~Gone the wind~
Gone is the wind now.
Who song a pleasant song.
No mouth to sing now.
~Time runs~
Time waits for no one.
But time doesn’t go too fast.
We all go too slow.
~Alone now~
Gone you are again.
The tears can not, will not stop.
Come back to my arms.
The calm has come,
But the storm rages in me.
I was a sailor,
I was part of the big blue.
But my ship,
Has gone and I,
I am left,
Left to my own.
To possibly live,
But meant to die.
Alone on this beach,
I cry for me,
For my life,
Time can not,
Will not
Fix the pain I feel.
Loneliness is
The start of
The end.
But the end
Would be bliss
To my poor
Broken soul.
This is the wasteland.
The place I’ve come to be.
Here I am to die,
But begin once death takes hold.
This is my wasteland.
This is my end.
In July
The rain it falls.
Is falling still.
Raging beyond the horizon.
The sun is hot here,
Beating down on me.
I taste the sweat,
The salt that comes from me.
I hear the song bird,
Sweetly cooing,
Saying softly,
“The night is young
The time is right.”
I see the smile,
That sits upon
Your lips, so soft.
I stroke your hair,
Whispering, laughing,
Loving you.
The month is short,
But the feeling lasts.
The sun goes down,
But we stay together.
As we are,
Will be.
Forever lovers
in July.
Jealousy clinging
Scratching at the brain
Seeping through the wrinkles
Driving me insane
Worries plaguing
My overflowing heart
Problems that have pained
Tearing me apart
Fears drenching
Rippling through my being
Lies that come in whispers
Living without seeing
Jealousy Killing
With every single blow
It’s all that I am
All I’ve come to know