Barbara, I hate you so damn much.
But, compared to our new lady, you're my best fucking friend. And, dare I say, a good teacher?
This new lady is a fucking moron. She's 40-something, and is less mature than I am.
Yesterday was her second day. She ran out of the classroom, screaming at Sandee, the director, our boss, about her missing cell phone.
Really? It's your second day and you're going to pull that shit? Don't fuck with Sandee. She's a malicious bitch, and you'll pay for whatever way you fuck her over and make her mad. But moving on.
For one: We aren't allowed to have cell phones at all while on the clock. They either need to be in our cars or in the office. So running to the director saying you've lost your phone won't do you any good. It's only going to get you into trouble.
For two: It's your second day. You should be on your best behavior. Yelling at your boss, let alone acusing her of stealing your personal items? Insane.
For three: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IT GOT LOST YOU DUMB BITCH??? You left your purse open on the floor with a bunch of two and three-year olds running around. Do we really need to stop and think about how it could have possibly gone missing? And besides that, you had a ton of pill bottles in your purse. What if the kids played with that instead?
Somehow, we've sunk lower than Barbara's poor teaching skills. Just when I thought we couldn't find anyone worse, you proved me wrong.
I work with a bunch of fucking morons.
Finally got my room cleaned up. It's been needing that extremely bad. But having the holiday weekend off, I've had time to do that. Also, I did all of my laundry, which is awesome. I feel so clean now. :)
Christmas was good I suppose. It had a different feel this year, but I'm not sure what. Perhaps it was because there was absolutely no snow on the ground? I don't know why, but all of December, it felt so much like Christmas. You know that feeling? And then, the week before Christmas, nothing. I don't know. Very weird. But whatever I guess. It's over now.
My sister got me new TOMS, which I needed BADLY. My old ones were torn to shit. I got tickets to the Boston and Jazz game (FUCK YEAH!) and I can't wait! That's going to be the best night. I got a new Jazz jersey, D. Will. But I'm thinking I'll have to wear a Celtics shirt underneath it when I go to the game. My mom gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble, which is perfect. I've been wanting some new books.
It was a good year.
I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. This break has been all too perfect.
You all seem like a bunch of hypocritical, egotistical douchebags to me.
Wow, just lost major respect for you.
Pretty sleezy thing to do.
I need to quit my job.
I've been sick for the last six months straight. And a month before that I was sick for four months straight. I can't handle the germs at all. Holy shit. This is just awful. I can't get better and I really think the only way I will is to quit. I really don't want to, but damn. I think I'm going to die.
Come on Baltimore, seriously. What the fuck.
I know. They've got a serious case of cranial rectinitis going on today.
Seriously. To have so many points on them, and let them get it all back? What the fuckkk. Luckily they won in overtime or I would have lost it.
This cop almost backs into my car and hits me, and then honks at me and flips me off.
Well fuck you too then.
Don't be mad because your city sucks.
Fucking South Salt Lake...
I love my dad.
He may so hard to understand and deal with, but he does a lot for me. Much more than my mom ever did for me. I'm just amazed with the fact that I can ask for a favor or complain about something to him and he will jump to do it or fix it, no matter what. I don't ever want him to think that I take advantage of him, because I don't, though some may think that.
But it's just when he does these things for me, it seems as though that is th only way we connect. I wish I could find different ways, but he is so hard to figure out. So, I look like I am taking advantage. But in all honesty, I just want a reason to be able to talk to him. To have something to talk about.
He's amazing though, and I love him.
It really fucking bothers me when people put up a list of their favorite music and bands. That's totally fine when you have your top ten. But when I have a scroll down through 200+ bands, I get so annoyed. You don't need to list every damn band you've listened to in your life. Shiiit.
I get it, it's your profile, write what you want.
But it bothers me so damn much.
I don't know why, but it does :)
I am so damn attracted to you. But if I keep this up it's going to get one of us into a lot of trouble, mainly you.