less upset about what is wrong in my life. ![]() No matter how good of a person I think I am, there is always a better example somewhere, so I try to make friends with people who have been where I am going and know what I don't so that I can learn from them. Both there successes and their failures. I don't have enough time or energies to make all the mistakes myself. ;) ![]() If I have the choice to give or take, I try to always give more than I get. That way no one owns me. I fall asleep at night much better knowing I still hold my own title. ![]() Lastly, for now, the sun shines more than it rains and though I prefer rain, we have to live with what we have.. smile and be happy with life you have today because you have no guarentee of anything better nor do you have a promise of the time to enjoy it later. ![]() |
15:29 Jun 21 2009
Very nice writed. Gived me some thoughts i have to say.
15:30 Jun 21 2009
I do love this day, for myself and my dad both gives heart to children...
Morning I wished my dad and asked my mom to treat dad the best on my behalf...
Today mykid too wished me so and my dad blessed me in reply to my greetings to him. :)
I love your this post...
Heartiest Fathers Day To Dads in You Family...