I feel like my life is slipping through my fingers.
I can't remember things.
Everything moves so fast.
I realize it's Monday and then it's Friday.
I feel a million emotions, but I'm still empty.
Nothing seems worth the effort anymore.
I keep having nightmares. Not really anything scary, like the undead or creepy. Full of fear and panic. Randy is in them. and I'm always terrified of him. Of him coming near me, or touching me. I know why I have them. I just wish they'd stop.
Finals are soon. Maybe that's why I'm loosing it.
I went to the midnight previewing for Twilight lastnight.
my expierence was kinda dimmed, since I had to listen to people comment the whole movie, the whole time behind me.
reallllly pissed me off. Beyond words.
I'm pretty sure I missed a lot.
Some parts were corny, but I still love it.
That is what happened when I went to see The Two Towers.
There were some stupid little teenie bopper girls infront of me who had no interest in L.O.T.R other than that plank Orlando Bloom was in it.
Everytime his stupid face popped up on screen they giggled and took photos of it with their phones.
Shessh, girls. Pfffffffft
My midnight ticket to Twilight next thursday!
I feel endorphinically happy about this.
Monkey butter!
I got my aid.
I got my classes!
all need is my housing thing to be off a waiting list and get my room.
and I will be very happy.
hmm Irony of V for Vendetta, tied with revolution and now that's what seems to be in progress.
For the first time in awhile I'm kinda excited about the government. eek. I felt so proud voting and then whoa my guy won.
I hope they keep Obama safe. I very scared for him and his family.
Today really was an eye opener on people I associate with, Fear is a sick thing. I've heard horrible things said today. kinda disgusted.
Hmm. We shall see.
Ima dead pinup girl in a mariliyn monroe dress.