BleedingPolaroid's Journal

BleedingPolaroid's Journal


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15 entries this month


14:31 Nov 25 2006
Times Read: 710

ivy didn't come home lastnight from using the potty.

I've looked all night and woke up and looked.

She's never not come home, I think someone kidnapped her.

I found her collar on the dresser, some idiot too k it offer her, most likely coda.

If i don't get my dog back, im going to be hella upset.





somebody is not a happy camper.

19:46 Nov 20 2006
Times Read: 714

Today. In the cold I was walking quickly to the the building were my class was. and I was pretending it was like a video game..didging trees, pot hole, etc. Then the boss came up, a man handing out bibles. Now I'm cold and i' rushing. So I walk and try to dodge without being rude, and what? I fail, so now i have bagage with this puke green bible. No problem I quickly dispose of it in the bathroom, I left it on top of another one on the girly stuff trash can.


I read my friend's journal today and He's have problems with foriegners and phone calls. So I got him a a present.

Batman is bringing sexy back.





15:31 Nov 19 2006
Times Read: 717


Comes out today.





dreams do come true.

16:08 Nov 17 2006
Times Read: 720


KaitHello is Danielle there?


KaitIs this her?

Me:Tis' Possible.

Kait (laugh) What are you doing?

Me:Watching everyone loves raymond.You?

KaitNothing. hey what are you doing next month?

Me:uh, well lets see, i might be booked. (laugh) Why?

Kait Well.....How would you like it if you went to DISNEY WORLD with me?

Me:*Drops phone* *screams for about 10 mins*


Me: Are you fucking serious? What kind of question is that? Of course I fucking do! Omg. omg omg. *scream*

Kait lol. Ok then We are going.

Me:omg awesome, Dreams do come true. Wooo fuck you Amanda in my 3rd grade class! guess who's going now?! Wooooo!


Me: Crap im cooking, its gonna burn, Ill see you tomorrow. woooooooo * scream* woooo.

KaitOk bye Danielle.

Me: Bye.

Yep. last night. TI am Very happy, and I have not stopped giggling since last night.

This will make the past two years that have been so shity, SO much better.

December 12th!

oh my gods.






19:41 Nov 16 2006
Times Read: 722

so today is our 4 months mark.

I know four is nothing. But it is to me.

If we make it to six, which im pretty sure we will. This will become my longest relationship.


girly girly.

Im scared of my acting exam. We have to do a harold.eeeek. I wish I could invoke the Ryan Stiles god and be awesome at improv. lol.

So im doing my comparison essay on Anita blake characters. And my teacher being an obsessed Buffy lover, has read the series so woohoo for being cool points.

My teacher Dr.Dan likes to call me "goth" which on one hand is annoying bc labels are gross and I personally think i'm not. But since its DR.Dan and he's cool i dont care too much. It just makes me paranoid when everyon elooks at me when he says it to me. Im not morbid, im happy gorey.


and.. Fin.




Rainy days, hazy glaze.

19:53 Nov 15 2006
Times Read: 724

Not really, but it rhymed.

So today after history I went to work on my skull thing. No one was in the whole studio.

and then she comes. Who? this Women who is getting on my nerves, because she is so freaking rude. She comes into our Ceramic class, that is full, which means we have to cram together to work. And will move our stuff and take our spots to work on her 3d design class stuff. and she does that stuff all the time, she thinks she's hot shit but she's just cold diarrhea. (lol good movie quote)

So today, me in a empty room with two full tables of nothing. She comes in. You know where she sits? RIGHT INFRONT OF Me. and she MOVES MY STUFF. With a completely empty table behind her.

Then she keeps looking at me when Im working. Gives me looks like..not good ones. And then she start asking me stuff. If I go to church and where do I live. Annoying.

I'm going to go crazy if she keeps coming near me. I'm going to like, break her face or something.

not really, but it feels good to say.

I went to blimpie today, and the blimpie lady was making my sub and i said "mayo" and she put lettuce on it. Ew. Totally ruined it.

My car is yet to be fixed. :[

So I planning on getting a job and moving out at the beginning of summer. Actually i might move in January, to kait's house bc she said I should (which is fine by me bc they are cool and I get my own room and stuff). But I dunno. I know we are moving the whole family in january. The house keeps messing up, and the haunting keeps getting worse. My boyfriend's mom was told that our rent man, rents this house so cheap because people wont stay in it more then a year, because they say its haunted. we've been here for four years. Goodie. But yeah, it's hard to sleep at night when you hear stuff moving and talking, and you know everyone else is alseep.






01:33 Nov 14 2006
Times Read: 728

So I'm sitting here waiting for 9pm to come to watch Heroes ♥

And I'm playing me some Hangman, because I haven't earned favor.

and I realize, hang man sucks.

Cancer should make Vampire tetris.

I would waste hours on here.

and like earn gazillion favor.

Who needs homework or papers when you got tertis?

Or vampire Clue

Or Vampire color matching thing.


Now I REALLy want to play some tetris.




hardy har.

20:45 Nov 12 2006
Times Read: 732

Probably the funniest thing on the interent that I have seen in a long time.

Charlie the Unicorn





Memories * cue the music*

03:56 Nov 12 2006
Times Read: 736

So I stole these from my friend's myspace.

Good times.

Kait, me and Anna. I don't remember this being taken.

