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23:49 Dec 22 2006
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Studied chart:


- Firstname: Hector

- Born on: 4/10/1966

- Birth Time: 16:30

- Time Difference with Greenwich: 6:0

- Birth Location: WACO

- Structure: Aries Virgo


What happens to us is what we are... Our role on Earth begins at the very moment we are born: the celestial vault then seems to impregnate the baby with the cosmic influence; an astrological chart is thus like a cosmic print waiting to be studied, a signature that reveals the inner structure of a person.

Such a chart consists in a circle representing the zodiac, i.e. the strip of the sky vault where the celestial objects (the Sun, the Moon and the planets) move. This circle is divided into twelve zodiacal signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini...) and into twelve houses. The position of these houses depends on the location and time of birth. The points of Houses I, IV, VII and X determine the four angles.

All the celestial objects are positionned on this circle. An aspect (i.e. a line) is drawn between two of them when they are separated by a given number of degrees: 0 for a conjunction, 60 for a sextile, 90 for a square, 120 for a trine, 180 for an opposition.

The analysis of a chart is based on the valorization and the study of the planets (and their aspects), of the signs and of the houses, on the position of the planets in sign and house, and on many more interesting examinations. Disentangling the apparent jumble of the chart, this analysis allows us to understand and describe a personality. The present document summarizes a maximum of significant comments.

Please go beyond the possible austerity of our language: Astrology godsends have to be earned, its light does not shine for everyone (Not Lucet Omnibus...). Let your intuition work: Astrology is the art of symbols, that collide, mix, enrich each other and help to grasp the unspeakable by analogy...


A majority of planets above the Horizon often leads to extraversion, realization, objectivity; social life and career are very important. A majority of planets on the right side of the Meridian often leads to a real need to be approved and supported by the surroundings; the outside world is very important.

A majority of planets in houses VII to IX often indicates a great influence of the surroundings.

The detailed valorization of the planets of this chart is explained at the end of this document.


Acting with the Aries...

Sun in its Exaltation in Aries: see comments on solar sign.

Mars in its Domicile in Aries: an enthusiastic and vigorous nature, longing to be the first and the strongest; a liking for audacious adventures, and all kinds of sports, especially martial sports. It might as well be an inward adventure, but it is all the same immoderate.

Cogitating with the Gemini...

Jupiter in its Detriment in Gemini: a shrewd and inspired nature; though the all-powerful planet can be much disturbed by this troublemaker sign.

Scanning with the Virgo...

Uranus in Virgo: gives a scrupulous and strict nature, rather stern at times.

Pluto in Virgo: the planet can help the sign to loosen up, and give it a Scorpio aspect; on the contrary, the sign can channel the quarrelsome planet.

Opposing with the Scorpio...

Neptune in Scorpio: gives a liking for mystery and occult sciences; a shrewd mind.

Waiting with the Capricorn...

Moon in its Detriment in Capricorn: few maternal instincts; all sensitivity stays under control; may lead to avoid love.

Diluting with the Pisces...

Mercury in its Detriment and in its Fall in Pisces: gives an intuitive and imaginative personality; this mind seeks universality.

Venus in its Exaltation in Pisces: a romantic and highly sensitive nature, that can make sacrifices if necessary; may experience confused sentimental relationship.

Saturn in Pisces: an impression of prison; a propensity to feel other people's pains, and especially the distress of the lowly, the poor, all those who must submit to a limited and restricted existence.


House III means brothers and sisters, little trips, intellectual works...

Neptune in House III: close relations play a large part in the destiny, sometimes unwittingly; this type often likes studying and travelling. Neptune, when it is well aspected, brings intuition and faith; badly aspected, it can indicate a tendency to run away or lead to confusion.

House IV represents the origins, the family...

Moon in House IV: the family, and especially the mother, play a large part in the destiny; this type may also be driven to move frequently. The Moon, when it is well aspected, brings abundance and favor; badly aspected, it can indicate a possible enslavement. Analogy with the Moon in Cancer.

House VI means daily life (work, health, animals, subordinates...)

Venus in House VI: loving feelings and main elements of House VI (i.e. work, health, animals...) are intimately connected (examples: find love in the professional circle, recover health thanks to love...). Venus, when it is well aspected, brings charm and happiness; badly aspected, it can drive to erring ways.

House VII symbolizes the Other (marriage, associations, trials...)

