First night out in a while, had a great time, came home logged on and started posting in the coven forums...probably should have held off til morning, but I didn't so I'm sure I made more then five mistakes in the duration of my stay here. In several places.
Oh well. I guess, off to put my little one to sleep and then pass out.
Can't do it!
Tired, mind is just too busy thinking away to sleep. o.e
Was fantastic! Closed my bank account today once I get work going steady I will open a new one, probably at a different bank.
My daughter used her 'potty money' to buy herself 3 new toys, and I used some of my money to buy her an adapter for her innotab....thank God it came back into stock. That things eats batteries, 4 at a time like no toy I have ever seen, had to change them every 8 or so hours. Thankfully they still have use, in smaller every day toys and things.
Just a quiet night at home just the two of us. First time in a while I feel completely relaxed. :D
A- Available? Yep.
B - Birthday? December 6th.
C- Crushing on? Do celebrities count? If so Ryan Reynolds. LOL If not, no one.
D- Drink I last drank? Water
E - Easiest person too talk to? My friend Liam.
F - Favorite song? Skillet - Comatose.
G- Greatest fear? Death.
H- Hometown? Wauwatosa.
I- In love with? See C. LOL.
M- Middle name? Don't have one.
N- Number of siblings? 3 half siblings and 1 sister. xD
O- One wish? Good future.
P - Person I last hung out with? My sister.
Q - Question I'm always asked? How are you?
S - Song I last rapped? Eminem - Superman.
U - Underwear color? Black.
V - Violent moment? Not right now thanks D:
W - Worse habit? Biting my fingers.
X - X-rays I've had? Chest
Y - Year I was born? 88
Z - Zodiac sign? Sagitarius.
Stolen from Phedre's journal.
20:24 Jan 28 2012