Cadamia's Journal

Cadamia's Journal


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A Life? (a purely fictional lesson of absence)

15:33 Dec 09 2007
Times Read: 699

On a night so dreary that even the clouds wept with loneliness a girl sits alone in a corner huddled not for warmth but to feel as though she were being held. She had never known what it felt like to be loved. Her mother, if you could call her that, had lived her life like one being bred. Going from one man to another, having a child with each new one and then doing nothing more for the child than the barest necessity to keep them alive. It would have been better for them had she not for then the state could have taken the children from her and put them in homes where love and comfort would have been provided. Instead they each lived separate lives, locked away in separate rooms. They once found each other but were soon taught that you never cross mommy. She found them playing of all things, playing!!! The fit she had caused two of the children to need hospitalization. They didn't get it of course. They each eventually slept long enough that their bodies healed but not completely. The mental and physical scars would remain for the rest of their lives. None of them actually had names, they were Baby one, Baby two, Baby three and so on. There were seven of them. None of them were allowed to speak nor to learn how to speak. Alone in their minds they lived and there they had a score of friends and loved ones to care for them and to make them less lonely.

The rooms they were in were the same rooms they had been born in. Having been born in secret, there was no record of them. The neighbors did not know they lived. No one but the mother did. There was little hope of change in their lives save one thing. As of late, mommy had been going out alot and coming home all sick. No one knew why and because they had never been out into the world they had no idea of drugs or the likes. Her condition had been getting increasingly worse as she had been abusing a growing number of drugs.

She rented the home they lived in. When the rent was late for a week the land lord finally went to the house to find out what had happened, she had never been late. When he arrived he found the door unlocked and mommy (Anne Loveless) dead on the sofa. As he stood there he heard what sounded like whimpering. He was at once curious, she had no pets, or she wasn't supposed to. So he began to investigate. He went into the bathroom and found nothing and yet the whimpering got louder. He looked into the bedroom next to it and couldn't see anything, there was no lightbulb in the socket. He decided to get bulbs and then come back to look some more. Calling the police as he left the building, he started to leave to buy bulbs but thought better of it and waited for them to arrive. There were more whimpers as time went on.

The police arrived and he asked one of the two officers to walk through the house with him.

"I am sorry to be such a bother but I hear whimpering, don't you?"

"Yes I do, did she have dogs?"

"Not that I know of but this is the first time I have been here in years so I am not sure."

They opened the first door and walked around with a flash light careful, opening a closet, they heard a scream that nearly brought them out of their skins. A child, appearing to be five. Dirty and unkempt, fear glowing from her eyes like beams of light.

"Central, I am going to need an ambulance and some sedatives here. I can't began to describe what I have found. We will also need child protective services as well. You might want to stand by this may not be all."

With that they searched the room further finding a boy, looking to be about four and in the same condition as the girl. Attempts to speak to them only brought more fear and attempts to find a place to hide. They behaved as though sound hurt their ears. After ten minutes of searching the house they had found all seven children. Four girls and three boys. They attempted to get them out of the rooms but light and most movement proved painful to them. What on earth had this woman done to them, or better yet what had she not done for them? Only time would tell if they could be saved or if they would have to remain hidden away for their own good.

As time went on all of the children began to relax around the staff and even show something of a personality. It became obvious that someone had to name them and seeing as how none had any birth certificates or the likes then they would have to come up with birthdays and all too. One member of the staff took on each child with the chore of getting to know them so they could be given appropriate names and birthdays.

The eldest, or what appeared to be the eldest was a girl. Once she let her guard down, she seemed to just take off as a person. Her nurse, an Alice, gave her a note pad and some crayons and she would draw to her hearts content. She had never spoken or seen letters so writing was out of the picture but she was getting better at expressing herself in her art. She had bright blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Her name would be Airlia which is greek for ethereal. Her birthday would be August 10, 1999.

The child nearest her in age was a boy, he was shy and emotional but when he opened up a bit he had a smile that would light a city block. His name had to be Blandon which is Latin and means gentle. Adam, his doctor, decided he had to have been born on July 9, 2000.

Celeste was the nurse that drew the next child, a girl of what appeared to be about 6 years of age. She was beautiful but had a mischevious way about her. Her hair was jet black and her eyes a dark brown. Celeste had spent much time with her and wasn't sure if this one a good girl or a bad one, she named her Danica which is slavic and means Morning Star. To her she gave the birthday of May 5, 2001.

As proof that none of the children had the same father, the next youngest in line was a boy with bright red hair and brilliant green eyes, his smile showed of fun and sweetness. Dan took this child under his wing and soon realized his name had to be Edan. This name is celtic and means fiery, he was given the birthday of January 26, 2002.

The third girl in the lot had soft, curly golden brown hair. Her eyes were the sweetest, softest golden any of the staff had ever seen. She had the look of a cherub and it was decided by all that her name had to be Evangelina. The name is greek in origin and means angel .

Her birthday was May 31, 2003.