Mercury in House VII: this position often reveals a good communication in the bosom of the couple; and a tendency to partnership. Mercury, when it is well aspected, brings skill and quick-wittedness; badly aspected, it can indicate a possible inconstancy.

Saturn in House VII: a harmonious Saturn favors well balanced unions; otherwise, it may interfere with marriages or associations. Saturn, when it is well aspected, brings inner strength and intellectual faculties; badly aspected, it can lead to delays or weanings.

House VIII symbolizes Life and Death (and what ensues: inheritances, sadness...)

Sun in House VIII: death may sometimes play a large part in the destiny, either positively (with possible inheritances) or negatively; this position can also indicate a financial help from a spouse or a partner. The Sun, when it is well aspected, brings luck and success; badly aspected, it can indicate ups and downs in life.

Mars in House VIII: this position sometimes emphasizes rivalries or clashes about inheritances or funds coming from a spouse or any other partner. Mars, when it is well aspected, means energy and achievement; badly aspected, it can indicate some aggressiveness. Analogy with Mars in Scorpio.

House X represents honors, social life and career...

Jupiter in House X: this type, who shows organizing abilities and a hierarchical sense, enjoys having an influence; he primarily seeks consideration and homage. Jupiter, when it is well aspected, brings success and prosperity; badly aspected, it can indicate a possible laxity.

House XII symbolizes the way one is tested in life (difficulties, enemies, punishments...)

Uranus in House XII: unforeseen events may complicate an already venturesome life, usually marked by new technologies. Uranus, when it is well aspected, brings modernism and independence; badly aspected, it can lead to conflicts or splittings.

Pluto in House XII: this type may sometimes encounter insidious, unaccountable or concealed difficulties. Pluto, when it is well aspected, brings instinct and passion; badly aspected, it can cause anguish or lead to destruction.


An impulsive and fiery nature (Aries) has to mix with a wise and disciplined one (Virgo). Possible weak point: digestive system (intestines).


Conjunction between the Sun and Mars. Hot and dry, this aspect indicates a strong appetite for life, but (particularly in a male chart) in a background of violence, aggressiveness and revolt against authority: father, chief, God... This violence can be restrained if the Sun dominates, but remains nevertheless present, veiled and dreadful: this type must try to master Mars energy and have more harmonious relations with others.

Conjunction between Mercury and Saturn. This aspect gives a nervous component to this nature, with either a great cerebral power (deep thinking...) or a kind of freeze of the intelligence (fixity or lack of adaptability...). This type must beware not to become skeptical or heartless.

Conjunction between Jupiter and the Medium Coeli. A culminant Jupiter may indicate expansion and success in the professional life.

Conjunction between Uranus and Pluto. This aspect, associating two violent planets, must be mastered. This type should concentrate his overflow of energy on a noble object.

Conjunction between Uranus and the Ascendant. Uranus is a component of the Ego, like the Ascendant and his Lord. This type feels therefore a strong need for originality and independence.

Conjunction between Pluto and the Ascendant. Pluto is a component of the Ego, like the Ascendant and his Lord. This rather anxious type feels therefore a strong need to reconstruct.

Sextile between the Sun and the Medium Coeli. A strong need to assert oneself and to radiate can be fulfilled.

Sextile between Mars and Jupiter. Audacious and chivalrous, this type likes big plans where he can give free rein to all his eagerness.

Sextile between Neptune and the Ascendant. A strong need for an unbounded life can be fulfilled.

Trine between the Moon and Mars. This type is submitted to irresistible affective impulses; women usually prove courageous and determined.

Trine between Mercury and Neptune. This type shows a deep sensitiveness and a discerning instinct.

Trine between Saturn and Neptune. Introverted and reticent, this type usually follows his instincts.

Opposition between the Moon and Jupiter. This type has an inclination for sensuality, prodigality or thoughtlessness. He must beware not to always choose facility.

Opposition between Mercury and Uranus. This type shows an inventive intelligence, and seeks adventure. But he may also sometimes prove rather inflexible and narrow-minded.

Opposition between Mercury and Pluto. Rebel or destroyer, this type may feel uneasy and disorganized.

Opposition between Mercury and the Ascendant. Mercury, being located near the Descendant, can indicate a thwarted need to communicate.

Opposition between Saturn and Uranus. This aspect brings an excess of dry and secondary values, and therefore tenseness, intransigence or individualization; it may also reveal a conflict between tradition and revolution. This rather intellectual type is able to clench his will to achieve his end.

