My new series i read.
that im obsessed over.
has a movie coming out.
they start filming in o8
someone loves me.
So thursday was amazing. Nightwish is so good live. they had great energy and they were fun. i love bands like that.
I woke up early.
got up to sign up for classes. at 7:30 am.
go to sign up for my Harry Potter class.
15 souls at Gordon college should burn in a fiery hell!
I hate you all.
die so I can get in that class.
that's a bit harsh, but they suck.
she didn't admit to anything.
I don't live with grudges.
I'm gonna move on and just keep in mind what i know.
the rest of the house can stay pissed, i have to live in the same room with her.
I'm not spending the next two months trying to be angry.
So my roommates told me that the girl I live with in my room was a liar. But me and her were so close I thought, surely she wouldn't lie. They all told me she was the one stealing and that she lied to them.
I didnt believe it until yesterday. They showed me conversations that she has with her friends, she tells them she plays Wendy, and that she is a dancer at mgm's Beauty and beast show, as well as Belle. She does parades, she has a contract with Mgm's recording studio and she takes a full set of classes at Disney University and she has a scholarship from them.
She works at Animal Kingdom's McDonalds. She can't sing, though she thinks she can. She can't dance. MGM doesn't have a music studio. Disney University isn't a real school they offer training classes to castmembers, the classes we take are in our apartment complex and you can only take two. There are scholarships but they are only for interns.
I told her to please tell the truth about herself. And she lied. i asked if she ever said she was Wendy and she said no. I've seen four conversations were she told them this.
She's gonna get pissed because i hacked her myspace, But I wanted real proof.
I also found a conversation were she told MY friends boyfriend that I introduced her to as a couple, she said that she'd get me to drive her to their house, like I could tag along and be the taxi.
also see that she added this guy I'm talking to down here. He works for the airport and she has been begging me to get him to give her a ticket. i told her I don't use people like that and if he wanted to give her one he'd of done it already. She added him and started talking to him. Knowing that she sleeps with guys who have girlfriends, I wouldn't put it pass her to do the same to me.
I am disgusted.
So I really wanna go to this meet up thing.
I really wanna go to New Orleans, now I have a reason. Plus theres a masqueradeeee! ;D Which i've dreamt about going to one ever since the Labyrinth.
i was looking at mask and i thought I found a cool website.
until i reached the bottom of the page.
if you don't read your lame. lol.
boys are stupid.
or maybe I'm just crazy.
I hate being sick.
Oh my goodness past few days have been so fun.
I wasn't sober most of them but I remember them being fun. Halloween I got to finally meet my friend Marla who is a fellow pagan and we hung out at her place. it wasn't anything big but It was a lot of fun.
I love halloween.
I'm kinda getting sick which is a bummer but meh.
best part. my crazy roommate is moving out tomorrow! yay! Everyone is soo happy. No more yelling, and bitching. Well i'm sure there will be some but not everyday.
I kinda have a crush. it sucks. I hate it. I leave in two months. eek.