The reddest of roses, I'll not give thee
Though it's color reflects the blood
I would give for thee
The rose of yellow I'll not give thee
Though it's shade shines forth
Like the rays of my love for thee
The rose of white, I'll not give thee
Though in it's paleness lives my loves
T'is the rose of black that I present
to thee
It's color a mix of all I feel for thee
The reddest blood of love it shows
The brightest rays of loves hope as well
The depths of loves purity and passion too
As darkest depths and brightest hopes show
For love of you, I give it all
For hope of you, I would take the fall
For love you, I would risk it all
For you alone, my heart does beat
For you alone, my blood does flow
Foever passioned, in dark and light
Forever hopeful, the spark of life.