The youngest boy proved a challange, his face gave away only the idea that he was confused and afraid of his surroundings. He had spent more time than any of the others in the dark, having been kept in the one closet in the house that didn't have shuttered doors. Almost no noise reached his ears for approximately the 3 years that he had been alive. He had dark brown hair and grey eyes. His face would have been a tan if he had have been healthier. Having never seen the sun left him looking bleached out. Jason had the job of deciding on his name and birthday and he thought and thought until he finally decided to sleep on it. In his sleep he had a dream and in the dream and angel came to him and told him that if he wanted this little boy do do well he simply must name him Ezekiel. The angel explained that the name was hebrew for God gives strength and this little lad was going to need it. The angel also gave him a date, November 11, 2004.

Lastly was the baby of the bunch, she had long dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She seemed so lonely all the time as though no consoling would help her. No matter how much the staff held her or tried to comfort her it would not happen. As they did physicals on the children it was discovered that she had most likely been a twin and could be greaving her lost sibling. Her nurse was a round woman by the name of Stacey. She loved this child with all her heart, as she loved all children but this one particularly. She couldn't bare to leave her to go home and often times would clock out only to return and spend the night with her charge. She spent 3 days concidering this ones name and decided on Mahalia. Hebrew in origin it meant affection. A thing that had been kept from this lass for too long and Stacey had every entention of giving her in abundance. Her birthday became December 13, 2005.

There was of course an investigation into the mother, who as it turns out was a sole heir to quite a bit of money but had not spoken to her parents in over 10 years. Both her mother and her father were dead and when she left home, she had also had her name legally changed from Maria Lynne Ravensworth to Anne Loveless. It was her way of telling her parents she wanted nothing to do with them. Their names were Bill and Hope Runningsly. The police could not find any living relatives to take charge of the children so it became obvious that they would have to have homes.

The nurses and doctors that had been working with the children had a meeting to decide if there was anything they could do to help these children. Two months had gone by and they had come to feel real closeness to their charges.

Adam opened the meeting by asking everyone to sit down and write on the pad before them what they wanted to see happen with their charge and why. After what seemed like an eternity pens were lowered and in silence each person began to prepare for the coming conversation.

Louise was the nurse that had been the nurse in charge of working with Evangelina. She cleared her voice and began.

"We all know what we want to do, the question is can it be done. I know that each of us have fallen in love with our charges. I know Eva has changed my life and I can not see life without her. I want her come home with me but will the state allow a single woman to care for one so young? Also will it be a harm for them to be seperate?"

"They were basically raised seperate, so that is not a problem. We all have stable jobs and can hire help in the event we need baby sitters. We can also double as a support group to give each other aid in raising these children well. I see no reason that a court would say no to us. I know that Louise has spoken my heart, I love Edan like I have never loved anyone before. I am not married but I see no reason that should stop me from trying." Dan seemed to glow as he poured his heart out.

Alice nodded in agreement as tears ran down her face.

"Alice why are you crying?"

Jason asked.

"I have always wanted a child but I can't concieve so I feared I would never be able. Since meeting Airlia, I have been happier than I thought I would ever be. Is there any reason that I might not be able to keep her? I would be crushed to lose her now. I just keep hoping that we are godsends for them and them for us."

"Good one, Alice", Jason said, "I think the first thing we need to do if we are all in agreement is to speak with child protective services and ask what we need to do on our part. I do think we should take a silent vote to decide if this is the path we want to take. I think if we do, it needs to be unanamous so that the children, while living in seperate houses will know each other and know they are familly. What say you all?"

Every one nodded in agreement and silently wrote either a y or an n on a slip of paper and place it in a bag. When the y's were counted they were all in agreement. It was agreed that Adam would speak for the group to the state and get the ball rolling the next day.

That next morning, Adam paced restlessly across his living room floor waiting for an appropriate time to call the child protective service office. When nine a.m. finally hit he dialed the number nervously fumbling for the buttons. The phone on the other end began to ring and he could feel himself having trouble breathing.

"Good morning, this is Annette with Child Protective Services. How may I help you?"

"Miss Annette, I am Adam Singings with Mother Mary's Hospital. I am one of the doctors working with the seven children that were brought in a couple of months ago and the rest of the staff assigned to this case and I wanted to know if we could have a meeting to discuss them with a case worker?", he said finally breathing again.

"There are no case workers in the office right now but maybe I can answer some questions for you. Would you like to try?"

"There are seven us, we are all stable people in the community and we have become quite attatched to these children since they have been put in our charge. We were wondering if we could adopt them. Each child has a person who is interested in adopting the child that they have been working with."

"Well sir, we appreciate your love for these children and I think what you all want to do is wonderful. I can't say if you will get them but neither could a case worker. What has to be done from here is I give your number to a worker, she does some background on all of you as well as the children and then it goes to court and a judge decides. I can say the fact that you work at the hospital and that you have been aquainted with the children on a constant basis will go in your favor. Did I help you at all?"

"Yes ma'am, what should I do now?"

"Well first things first when we are finished with this conversation you give me a number where we can reach you. All of you would be best. Then make sure that your house and finances are in order because they will have to investigate that to be sure the children will be properly cared for. If there is any criminal violence in anyone's past that will be a problem too. From there on this end, I turn your contact information over to my boss who assigns a worker to the case and she contacts you. Ok?"

"Yes ma'am and thank you." Adam hung up the phone and left to go to work almost skipping out the door.

(more coming soon, I promise)



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