Sitting here thinking about my yesterdays
You took my love and walked away
I still don't understand why...guess i never will
Although I have found love again...why
Do I still hear your voice
Hear your laughter
Remember our long talks into the early morning
Smell you...still see myself watching you sleep..
Guess those questions have no answers
Just Remembering Yesterday
There are many unexplainable things in this world..why..we may never know, as we keep our minds open to all the universe maybe one day things will appear
the phrase states "seek and ye shall find". it doesnt say how long it will take lol
yea hopefully some day we might found out
13:38 Aug 20 2017
simply beautiful
14:00 Sep 04 2017
Why? ,cuz you still 'him' ..
14:21 Sep 04 2017
Not a him lol