Opposition between Saturn and Pluto. This type must beware not to become destructive or negative.

Opposition between Saturn and the Ascendant. Saturn, being located near the Descendant, can indicate some uneasiness in the relationships with others.

Square between the Moon and Mercury. This type may show a tendency to shallowness or dream; rather unthinking, he may sometimes prove inconstant.

Square between Mercury and Jupiter. This rather glib talker likes to make an impression on others; but he may sometimes show scattering or lack of foresight.

Square between Mercury and the Medium Coeli. This type feels a strong but thwarted need to communicate.

Square between Jupiter and Saturn. This type, quartered between expansion and retraction, may sometimes appear timeserving.

Square between Jupiter and the Ascendant. This type feels a strong but thwarted need to expand.

Square between Saturn and the Medium Coeli. This type feels a strong but thwarted need to draw back before heading for the main point.

Square between Uranus and the Medium Coeli. This type feels a strong but thwarted need for originality and freedom.

Square between Pluto and the Medium Coeli. This type feels a strong but thwarted need to give free rein to passions and impulses.

Square between the Ascendant and the Medium Coeli. This type feels a strong but thwarted need to fulfill himself.


Let us now determine the more influent astrological signs of this chart:

The Solar sign, where stood the Sun when the Birth occurred,

The sign of the Ascendant, or Rising Sign: it is the place of the chart where rise the stars from obscurity towards Zenith, for this specific hour and location of birth.

The sign(s) occupied by several planets...

There is at least a remarkable sign:

Aries. For 2 reasons:

Sign of the Sun.

Mars is in its domicile.

Virgo. For 1 reason:

Sign of the Ascendant.

Pisces. For 2 reasons:

Sign of the Lord of the Ascendant.

There is a cluster: Mercury, Venus, Saturn.

Aries: Between March 21st and April 20th, the earth warms up and nature revives. Overflowing with energy, Aries symbolizes the gush of fire, the instinctive force, the arrival of Spring. This sign is one of the poles of the Axis Aries-Libra. Some famous Ariens: Jacques Brel, Marlon Brando, Charles Chaplin, Casanova... The Aries type is:

- Belonging to a "male" sign, but Venus in its Detriment in Aries may feminize him while Saturn in its Fall can inhibit him.

- Cardinal: he likes undertaking but he may also give up when there are too many obstacles... Inclined to improvise, he is practical.

- Fire, i.e. bilious (hot and dry). Other words employed to describe his nature: primary, active, emotional, quick-tempered...

- Courageous, athletic, skilful. He likes competition and violent sports.

- Rather fierce in his reactions, but he is not vindictive towards those he may have hurt with his quick repartees(!).

- Aggressive, anxious to be the best and the strongest, to be always right, to win all his battles... and he often fights! Authoritative, he likes giving the orders.

- Proud and tough; he stands up forcefully for his next of kin if they happen to be threatened.

- Optimistic, lively, spontaneous, enthusiastic, impulsive, straightforward; but he may be tactless or lack of control.

- Individualistic.

He has intuitive intelligence. Some Aries typical professions: soldier, surgeon, butcher, blacksmith... Aries is associated with:

- his master, Mars.

- House I.

- head, eyes, migraine, sinusitis... It is a sign of strong constitution.

Virgo: Between August 23rd and September 22nd, Summer ends and autumn approaches; it is time to harvest the crops. This sign is one of the poles of the Axis Virgo-Pisces. It is a double sign. Some famous Virgos: Agatha Christie, René Descartes, Greta Garbo, Peter Sellers... The Virgo type is:

- Belonging to a "feminine" sign.

- Common.

- Down-to-earth, i. e. Nervous (Cold and Dry).

- Secondary.

- Introverted, always a little worried; Modest, almost shy.

- Somewhat bitter; aware of his limits.

- Careful, provident, (too?) reasonable; he has a lot of self-control.

- Meticulous, tidy, strict, perfectionist (faddy?); he is fond of collecting or classifying.

- An excellent assistant; faithful, reliable, honest, patient and zealous.

- Gifted for management; thrifty, he hates wasting. He has practical common sense, sound judgement, and an analytic intelligence.

- Preoccupied by his health; he usually does not drink and is not greedy. He always has small pains but he will probably live longer than most.

Virgo is associated with:

- his master, Mercury (master of Gemini too).

- House VI.