Before prom. So the girl atthe end, next to me is

the principal's daughter. She is very annoying and gah. In the limo she farted and it smelt like death.

ah, Graduating. I dont remember this one either. I look funny, though kinda cool with my nifty hat. I look like i'm 12. Ah lil Sandra, she's shorter then me, good times. She looks like she's on crack in this photo, she's not.




horibble thoughts.

04:47 Nov 11 2006
Times Read: 741

I keep telling myself.

To stop thinking about it.

Forget it all.

Its the past, now. But it's hard.

I wish I would of done thing differently.

maybe things whould of been different.



Why did I stop the car. gah. I keep seeing the poor thing, its like haunting me.

Everyone keeps telling me to get over it. But I mean, it was a pretty fucking horrible thing to see.

I dont understand how a SEMI TRUCK, could stop and go around a puppy on the side of the road waiting to cross. But I fucking car can't.

They were probably doing some stupid distracting shit like messing with a cellphone or radio.

I wish many bad things on them.

I would say I'm tramatized.

I cried. yeah I cried, thats a big sign. I cried like, all night. I feel horrible.

I hope I'll get over this, but, I keep seeing it. So helpless and I couldn't save it and It was my fault.

he was coming to me.

damn it.





sad day.

00:43 Nov 10 2006
Times Read: 744

I swear, this week sinks. Everyday minus yesterday has sucked.

Monday found out I failed my paper. Tuesday wrecked.

then today.

I was on my way home from school and I saw this lil black puppy on the road. i got scared it'd get hurt so I pulled over to this gas station to save it.

No cars were coming. and I started going towards it and calling him.

he runs to me and then this car comes.

and hits him as he is crossing the road to me.

I picked him and he was still alive, and I tried to save him but he has blood poured out of his mouth, I think his back got broken.

So I put him in my car and ran to Russell's to help.

But he must of died on the way, bc he had stop breathing. We buried him in Russell's back yard.

I feel like shit.

Reallllly bad.

This is what I get for being a good person, horrible images in my head, re playing every second.




Good news.

03:32 Nov 09 2006
Times Read: 746

The guy I voted for didn't win.



We did get more democrats in the House. Which didn't seem to to fit into Bush's agenda, because he didnt seem to happy about it.

muhahaha. WOooot.




Bang Bang

02:04 Nov 08 2006
Times Read: 747

I swear, my life is just one big bundle of problems.

but before I rant, let me say I DID vote. Got me a sticker and everything. I didn't dress up and rant beacuse i found out Ga wasn't one of the states voting on that. But I did vote, mostly democrat or liberal. Muahaha. Hopefully well get something other then republican in there, gah.

Okay the bad news. Lastnight I noticd my car acting funny when i pushed the brakes, I didnt think anything to serious just needed new brake pads.

Well, silly me. I am on my way home from voting going back to school for ceramics, singing Weezer's Sweater Song. Their are two people infront of me, and I am two or more cars away from the car ahead (paranoid). Well the person infront of the person infont of me, slams on their brakes to turn. I quickly slam my foot down to stop, and nothing happens. Yep. NOTHING. So to avoid hitting a nice car or head on collision I swurve to the right. Where I have three choices, running ahead and risk side swiping the cars infront of me. Run straight into a pole. Or go into the ditch with the pole and spin the wheel before I hit it.

..I did the last. Didn't hit anything, but I got stuck. and lucky enough the lady infront of me came back to check on me. And she took me to a phone. ( she thanked me for not hitting her new car, :D im So nicce. :/ )

So my day sucked. I got cussed out for not fixing the brakes before I left home this morning by my soon to be Step-father (because Im a mecanic and he thinks my classes didnt matter), which that bastard made me start crying which I was really not trying to do, so that pissed me off.

Bad day.


But on a cool note, Im jamming to some funky music and I feel like river dancing.





20:36 Nov 06 2006
Times Read: 748

Tomorrow is voting day. and me being now 18 and able to vote, I am VERY excited. Strecthing my political limbs will be fun.

Georgia is voting on the Legalizing same sex marriages also. Ive decided to go....overboard. Im going to be walking poltical advertisement. Horah!

School is becoming one big stress ball. Final are in a month an dI'm so worried. Im not doing well in my english class. Shouldn't be surprising, because I suck at writing. But still school goingto either give my an ulcer (ow) or make my hair fall out (ew).

Gah fuckitty, fuck, fuck.

I wanna go somewhere. I'm planning on going to Disney World for spring break, but then, I reallllllyyyyy want to go to Germany, or France, or the netherlands. Somewhere cool. But I'll probably go to Disney World. Save my World adventures for later, that gives my time to grow balls enough to get into an airplane.

My brakes are going out in my car. lol. Woo scary when just keep going..into traffic. Eeeek

I have fallin in love witha new show. Heroes. Its SOsoooooo good. Very entertaining.




This is Halloween...

13:47 Nov 01 2006
Times Read: 749

Actually yesterday was.

Me and Mal went to this club in Atlanta. We refused to sit halloween in pike co doing nothing. It was fun. We got there early so there weren't a lot of people, and when it starts getting really fun We have to leave. Mal had to work today and her parents kept calling telling us we were going to get murder, raped and robbed. There were lots of interesting people there. Some reminded me of people off here.


That had a neat art contest, cool stuff.

But it ended bad, I started getting sick bc i had taken my medicine and then I lost my glasses (which i still cant find) and gahhh.


i have to go to school today in my X contacts, which icth and stupid people are going to cause me to get angry.

I get to sign for classes today. woot.



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