Today was embrace the fook day in the case of the weather here. It rained it was sunny it was rainy it was sunny it rained it was sunny. It rained got into cab and got asked out on a date by a guy that said I looked like his ex girlfriend.
If I looked like an ex girlfriend why would you want to date me? Se ate your heart and spat it out. What makes you think I wont do the same?
mmm I told him I was seeing some one and he went oh.
I was like yep? He asked what I was doing for the weekend. I said I dont really know it is my birthday and well my roommates are doing something. then saturday doll con then sunday church why?
He shut up he said uh nothing.
I was like what are you doing ?
Today two of my roommates get back and ask what does this rock look like to you I said red tiger eye with hematite. Why? Well Jim ( marilyn's husband) Said it was my ass) I looked at it and said man I have a lumpy butt. He got red in the face and walked away,
I have been on my profile for a few days now. Did nothing to anyone and apparently I am the c word because honor was taken which make me wonder why I dont see the chicken who took it and understand why I am a C word and why the honor was taken away. Most Vr people on here are nice there are a few crazy ones but dang negative honor is this a joke?
It has been a while have not been on here since AEM so that should tell you something. Old schooler. hehe Looking forward to seeing old peeps and maybe making new friends with new people.
Look forward to being in sippa coven he is an old friend and no joke missed the dickens out of him. He made me always laugh.
I need to laugh now.