- intestines, digestive troubles...

Pisces: Between February 19th and March 21st, winter ends and nature revives. It is time for fruitfulness under abundant rains, but also for uncertainty, hesitation and expectation. This sign is one of the poles of the Axis Pisces-Virgo. It is also a double sign. Some famous Pisceans: Victor Hugo, Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor, Rudolph Nureyev... The Pisces type is:

- Belonging to a "feminine" sign.

- Common.

- Water, i. e. Lymphatic (Humid and Cold).

- Introverted, highly emotional, passive; he is no fighter. He is susceptible to influence.

- Dreaming; he wishes to escape the world by his mysticism or his poetry. With an intense unconscious life, he lives in the unlimited and the infinite. He longs to be loved, to find help to progress, for he is anxious to free himself from material life.

- Not really clear on his needs; he always hesitates between mystical ecstasy and torpor. He may become weak-willed.

- Mysterious and elusive.

- Generous, unselfish, pacifist; he wishes to feel in communion with others and is able to make great sacrifices.

- Aware of his responsibilities.

- Subtle, intuitive and susceptible; his outlook is global. He can make a good medium.

Pisces is associated with:

- his masters: Neptune and Jupiter.

- House XII,

- feet... It is a sign of weak constitution (only if the sign is truly valorized).


The twelve astrological houses divide up the zodiac into twelve parts, whose position and size depend on hour and place of birth. Each of them has a specific connotation (personnality, money, siblings...).

It is important to see if some of these houses may be set apart from the others.

There is no remarkable House in this chart.

However, a more extensive analysis of this chart incites to take into account the House IV.

House IV is analogous to the Cancer sign and to the Water element. It makes us think of gestation, sensitivity and inner life, family, home, heredity, roots, end of life... It also represents the material and moral heritage, how one blossoms at home, recharges batteries there and gets strength back.


Few Air:

A lack of Air indicates difficulties to communicate, to clarify one's thoughts; sometimes subjectivity, isolation or a tendency to be misunderstood.

Very Mutable:

This feature indicates mobility, adaptability (sometimes to the point of instability); communication, intellect, sometimes dissipation.

When valorizing elements, there may be contradictory comments. They may indicate a bi-polarization of the personality, where sentiments vary along an axis.


Quincunx structure: five signs separate the solar sign from the Rising Sign; this type may go through bad times but trials can be overcome and favour a real evolution.

Weaning of the Ego: Dissonance between Saturn and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to harmoniously integrate his constructive strength and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive to several behaviours: inhibition of the personality, repression, melancholy, lack of maturity, avidity, proud harshness or bad communication... There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances.

Dissonance between Saturn and Jupiter: Jupiter, usually opening out within a collectivity, may become asocial or maladjusted.

Dissonance between Saturn and Uranus: dryness, stiffness, bristling, tenseness and maladjustment. An excess of mental values may drive to a cold intellectualism. Introversion, distrust, changes of mood; this character mixes irritability, violence and shyness. Conflict between respect for tradition and sense of progress.

Dissonance between the Moon and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to harmoniously integrate his sensitive values, like imagination, and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive either to a freeze of all sensitiveness, or on the contrary to an inconstant behaviour connected with the failures of the Moon, when it is badly aspected (malleability, freaks, emotional nature...). There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances.

Dissonance between Mercury and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to judge and communicate and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive either to a freeze of all communication, or on the contrary to an intense need to communicate connected with the failures of Mercury, when it is badly aspected (restlessness, mental inconstancy, errors of judgment...). There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances.

Dissonance between Jupiter and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to harmoniously integrate his joy of living, his liking for company and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive either to a rejection of the social order with an incapability of opening out, or on the contrary to an intense need to show off, to act big, connected with the failures of Jupiter, when it is badly aspected. There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances.

Dissonance between Uranus and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to harmoniously integrate his originality and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive to several behaviours: retiring within oneself, or a liking for provocation and excessiveness... There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances.

Dissonance between Pluto and the Ego: This configuration may indicate some difficulties for this type to harmoniously integrate his impulses and to fulfill himself. This inward uneasiness can drive to several behaviours: rejection of all sexuality, or on the contrary sexual obsession, destructive inclinations, a taste for secrets... There may also be an alternation of these tendencies, according to the circumstances. In any case, this dissonance often brings anguishes and passionate feelings.

