There are ugly disgusting side effects that manifest from even the most pure and true love. Loss of sanity, loss of mind, loss of self, but perhaps the biggest and ugliest of all the side effects is jealousy. I am truly, deeply and madly in love with a woman that I believe in my heart feels the same way about me, and yet I am a horribly jealous rotten motherfucker. I am jealous as fuck of anyone or anything that gets between her and I. I am powerless to stop it. I am consumed by it, it rears its ugly fucking head mind is filled with visceral images of inflicting torture and pain.
I was given a very precious gift this weekend. Something few people can see or even realize. Aside from a loving intimate weekend, I was given a tangible gift of trust. Small things can change simple perceptions of the world around us. I will continue to thank God for everything he has given to me, and strive to show instead of merely using words the feelings of joy, passion and pride which are inspired by my love. She is more than I ever hoped for or dreamed of. I am a lucky son of a bitch.
I am madly in love with a madwoman. She never ceases to amaze me. The ingenious mazes within her mind leave me wondering, guessing what insanity might ensue. She makes me laugh, and is resourceful beyond any expectations. She has opened bottles of wine before when the corkscrew had broken. On a cold night as I grabbed a good bottle of wine for a quick drink before a long drive, we found the corkscrew missing once again. I see her in the kitchen with a long pronged fork, and she is searching for a hammer? I watch in awe wondering how she will extract the cork, finally returning from another room she wields the hammer she had been looking for. I get up from the sofa to witness what I expect to be a marvel of engineering, only to see her holding the wine over the sink and smacking the neck from the bottle with the hammer. Pulling the broken glass away and pouring the wine into two wine goblets. I beheld the woman of my dreams. My dark angel is everything I could ever ask for in a wife.
00:28 Mar 30 2017
Aww. But that's kinda beautiful.
01:50 Apr 01 2017
So long as the jealousy does not ruin the good relationships she or you have with people. You and her are madly in love but don't let the love isolate yourselves because if jealousy. Basically, she can have friends! LMAO so don't be jealous when I steal her for a night or 2 for her bachelorette party or for a girl's night out!!!!