Isn't it funny how you can tell whether you'll be friends with someone within the first few messages?
I love The Kite Runner. It's just so tragically beautiful.
Well, aside from almost being killed last night, turned out to be a good Christmas. :)
Need to find a new vet for my dogs. -_-
Really thought I found a place I liked, but apparently not. Heard from an employee how awful the vet really is with the animals.
It's just hard knowing who to trust my animals with. I know, it sounds stupid. But my dogs are really like my kids. They mean more to me than anyone, and their care is number one to me. I just have such a hard time trusting people. How do I find the right place, and know that it is good? I want a vet that truly cares for the well being of my animals, and doesn't try to rip me off.
The search begins. -_-
Something you might want to consider is one,that chooling they spent year going through int cheap.It can cost over 150,000 to become a vet,depending what one goes into.
Two,MOST,vets go into it because of their love of animals.
Three,supplies and medications are a little bit less expensive for the vet to buy,but not much.
Thats just a small part of the otherside..the side that most dont even take into consideration.
Looks like my S key was sticking.My apologies.
I understand that, but I have had a lot of bad experiences with vets. Either they extremely overcharge me for ridiculous things ($10 to throw away a razor, etc.) or they don't care about my concerns or the well being of my animals. I feel like they are only in it for profit. In this case, an employee told me how bad the vet treated animals in his care, in some cases "accidentely" breaking an animal's neck.
It just makes me nervous trying to find a new vet to trust caring for my dogs after so many bad experiences.
I'm so sick of people expecting more out of me than I can give. This is all I have to offer, and I mean that. There isn't much more. I don't know what you were expecting.
I'm in such a great mood today. -_-