Conjunction between Mercury and Saturn: this conjunction emphasizes the nervous process and indicates an ambivalence "nervous young" - "nervous old" with: either a great cerebral power (deep thinking...) or a kind of freeze of the intelligence (fixity or lack of adaptability...). This type may sometimes appear inhibited, backward, selfish, captious, suspicious, wiry, either skeptical or fanatical; he may also wish to stick to routine (this may be modified by the sign of the conjunction and its aspects).

Conjunction between the Sun and Mars: this conjunction increases the bilious process and emphasizes the Fire element: this type needs an intense life, and longs to assert himself and have authority on others...

The Lord of the Ascendant is in its Detriment and rejected to the Descendant: an inferiority complex is possible. This type seems not to accept himself and searches in others values he does not find in himself, as he refuses his own personality. He has therefore some difficulties to harmoniously develop his individual characteristics. An inner uneasiness may provoke an overcompensation.

Opposition between the Ascendant and his Lord: the character may be quartered between two poles, which may sometimes lead to a dissociation of the personality.

Lord of the Ascendant in its Detriment: may give an inferiority complex, and therefore a need to overcompensate.

Lord of the Ascendant in its Fall: may give an inferiority complex, and therefore a need to overcompensate.

Mercury in Pisces, Water sign. Intuitive and receptive intelligence; with an intense sensitiveness and a great imagination, this type is a man of vision.

Saturn in Pisces, Water sign. This type understands other people's pains, and particularly the sorrow of the poor, the unfortunate, the needy, all those who accept to submit to the limits of their closed universe.

Medium Coeli (cusp of House X) in Gemini: A brilliant personality, very adaptable but also rather shallow; with a liking for communication, mental outputs, writings, travels... This type frequents busy places, like markets or stock exchanges. The possible trades should satisfy the need for polyvalency: commercial traveller, lecturer, journalist, barrister, teacher, doctor...


We invite you to consider the following information with caution, and to only keep the remarks that confirm former analyses or show them in a different and interesting light. Rules used here are very difficult to draw up and to check (previous lives, karmic encounters...).

Study of the Moon's Nodes.

The axis of the lunar nodes is the intersection of the lunar orbital plane with the ecliptic one. The South Node represents the inheritance from previous lives while the North Node indicates the aim of the present existence.

This person was enjoying pleasure, or power. The present challenge is to forget the fears that generate tension or aggressiveness, and to look for more harmony and serenity.

He/she also used to live in thoughtlessness and mobility. It is now necessary to have a real spiritual, religious or philosophical reflection, to enrich one's inner life.

Study of Saturn.

Saturn represents the karmic lesson: not intrinsically bad, it symbolizes the sense of responsibilities and indicates what life is going to bring us and also what kind of obstacles we shall have to overcome.

This type should master his/her feelings before devoting all his/her inspiration to a noble cause. The studied person has to learn to bear, then to understand and finally to love others. There may be karmic links with the spouse.

Study of House XII.

House XII represents the inner world and all the remote places (hospital, monastery, prison...); it also gives information on the previous life. Saturn, Pluto, Lilith or the South Node in House XII may bring a heavy karma, while the presence of the Sun, Venus or Jupiter can indicate the opposite.

There are some planets in House XII... They can bring either help and inspiration, or hard times, according to the degree of awareness of the subject.

Uranus in XII: originality may be devoted to spiritual evolution.

Pluto in XII: Pluto, with its energy, its investigation abilities and its questioning favors spiritual evolution.

Study of the position of the Lord of the Ascendant.

The Lord of the Ascendant is on the Axis Virgo - Pisces, the axis of trials and constraints: individuals face their physical, moral, emotional or intellectual limitations.

The Lord of the Ascendant is on the Axis of Houses I - VII, the axis of the personality: the Ego facing the Others, the individual facing the society, and the acts that result from this confrontation (associations, contracts, unions or divorces...).

Study of the position of the Sun.

It is necessary to learn to share, to be less primary, to look further ahead.

This type should learn calmness and perseverance.

The Lords of the Karma.

There is at least one planet in conjunction with the South Node of the Moon: the lesson symbolized by this planet may not have been assimilated and this problem should be solved before any future evolution.

This type should develop and use her/his communicating talents.

Analysis of Lilith, the Black Moon...

Lilith, seeking ideal and perfection, symbolizes a mental power, not bothered about feeling, and may lead to destructive attitudes.

