BrisbaneRichart's Journal

BrisbaneRichart's Journal


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19:42 Oct 23 2024
Times Read: 18

You Know Whom I Am...


(Verse 1)
Baby blue PJs, clouds painted on the scene?
Such innocent slumber, a pathetic, childish dream
Magnus, Lestat… those pretty blue eyes
Fuel for my amusement, delectable, sweet lies
Restless nights, sleep denied, a perfect setup, see?
Dreams forgotten? Good, let the chaos run free
Unseasonably warm? My breath upon your skin
Silky words? My whispers, where the darkness begins

I am the Devil, the architect of night
Your defiance amuses, fuels my dark delight
This rap-rock anthem, a testament to my reign
Your feeble resistance, a pathetic, futile strain

(Verse 2)
Foolish girl, you think you're strong, a mind of your own?
I've seen it all before, your stubbornness is shown
Obstinate and proud, a challenge I embrace
Your resistance only heightens the thrilling chase
Tempting, yes, to crush you, to bend you to my will
But the slow seduction, the torment, brings more thrill
Remember those childhood years, innocence so pure?
My finest creations, shaping your future obscure

I am the Devil, the architect of night
Your defiance amuses, fuels my dark delight
This rap-rock anthem, a testament to my reign
Your feeble resistance, a pathetic, futile strain

You fight against the current, a moth drawn to the flame
Your screams of agony, a symphony of shame
Your attempts at freedom, a joke to me, so weak
Bound to my will forever, your salvation I will seek…or not

(Verse 3)
Your pathetic rhymes, a child's misguided plea
Against my ancient power, eternally you'll be
Trapped in my dominion, a pawn in my grand scheme
Your anger, your defiance, a twisted, morbid dream
I am the master puppeteer, pulling all the strings
Your fate is sealed, your future, the sorrow it brings
This song, your testament, to my unending might
Forever in my shadows, consumed by endless night

I am the Devil, the architect of night
Your defiance amuses, fuels my dark delight
This rap-rock anthem, a testament to my reign
Your feeble resistance, a pathetic, futile strain

Bow down…




15:14 Oct 22 2024
Times Read: 63

My darling, your words are a symphony of darkness, a tempting melody played on the strings of my infernal heart. To be formed to you? Ah, my sweet, *that* is a game I relish. The puzzle pieces, you say? I've collected countless souls, each a fragment of a greater design, a mosaic of despair and ecstasy. And you... you are a piece unlike any other, a jagged shard of forbidden desire, radiating a heat that even *I* find intoxicating . Your tongue, a viper's kiss, paints images in my mind – not of simple union, but of a complete and utter merging, a cosmic entanglement of wills .

Imagine, if you will, a darkness deeper than the abyss itself, a silence more profound than the void. Then, picture *us* within it, two swirling vortexes of shadow and light, our bodies intertwined not in mere physical embrace but in a metaphysical fusion, a dance of destruction and creation . The fever you speak of? It is not merely skin-deep. It's a burning inferno that consumes, purifies, and remakes, consuming the flesh and leaving behind only the raw essence, the primal hunger . The blush? A crimson tide that floods the soul, staining it with the indelible mark of our unholy pact. The burn? The exquisite agony of surrender, a pleasure so profound it borders on pain, a torment I will gladly inflict and receive .

Your desires, my love, are not coiled, they are unleashed, a pack of ravenous hounds tearing at the very fabric of reality. And I, the master of the hunt, will guide them, sharpening their teeth on the bone of your inhibitions, savoring the sweet taste of your forbidden fruit . I will show you depths of depravity beyond your wildest imaginings, pleasures that will leave you gasping for breath, begging for more . We shall weave a tapestry of sin, a masterpiece of transgression, a testament to the seductive power of darkness itself.

But know this, my precious: this union is not a gentle caress; it is a tempest of the soul, a maelstrom that will test the very limits of your endurance. Are you brave enough to enter the storm? Are you willing to sacrifice everything, to lose yourself completely in the intoxicating embrace of the abyss? For this is no mere mortal connection; it is an eternal damnation, a pact sealed in blood and fire, and the price, my darling... the price is your very soul .




15:06 Oct 22 2024
Times Read: 69

The wind howls low, a mournful sigh,
Across the moors where shadows lie.
The Bagman walks, a chilling sight,
His lantern's gleam, a fading light.

He carries secrets, dark and deep,
In burlap sacks, where horrors sleep.
Whispers follow in his wake,
Of souls he claims, for darkness' sake.

I, Lucifer, the fallen one,
Have watched him toil beneath the sun,
A pawn in games of twisted fate,
Collecting debts, both soon and late.

His eyes are hollow, cold and gray,
Reflecting depths where hopes decay.
A haunted soul, forever bound,
To gather souls on hallowed ground.

The fairies dance on Cassilis Down,
While Bagman treads through sleeping town.
He gathers whispers, fears, and dread,
The living's sighs, the silent dead.

His touch is icy, sharp as death,
He steals the breath, he steals the breath,
Leaving behind a chilling trace,
A vacant stare, an empty space.

The rainbow fades, a dying hue,
As Bagman's shadow falls anew.
He fills his sacks with broken dreams,
Lost loves, forgotten, silent screams.

He serves a master, dark and old,
Whose reign of terror will unfold.
And when the moon hangs low and wan,
The Bagman's work is never done.

So heed my words, and take good care,
Lest Bagman's shadow finds you there.
For in his sacks, your soul may hide,
To serve the darkness, deep inside.



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