So, there was this kid in my school that was stalking me for the past week or so and i didnt figure it out until a few nights last night, i was talking to thins kid and i told him that if he didnt cool it, then my boyfriend was going to kick his ass if he has to..which is true, but he's not my boyfriend yet. i really want him to because he's the best, but i'm kinda scared because he always talks about not being laid in two years. But he has reassured me that that is not all of what he is about. He really is a nice guy, and i have figured that out. but i still worry, not really saying im a virgin, but my parents and pretty much my whole family know that he hasnt been laid in two years and they'll kill this kid if he tries anything. But if he does, i may not let him, let alone tell my parents. And me and my bestest friend only know that i'm not a virgin. But now everyone who reads this will know too. But thats ok because none of you know who my parents are. hahahaha. So, i told this guy last night that i like him and he said that he likes me too, but i dont know if he meant it the same way i did....hmmm..but then when i told him that im depressed and maybe i should have let this kid stalk me and kill me, my guy was all depressed..we both are really..its quite strange. But he said no because he wouldnt have anyone to like and look forward to talking to on the phone for hours at a time everyday. Plus, he wouldnt have a date on Saturday..which was totally news to me. So i guess now we're going on a date, just the two of us..not a double date like we did the first time with my bestest friend and her boyfriend. Just me and him...oh gods. i hope i dont screw up in some way..please..but yeah, i have to go..class is over....later
I have no idea why, but i am really happy today..Oh wait, i know why. Because I'M GOING ON A DATE!! duh. so i was supposed to go out with him yesterday, but i got in trouble because i didnt turn in a stupid paper on time. wtf is that? stupid fuckers. I dont understand. so today im finally going to wear my new outfit for him and his jaw is going to fricken drop to the floor. It is going to be hularious, i can not wait. WOO HOO WOO HOO HOO!!! i cant believe i just saqid that.....oh gods. that is the oldest thing, that was part of one of our marching band shows some years ago now. Oh, so today we're having rehearsal right after school until 5:30. So its going to be like a wednesday rehearsal, but only 2 and a half hours instead of three. it sucks. But yeah, thats all i have for today, I'll be sure to write more on monday..
OMGs!!! Why am i still a god damn whelp?? piss and moan...bitches. So, i just got back from my VERY last wednesday night marching band rehearsal EVER!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!! but at the same time its kinda sad. Kinda, key word. So, i'm FINALLY going to get together with this boy that i like, and he supposively really likes me too tomorrow. FINALLY!!!! It's about damn time too. The damn fool kept delaying...but now we're going to hook up. And then friday after our school rehearsal at 5:30, im going on a double date with this boy, my bestest friend, and her boy..that oughta be exciing. Well, i have to go for now, but i'll write more tomorrow morning bright and earl in zero hour...SUCKYY!!!
God damn...I was supposed to meet this kid I like yesterday, but he couldn't at the last second because he had a meeting for his trip to Europe in the coming summer..So it was supposed to be today, He has a doctors appointment and his work schedule changed...Damn him. So, i was at my mom's store last night online, becasue i dont have the internet at home (which sucks ass), anywayz, i saw that he was online, so i asked him if we were still on for now today, tuesday...he didnt answer, so i thought, great he's not talking to me now...damnit. About a half an hour later, he IMs me saying 'boo'. it actually kind of scared me because the screen popped up when i was working...damn fool, so then we were talking for a while and my mom called my sister's cell and said that i needed to come home and go to bed. I looked at the time and it was 11 pm. No wonder i was so tired. You see, i have to wake up at 5 am for my zero hour class which starts at 6:40. It sucks. So anywayz, i told him i had to go and he told me to call him before i went to i did and we talked for fucking 3 hours. I was sooo tired it wasnt even cool. But then my mom decided to be cool and disconnect the phone line. Stupid bitch...but yeah, after she went to bed, i called him back and we talked for about another hour..then, i told him i had to go to bed, so...i dont know..he's retarded. But thats ok, because i like him and he's i guess its all good. For now anywayz.
