I have long held to the notion that all life brings something to the table, so to speak, that wouldn't be there without it being here. That goes for all life but for now let's just focus on other humans.
I know we have all seen that one person in any crowd that doesn't quite fit in. No matter what they do they stick out like a sore thumb. Others seem to recognize this and shun them. I am usually one of those people because I refuse to live like others think I should and I refuse to look like others think I should. If my hair is red, it is vivid red. If my hair is what I really like, it is blue, purple or something like that. It is my way.
As I result of always being on the outside looking in, I have a soft spot for the underdog. Can you imagine how much richer life would be if everyone had a place to feel safe and appreciated? Can you imagine how many great ideas the "underdogs" have that are just waiting for someone to listen and help them find wings to set them soaring?
I believe that the way you treat the "lowliest" of people is the shadow of what really makes you up. Here's to better days and taller shadows.