Lilith here emphasizes the importance of independence and freedom; it may also sometimes underline relational difficulties with friends.

There may sometimes be health problems. This person has a tendency to forget his/her physical, moral, emotional or intellectual limitations, which could disturb the mental or corporeal balance.

This fascinating person often shows a strong imagination and a great sensuality.

This attractive and fascinating person often attaches importance to the material and financial side of life.

This very sensual person has to learn to control instincts and impulses.

This person may have to go bravely through hard times before any evolution.


The more interesting ways to valorize planets are to find and analyze:

- The Lord(s) of the Ascendant,

- The Lord of the Nativity,

- The planetary links,

- The culminating planet,

- The scout planet,

- The aspects.

First of all, the Lord of the Ascendant:

The EGO of somebody is composed of many facets, but the most important is the Lord of the Ascendant, which says a lot about the personality, at least as much as the Solar Sign. The Lord (or Master or Ruler) of the Ascendant is Mercury in Pisces and in House VII.

Mercury is a small and fast planet, never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun. Mercury was the god of the intellectuals and of the thieves. It symbolizes Reason, and is one of the poles of the conciousness like the Sun. There are two kinds of Mercury: the Gemini type (Air) is mischievous and communicative; the Virgo type (Earth) is reasonable and practical. Mercury is associated with teenage years, trade and communication. A typical Mercury has a nervous constitution.

Then, the Lord of the Nativity:

Its calculation is based on the position of the planets on the different degrees of the zodiac, on their situation compared to the House cusps, on their potential retrogradation and on their daily step (but not on their aspects). This planet marks one's life for ever, like the Lord of the Ascendant. The Lord of the Nativity is Mars in Aries and in House VIII.

Mars symbolizes the active, sexual, passionate instinct; it represents a creative force, able to have a hold on the world. It gives the sense of reality, vitality, virility, aggressiveness... and a "martial" need to assert oneself. Mars is associated with energy, anger, fire, iron, blood, the age of forty. A typical Mars has a bilious constitution.

Other interesting planets in this chart:

Some planets dominate others, through chains of successive masteries (a planet rules all the planets located in the sign(s) where it is said to be in its domicile).


Sun in Aries and House VIII.

Neptune in Scorpio and House III.

Mercury in Pisces and House VII.

Jupiter in Gemini and House X.

Venus in Pisces and House VI.

Saturn in Pisces and House VII.

Moon in Capricorn and House IV.

Uranus in Virgo and House XII.

Pluto in Virgo and House XII.

i.e. 9 planet(s) dominated.

The nearest planet from Medium Coeli is socially important. It is Jupiter in Gemini and in House X.

The scout planet is Mercury in Pisces and in House VII. It is the planet which, on a chart, rises just before the Sun. It marks the personality.

Mercury: the thinker type. Others see him as thoughtful (whose first interests are intellectual), observant, psychologist, rather detached, sometimes superficial, able to find a rational solution to any problem. He often shows talents for communication, advice, lecture or writing.


The 5 most valorized planets are:

Mercury in Pisces and in House VII Importance: 19%

Lord of the Ascendant

Opposition with the Ascendant

In square with Medium Coeli

In square with the Moon

Lord of Medium Coeli

In Exile

In Fall

Scout Planet

Jupiter in Gemini and in House X Importance: 18%

Conjunction with Medium Coeli

Square with the Lord of the Ascendant

In square with the Ascendant

Opposition with the Moon

IInd Lord of the sign where there is a Cluster

In Exile

Highest Planet

Saturn in Pisces and in House VII Importance: 16%

Ident. with the Lord of the Ascendant

Opposition with the Ascendant

In square with Medium Coeli

Heaviest planet of a Cluster

The other planets are less important:

Uranus in Virgo and in House XII Importance: 12%

Pluto in Virgo and in House XII Importance: 12%

Neptune in Scorpio and in House III Importance: 9%

Mars in Aries and in House VIII Importance: 9%

Moon in Capricorn and in House IV Importance: 5%

Sun in Aries and in House VIII Importance: 4%

Venus in Pisces and in House VI Importance: 1%

This makes possible an evaluation of the masculine/feminine components:

Weight of the 3 more important planets among the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus: M= 73%

Weight of the Moon, Venus and Neptune: F = 26%

== > More masculine: dynamism, sense of action and movement, a tendency to provoke and brave events. Activities are turned towards the outside world. Centrifugal principle. Positive - Emission - Active - Air - Fire.