I AM A VERY PISSED PUPPY RIGHT NOW!!! im just so tired of my saxophone section being gay. Yesterday during sectionals, my "friend" Cody, told me he thought we should go inside and play..i said no because we need to work on marching and playing. "Well i still say we should go n side and play because if you listen to the video from saturday night, you'll notice that we need to work on playing". I told him that we need to be outside playing and marching because that is our weak spot. Underclassmen are playing and march at the same time...duh. and cody just kept complaining and arguing with me and i had the section do a couple more sets and then decided to make cody happy by having them play. So, i tell the saxophones to come in a circle around me. Somebody asked me if we were going to play and i said yeah because somebody (and i looked over at cody) keeps bitching at me about it. And cody just totally lost it. He said "Well im going to get my fucking saxophone and im going to fucking play my fucking saxophone and im going to do every fucking thing you tell me to do and im not going to fucking say a fucking thing so you cant say shit to my fucking face". and he stormed off to get his instrument. i was all,...whoa. But then iit hit me. everybody was all poor cody...fuckers. and then this asshole said that i deserved being bitched at. so i just lost and and tears came down my face. so i threw the drumsticks down and walked off. we had sectionals till 5 every thursday, but not yesterday..but class is over so i'll write more on monday.
I'm having the best day today....that is until i got to school. I hate people, they annoy me too much. So, last night when i got home, i walked around the house looking for something to do. Of course there was nothing to do, so i decided i wanted to eat. And again, of course there was nothing to eat in our house. Gay...i was actually pretty hungry. So, i didnt eat for the rest of the night. I actually got to the point where i was so hungry, the thought of food made me sick. But anyways, I took a soprano saxophone home from the school because i wanted to. So at home i'm playing it and having fun, and one of my ex-boyfriends walks in the kitchen. I wondered why in the hell he just walked right into my house...especially without knocking. Asshole. So i just ignored him and kept playing. Since i'm new at this saxophone, i kept squeeking. i was getting pretty pissed, and this kid kept laughing at me. So i put down the saxophone, and ran to him and tackled him. We were in a little wrestling ball when my mom came home around 7:30. A little note, my mom hates this kid. So shes all pissed and i'm laughing because shes getting all red in the face and she marches off to the back door and slams it on her way out to my dads garage. I was laughing my ass off. It was hularious. So, my ex, Randy, got up and literally hid behind the couch...omg's. what a fag. He's 22, to let you know. And he hid, behind the couch. Wow. so, yeah...i get to meet this guy on monday and im totally pumped for it...he's really cute and i'm sooooo....HAPPY!!! but yeah, thats all i have for today..
ok, so i wake up this morning, and i can't see a damn thing. I rub at my eyes thinking that there was something in my eyes, like usual. But no, i couldnt see a damn thinkin', "what the hell?" so, i stumble out of bed and somehow i fell on a person. There was somebody by my bed? I reach down to feel what it is or who it is, and I was bit. I screeched and pulled my hands back. I remember saying "fuck" a little to loud, and then i heard laughing. Of course it was my sister laughing because we share a room...which sucks ass, but not really because when we need to clean, she's the one who always ends up cleaning our room, not me. But anyway, so yeah, i still cant see a darn thing, right? So, i asked her what it was that was on the floor. She told me that i should look. Well, um...yeah. Kind of impossible. And then i hear different laughing. A male voice. I'm thinkin "oh shit", because, when i sleep, i sleep in my bra a dn underwear because it is this person got a look at me....god damn it. So i reach down again, and i feel the head of the male...and, it was my sisters best guy friend sleeping on the floor. Ryan Hansard. I said "goddamnit ryan!! you fucking asshole bastard of a bitch!!" my sister and ryan just started laughing their asses off. jerks. So, and the only thing i could think to do, was to kick himm hard in the ribs. But, when i kicked him, it wasnt in the ribs. I got his he cried and i laughed my ass off that time. it was pretty damn hularious. but i knew it was mean so i said i was sorry and off i went to take my shower. and that was my eventful morning in the Link house.