She loved her little angel
So much more than he deserved
Yet on a heart that could have filled the ocean
He sails away without a word
And she searches for her constant
Yet she sees he wants her not
So her tears make up an ocean
And she drowns in the love he forgot.
By the time you swear you his-
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is-
Lady make a note of this-
One of you is lying!
A lonely girl who no one knew,
In a home of abuse and hate she grew,
Her best friend was the dark,
It was there she could hide her heart,
She shed her own blood,
Just to overcome the emotional flood,
All she felt was overwhemling pain,
So she was lost out in the rain,
Her being so full of dread,
Now she's the living dead,
For her the skies cried in sorrow,
As the first drop she swallows,
She sees behind her what she once called home,
The place she had always been alone,
She ran into the night,
With the knowegde she's dead inside!