Complementary comments on planets:

Saturn is a giant planet like Jupiter. Planet of ideal, like the Sun and Uranus, it symbolizes self-control but in a repressed or inhibited way. A bad aspect of Saturn actually tends to degrade the nature of the vibrations of the other planet at stake and to distort them. The characteristics of this second planet are then caricatured, even inverted sometimes. Saturn is associated with introversion, withdrawal, intellectual speculation, old age. A typical Saturn has a nervous constitution.

Name Analysis: Hector Nevarez

Expression: 7

The Expression number shows us who we truly are, what we came into this life already knowing. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act. We attract people and situations to us that require our Expression so that they can further evolve. In this way we play the role of teacher. Naturally we are attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so the Expression number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career as well. Our Expression is the vehicle, with all its virtues and vices, that drives us along the path of our Destiny. It is the essence of our identity.

Yours is the path of the mind. Silence and solitude are your doorways into the deep recesses of the mind and the universe. You are the philosopher, the analyst, the seeker and if you'd be willing, the teacher. The time and energy that you spend discovering the microscopic core of things has gifted you with the ability to tap into psychic energy. It is with this energy that you can separate the true from the false.

Soul Urge: 22

The Soul Urge number has also been called Heart's Desire and Spiritual Urge. It is our secret, innermost longing. Our dream, our motivation, the fuel that energizes our journey. The Soul Urge number reveals what we secretly strive to be or accomplish. Some have said that this number tells us what we have been in previous lifetimes, the accumulated growth of our soul.

You have expansive aims that involve building a better world and giving back to it what it has given to you. you are attracted to other high minded idealists and are motivated by an inner urge to amass great riches and power with which to practically carry out your philanthropic plans. Honest and ethical, you will be given what you need to fulfill your aims.

Persona: 3

The Persona number describes the way we appear to the outside world, the first impression people have of us. We may not even be aware of how we are perceived by others because we are so often focused on our inner world, and many times the inner does not match the outer. Persona gives us a peek at some hidden talents we have. The talents that we use to get along in the world and in some instances, protect us from it. It is likened to a bag of tools (jewels) that we carry with us along the way.

There seems to be a golden glow of optimism and joy around you wherever you go. You are witty and playful, and your idealistic nature irresistibly draws the little child out of everyone you meet. Ever creative and interesting to talk to, you are never long without people to cluster around your radiance. You enjoy dressing up and are very creative with accessories. You've got a style all your own, even if you don't follow fashion.

Natal Analysis: April 10, 1966

Personal Year: 4

Organization, practicality, analysis, and productivity, are the words that describe this time. Now is when the creative drive of the passing 3 vibration needs to be harnessed and directed. Systematic efforts and honest, hard work are sure to pay off if you use this vibration wisely. The number 4 symbolizes Earth and the four directions. It is time to focus on Earthly matters, save for the future, and build a foundation for what is to come. Health of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit is another practical and important undertaking during this time.

Personal Month: 6

This is the month for harmony. Give loving advise when it's asked for. Re-decorate the family room. Go house shopping. Volunteer to help the needy. Feed a stray animal.

Personal Day: 7

Be alone. The thinker. Hang out in the library all day or find a secluded place out-of-doors. Profound ideas can be thought of today. Meditate, rest, and listen to Gregorian chants. Wear dark colors to shield you from prying eyes.

Destiny: 9

The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny.

You contain all of the qualities of the humanitarian. Patient, wise and compassionate, you love in a way that can choose no favorites. You are here to love and to serve all equally and without prejudice. Others are drawn to you as a role model and it is your responsibility in life to be the embodiment of integrity, wisdom and inspiration. You are attracted to the fine arts and philosophy and you seem to have a direct line to higher wisdom. You will always receive all that you need. It is important that you focus your attention on service.


The destiny is divided into 3 great cycles, each governing us for specific durations throughout our life. The Seed cycle begins at birth and colors our experiences through childhood and adolescence. During the year nearest our 28th birthday, we move into the Fruit cycle which remains throughout the middle part of our life until the year nearest our 56th birthday, and the Harvest cycle carries on from there. Taken all together, the cycles show us our particular path that will lead to the fulfillment of our destiny.

Seed: 4

When the 4 is the seed cycle, there may be some sort of learning difficulty, dyslexia or lack of application. Sometimes there is a stubbornness that sets in because of the 4 energy pressuring the child into routine, order and responsibility. Fours are usually required to begin working for a living at an early age, even if only to earn their allowance.

