People are Strange, but I talk to them anyway. Blood Mother Blog
“Alexander Lowen said that man’s natural behavior is open to life and to love. However, our culture has led us to believe that this is not so, that we must be closed and mistrustful. We think that by acting in this way, we will not be hurt by life’s surprises - but in fact what happens is, we are not taking advantage of our lives.”
How true indeed S even guarded in some aspects .. thanks for the reminder, it is good to be free from such burdens :)
Being closed and mistrustful is a "safe" way to completely miss any opportunity to make the most of our lives.
Memory is very important to me, but I don't hold grudges. Grudges are all about keeping your pain and anger alive for the purpose of revenge. By doing this, you allow the grudge to control you by letting the memory of what happened eat you from the inside out.
Forgiveness and Forgetting
The line between remembering a negative event and holding a grudge seems porous and wavy.
Asked of Paulo Coelho: In your writing, how do you cope with the relationship between reality and fantasy?
I don’t distinguish reality from fantasy because I think that reality encompass emotion, faith, fears… All these things we carry in our soul are certainly invisible to the eye – but not the heart.
We all know when we are sad, happy, nostalgic or enthusiastic. This emotional input then touches all the material things we do. In our work for instance this is obvious. It is impossible to perform a good work when we are down – and the opposite is equally true.
Furthermore, fantasy is not made up of unsubstantial dreams, fruitless desires. Fantasy is what feeds the imagination, is what drives us beyond what others may consider to be the limits.
Fantasy is then constantly feeding the real world and this is why I believe that reality is the greatest mystery.
from Paulo Coelho
Sunshine, crimson bouganvillae, birdsong, but the crow perched dark on telephone wire devours the blue out of the sky.
Cleaning my desk. Kept these from last Xmas sent by a very dear and very old (in their 90's) couple. Their message said after 37 years this would be their last:
Commandments for a Long and Peaceful Life
1. Thou shalt not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities.
2. Thou shalt not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass.
3. Thou shalt face each problem as it comes. You can handle only one at a time.
4. Thou shalt not cross bridges before you get to them.
5. Thou shalt not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor bedfellows.
6. Thou shalt not try to relive yesterday for good or ill - it is gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life today.
7. Thou shalt not become bogged down by frustration, for 50% of it is rooted in self pity and will only interfere with positive actions.
8. Thou shalt count thy small blessings - they can add up to a big one.