Lmao! Oh no! Men everywhere other than gay men cannot ejaculate unless you're trying to make a baby
You can be charged $10,000 per ejaculation.
Democrats Plan to Introduce Bill Criminalizing Ejaculation Unless it’s LGBTQIAAP2S+
Ohio Democrat state Reps. Anita Somani and Tristan Rader announced they plan to introduce the ‘Conception Begins at Erection Act’ which would make ejaculation a felony if the semen was released in a manner not consistent with a few exceptions, such as a gay orgasm within the LGBTQIAAP2S+ community.
: Ohio lawmakers have proposed a new law that bans men from ejaculating without intent of conception, would fine men up to $10,000 per ejaculation
“The bill would make it a felony for a man to have unprotected sex without wanting a baby,” Ohio 19 News said Thursday night. “It does have some exceptions. It doesn’t apply if protection or contraception is used, if someone is masturbating, or donating sperm and it doesn’t apply to members of the LGBTQ+ community.”
21:57 Feb 14 2025
Yeah seen that how stupid can people be, what's next ?
21:58 Feb 14 2025
What about the old timers that have been clipped, no more see with wives asking for friend. Lol
22:22 Feb 14 2025
I don't know what's next but this is ridiculous
22:25 Feb 14 2025
I however will say it's plain ignorance if a man or woman has unprotected sex.
08:02 Feb 15 2025
👀 Excuse my french but WTF now? lol I wonder how they plan to enforce it. Just when you think you have seen the most retarded things in life something comes along that’s just even more absurd to take its place. What next they banned masterbation and sex all together?
14:54 Feb 15 2025
Thanks for not making this political.
So many things about this bill doesn't seem very well thought out.
What happens when a condom breaks?
What happens when a couple gets pregnant using protection? Accidents happen
Will they charge a guy if his wife or girlfriend forgets to take the pill?
If they plan on putting fines on people for unprotected sex. They should fine the male and female.
Every human being should be responsible enough to use birth control.
I wonder what happens if the guy can't afford the fine? Like teenagers. I guess the jails will be full.
Idk I just think this bill wasn't very well thought out.
15:02 Feb 15 2025
Lunartides, your question will they ban sex altogether?
Probably start orchiectomy on men next. Idk
15:23 Feb 15 2025
*shivers* That hurts the testicles I don’t have. It’s pretty much castration and I feel genital mutilation if it comes to that. No different than different cultures cutting of the women’s clitoris. SMH I hope this stupid law doesn’t pass. Usually other states follow suit on dumb stuff like this.
16:04 Feb 15 2025
I don't know what but I can agree something has to be done to cut down so many abortions.
20:07 Feb 15 2025
Delete the only comment that didn't agree with you? You Sir are a coward and not half the man I thought you were. Delete that!
20:20 Feb 15 2025
OS I deleted your comment because you were trying to make my post political. I posted it thinking there maybe a peaceful discussion about the bill.
And the comment me being a coward and not half the man you thought I was is your opinion and you have the right to your opinion. I'm sorry you feel like that towards me but that's ok. I love you as a human being anyway.