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you know i eat inside knowing those gangs took from you i got stronger i have, its me vortex anyways i am taking 5 different karate classes now and i am hunting gangs and tearing them to the law and hurting them myself. i gues i feel the blame because i lost my family to gangs and so i say to you if they should get me remember there is those who care and will fight it to the grave.
09:19 Jun 09 2009
you know i eat inside knowing those gangs took from you i got stronger i have, its me vortex anyways i am taking 5 different karate classes now and i am hunting gangs and tearing them to the law and hurting them myself. i gues i feel the blame because i lost my family to gangs and so i say to you if they should get me remember there is those who care and will fight it to the grave.