Fruit: 1

Initiation, independence, ambition and self-reliance are the key words during this cycle. It is a good time to work on the development and expression of original, and creative ideas. Self-confidence, strength of character and will are prevalent and success in your own business is likely.

Harvest: 22

This cycle could find you the head or spokes person of a huge or international organization. Many times it's a spiritual organization, however it could just as well be an environmental or political one so long as it influences humanity in a positive and lasting way. There is an urge to build things now, that will outlive yourself, and that will continue to affect the world and it's people. Often fame can be an outcome of this cycle.


The four pinnacles reveal the high spots or heights of attainment that we are likely to encounter as we move along the path of our life. The 1st pinnacle lasts from birth to around age 28. The 2nd pinnacle lasts for 9 years after that. the 3rd pinnacle lasts 9 more years, and the 4th pinnacle carries on through the rest of our life. The peak of the pinnacle is reached during the next 1 personal year. Pinnacles are like sudden inheritances from a benevolent aunt, they can transform the prevailing energies completely and suddenly. It is useful to look ahead and prepare for our pinnacles so that we can maximize their gifts to us and shape them into the most positive manifestation.

First Pinnacle: 5

The emphasis is on expansion through the mind, through stimulants, or through sensual exploration. Love affairs during this time will be intense and plenty. One may lead to marriage if it is stimulating enough to deter you from all of the likely temptations coming your way.

Second Pinnacle: 5

The 5 pinnacle will bring opportunities for freedom in any area that there has been stagnation, so changes in job, relationships or residence are common. If there is a resistance to change, it may be manifested through something or someone seeming to force it. Either way the change will occur.

Third Pinnacle: 1

A new phase of life is emerging and it is the time to lay down the foundation. To shape and mold a new vision, the ideal vision of your creation, your life.

Fourth Pinnacle: 8

During this time you are likely to be in a position of authority. Money, accomplishment, and recognition are side effects of this energy of 8. It is a period of harvest, and you are reaping from the seeds you have sown up until now. You have great courage and fair judgment at this time of your life.


The three challenges show us the major influences demanding our attention during specific sections of our lifetime. The 1st challenge influences the years from birth to age 28. The 2nd challenge takes over from age 28 to 52, and the third affects us our whole life. Challenges shape our attitudes and can affect our health. These vibrations that challenge us, cause either an exaggeration of the associated qualities or a lack of them, both of which are extremes which need to be brought into balance.

First Challenge: 3

3 challenge children are either too doted on or too neglected by their parents. They are usually an only child, the only boy or only girl or the oldest or youngest. They may have played the role of "friend" to their parents. It is due to this that they learn to perform, and please for love. As they grow up the 3 sees themselves as a fairy princess or handsome prince one day and an ugly duckling the next. They are on the constant lookout for signs of approval.

Second Challenge: 3

Freedom of expression and communication are the challenges of three. There is either too much freedom, as in gossip, chatterboxes and vanity regarding appearance and talents, or the 3 is fearful of expressing their innate creativity and insecure about their looks. Three's are often childish in behavior and sometimes play games with jealousy and aloofness. To three's friendship equals love and they are fiercely loyal to their friends, often to the exclusion of their family or marriage partner. The balance comes by bringing focus and initiative to their creative ideas and expression, and following through when boredom or another idea or project comes to mind. In accomplishing small aims, three will develop the confidence to share more with the world.

Third Challenge: 0

The 0 challenge contains the essence of the previous eight challenges. Any or all of the lessons may be required or it could mean that you were born with an understanding of all nine challenges and you will be required to use your understanding wisely. Life will seem like a pendulum of opposites that you are challenged to bring into balance. 0 challenge holders are deeply romantic, in fact it may seem that they are misplaced souls from an era of chivalry, sacrifice or poetic genius. It is the challenge of 0 to develop discernment when it comes to "helping others", and to evolve a healthy dose of self-Love with which to love others. The number 0 loves with a depth that is seldom understood by those on the other paths. They are life-long searchers for a recipient of their love, their compassion and their selflessness. They must sometimes learn again and again that suffering does not equal love.

Soul Mate Synergy




A new path to tread

03:58 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 743

I am going to begin to write a differant line of stories, more for children than the norm I do. They will be short but sweet.. hope you love..



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