Most would believe a BullDonkey is a cross between a bull, and a donkey.
I'm here to tell you how wrong you have been your entire life....
Once upon a time a bull wandered past a river. He was typical. Very stable, good provider. Only bulls have buttons, and when pushed they go stark raving mad.. usually.
So this bull is steadily striding when he hears the most foul sound he has ever heard in his life!
It just happened to be a donkey, the bull didn't know what this weird beast was. His nose furled at the sound, and smell. This donkey in particular was really drunk off of some fermenting berries he ate. Did I mention the donkey was addicted to fermented berries? Well that isn't really important.
Ok, shut up.
So when the bull made eye contact with those crossed eyes he suddenly got drunk too. The donkey made the bull eat fermented berries as if the bull was under a spell.
So they got super drunk, and splashed around the watering hole.
Low, and behold the whole time the berries had a spell on them, some witch cast. Except that is kinda pointless so forget the witch, and the spell. Moving on.
That night the bull, and the donkey got into shennanigans. They trolled the town, pulled pranks, and loved on female beasts.
They caused so much comotion that anytime someone got drunk in the animal town they called it BullDonkey.
Now a days we call it painting the town red, raising the roof, getting routy. Originally these were called BullDonkey.
Now you know the truth, about BullDonkey.
The End.. ?
18:01 Nov 06 2017
So what you are trying to say is that we have to watch out for you, BullDonkey.