BrokenChild's Journal


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Love gone wrong...

01:16 Sep 14 2005
Times Read: 610

This is a really disjointed and sort of cheesy (in my mind, anyway) story that I wrote for one of my required classes at school. The teacher thought that it was a “creative writing style”. I laughed. She seemed to have thought that it was acceptable. I left it rather unfinished as it was for school. If anyone cares to know the way that it might have ended, (as I haven’t written it yet) please send me a message. I don’t know how graphic it would have been, but with the way that things are running right now in my life, I can tell you that the ending will be rather graphic. (It was also an interesting attempt to write a story with no actual dialog. I will probably never try to do that again.)

Just so that you know, I had a rather hard time deciding whether to make Chris a guy or a girl. That is why Chris’s name is mentioned so much. I didn’t want to say “he, she, him, or her” because I didn’t want to wind up in a certain mindset, because that throws my writing off if I decide to change a person’s sex in the future. I decided upon a girl because that is more socially accepted and is recognized by the government. I will be creating a different version where Chris is a guy. Tell me if you want that version, as well, in a message.

One final thing I would like you to note: you will see the names Daron, Chris, Sarah, and David in many of my writings. This is because they hold a special meaning to me as a writer and to me as a person. They have become part of who I am and part of my life. I continually tell part of their confusing story in what I write. Some of this stuff is truth, and some of it is not. I don’t mean that it has just happened to me or to them, this kind of thing happens all of the time and many people fail to realize that. If you decide to ‘diss’ one of my characters, I will take it personally, even if you are joking


Daron rang the doorbell at Chris’s house. Moments later Chris opened the door, smiling and invited Daron in. Daron noticed, upon entry, that several of Chris’s friends were over. Textbooks were scattered all over the living room and Chris’s friends appeared to be studying. Before Chris had a chance to enter the living room, Daron pulled Chris aside, telling Chris to ask her friends to leave. Chris asked why and Daron said that she didn’t need her friends as long as she had him as her boyfriend. When Chris went to refuse, Daron pressured her more, telling her that he had seen her friends doing drugs behind the school on Tuesday. Chris shook her head in denial. Daron just shrugged saying that they didn’t want to tell her because they knew she disapproved of that type of thing. Chris relented at this and asked her friends to leave. They left reluctantly. Daron made a mental note of the new story that he had come up with. Chris sighed as she flopped onto the couch. She motioned for Daron to sit next to her, stating that she needed to talk to him anyway. Questions appeared in Daron’s mind but he figured that he would see what would happen. Over the next half an hour, Chris explained how she had tried to kill her best friend’s little brother and, when that attempt failed, how she had tried to commit suicide. Daron shook his head. Before Daron could comment, there was a frantic knocking at the door. Chris jumped up and answered the door. A man about seventeen years of age stood there. He asked about the whereabouts of his girlfriend, Sarah. Chris said that Sarah had left a while ago. David nodded his thanks and left. Daron thought that it was odd for someone’s boyfriend to show up on another girl’s doorstep, but he shook it off. As Chris was returning to her seat on the couch, the phone rang. It was David. After telling David that Sarah was indeed not there, Chris called Sarah. Briefing Sarah on the events of the past few minutes, Chris suggested that David was stalking Sarah. Sarah immediately denied it, saying that he was only looking out for her well being. Sighing, Chris hung up the phone. When Chris was finally seated back on the couch, Daron felt that it was time to ask his questions, starting first and foremost with his question on whether or not she and David were going together. Chris said that they weren’t but Daron didn’t believe her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Daron roughly pulled Chris to her feet, yelling that she was lying to him. Shaking her head frantically, Chris stared at Daron, fear evident in her eyes. Daron slapped Chris across the face, calling her a bitch. Chris recoiled, her hand rising to her face, eyes wide. Daron was furious. He was so sure that Chris was lying and that the only way to get the truth out of her was to beat it out of her. Coming away minutes later with bloody knuckles, Daron realized his mistake. Bending down to help his battered girlfriend, Daron helped her to the kitchen, apologizing the whole way. Chris stopped him once they got to the kitchen, telling him that everything was fine. After applying ice to Chris’s bruises, the pair returned to the living room. Daron lit the fireplace to warm up the room. Soon it was nice and cozy and Chris was snuggled up to Daron. Daron’s arm was draped across Chris’s shoulders. His mind wandered back to earlier that evening. He still didn’t believe Chris about David. Daron figured that she was sleeping with David and wouldn’t admit it because she didn’t want to lose Daron. Daron figured that he would prove once and for all that he was better than any man. Gently laying Chris down on the couch, he stood up then straddled her. Chris asked what he was doing, but Daron refused to answer. Chris struggled and pushed against Daron but Daron just grabbed her hands and held them still. Chris called out for help, but no one came to her aid.



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