I went to West Georgia tursday to hang out, and I relaized. I really don't enjoy it there. I was only there for a day and I was kinda miserable. Living there? 24/7. I just don't know anymore.
ughh I hate life choices.
Randy asked me out Friday. It's awesome. He's amazing. I've never had so much in common with my boyfriends, I think he can read my mind sometimes. That's sad. But we just talk about everything and I never get bored. I don't wanna sleep, I just wanna talk and learn about him. Wow, how mushy. haha.
hmm. maybe this one might work out. Let us hope. Blahhh.
I gotta go to my most hated class. Astronomy. I cannot wait to be done with this.
Oh I started my White rabbit tattoo, It's not finished, but it hurt so baddd. Worth it. But man, owwwww. I'm half heartedly looking forward to the coloring.
dating a tattoo artist, free tattoos. FTW!
i had an awesome weekend.
and i spent it with family.
and I haven't done my homework.
oh yes!
To University of West Georgia!
Masquerade Costume ideas.
Econmic test, another D. Shit mc shitister. Good thing she drops one test grade and we still have two more test.
I gotta start my stupid devilish stipple drawing. It looks like a cool art process, but I know it's a bitch to do. and I don't have much time to work on it. I think I might just do MC Escher's
I just finished my economic test and don't fret I still have most of my hair.
I think I might have done okay, if not she's going think I'm bonkers with all the wrong numbers. Hmm one can only hope.
but I feel extremely relaxed, now that i'm done with thos etwo big test. Now all I have to extremely stress about is my drawings. College rocks!
off to digest some Wheat dna.
Mmm delicious.
I love this quote. Kenna's sister use to have it painted on her door. It's amazing.
the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace things, but burn like fabulous roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes "AWWW"
so there is a lot of damage in Atlanta, most of downtown is closed down. Good thing I have no plans this week.
I can't concentrate on my Economic notes. This subject seriously just bored me crazy. Ugh. Why did I sign up for it? Dumb Danielle, dumb.
I think with this paycheck i'm going to get a new phone. The pone have cost me 80 bucks a month, and it's prepaid. The service sucks where I live at, so if I ever broke down or was kidnapped, i'd be s.o.l.
speaking of luck. Tomorrow is St.Patrick's day. I was going to go all out and dress up and go to school, but I already know i won't. I'll save it for the party. I watched this Historic Dublin Pub thing today on the history channel, I really enjoyed the music they play inside the pubs and they showed some gardens and scenery. It's all so green, and pretty. I really wanna travel to Ireland.
so I decided since I'm going to the meet up, I should stop being a lazy member.
I think I've done more in the past two days then i have in the past six months.
how sad.
I try to go as many concerts as I can, whether I enojy just a few songs of a band or completely drool at the sound. I go to more the first then the second, because bands I really enjoy don't tour much here, or broke up. I am completely in love metal that has a orchestra worked into with it.
Lat year I heard about Apocalyptica, and fell in love with in seconds of hearing them the first time.
and they are coming to Atlanta may 9th, and it's only $15 bucks.
Aren't they the guys that do metallica covers with classical instruments?
Yep. As well as other bands, and a few songs of their own.
they also did Rammstein's "seeman", it was awesome, until they got this chick to the vocals. Sounded like a 9o year old smoker. It saddened me.
I look pure shit x1ooo.
They are very hilarious.
to meh in like like...five months and 3 days.
but My mom has agreed to help pay in my trip New Orleans thingy muh jig jig. As a 2oth birthday end of my youth omfg eeek present.
also a big adventure before I start big college.
yayyy! All I need are those digits. which I'll get later, she's probably watching a NASCAR race or Oprah. Do Not want to up set her.
a Tornado hit Atlanta lastnight. The Atlanta I was in the night before. Crazy. But the news was much more entertaining then usual, because I think the guy was new. He was chasing people down showing broken windows in their car and debris and of course all the country ass white women were waving at the camera "ohh my gawd I'm on t.v!" Or maybe it was just entertain because we mutd it and added our own dialog.
I was at a "slumber" party. We watch the muted news, the Holy spirit meeting where this old black men was speaking jiberish and then wacked people in the head til they fell out. The gave a prayer line, and My friend mario called, this southern lasy pictured up and he pretended he was a very confused christian gay boy.
"Is being gay wrong?"
"uh yes."
"Can't I have my cake and eat it too?"
this was followed by a trip to Waffle House. Where my waitress tried to witness to me telling my my pentacle was a christian symbol and she found god. but my waffle was scrump-ta-dish.
Oh, Flan and Daire. When you come to the south. We have to go to Waffle House. Because you gotta go before you die.
I went allllll the way to Atlanta.
too see the Horrorpops
guesss what they did.
ass holes! Fuck you.
lol jk...kinda.
its all better because Im watching Jon Stewart, and that my friend is niiicee.
My 3d design thingy might should be going in the art show. ahh. I don't really like the drawing, or any in fact Ive done in the class, but hey, I'll take it. :D
I have astronomy test tomorrow. I can't look at my note anymore. My brain has shut down.
also I'm a savage now. hahaha. woo.
Yesterday I yet again made an idiot of myself. Every time he talks to me, I know I turn red and I think too much about what I'm saying so i stutter or say stupid shit. So I get embrassed and make an excuse so i can run away. I really wanna be able to talk to him, because he's so interesting and awesome. Damn it, it sucks. I hate being so god damn shy. fuck. piss. men's asses! I'm gonna get some nerve up and yeah, I gotta do it before I leave my school. I'll keep you updated.
you tube. tourette's guy. I seriously cry from laughter from watching it. :D
My babies have seen there lastnight of dancing.
Did you dance so much they melted?
Oh yeahhh!
no. my right one's platform ripped off. haha.
I've ranted on my views of new age marriage etc.
My sister is a more then perfect example of why I hate new age marriage. If i remember right, every boyfriend/girlfriend I have ever met of hers, has asked her to marry them. Do you know how many times my sister's has gotten married to these people? (despite laws) NONE. NOT one! She's pawned tons of rings.
Every time she gets into a relationship a week or two they are madly in love, can't live with out each other, blah blah and then a month later they are engaged. and then four months later breaking up.
My sister is a giant biotch. No way around it. Plus she is psycho, verryy bipolar. She accuses everyone of them on cheating on her and bitches at them 24/7. But they are in lovvvee.
My sister's new girlfriend, which they only started dating at the end of January, is proposing tonight at her drag show. (you can laugh, it's hilarious).
Every time I visit they are fighting, because this girl has a crazy ex that keeps "mysteriously" getting her number (she's changed it five times), and just a whole bunch of drama.
and they want to get married. Despite it's illegal in Geogria.
seriously. How disgusting, you've been dating for twwooooo monnnths. And you think you know each other enough to spend your life together?
it really pisses me off that my sister is so immature about adult things that she takes no consideration to her son. She switches live in gf/bfs like it's nothing, and she wonders why he has to go to a therapist because of his behavior. He's never had a fatherish role model because as soon as he gets use to them and attached, they leave.
I hate humanity.
This has been the suckiest spring break EVER!!!!!!
I've been working, I don't mind working , when I get stuff right, but none of my DNA readings are coming out right. and I keep dropping shit. My boss guy, called me stupid, I was doing the steps the WAY HE TOLD ME TOO, which was taking Ethanol from its bottle and putting it in the tubes. Well he takes it from me and pours it in a separate bottle and says,"Try using your brain more, your life would be much easier." damn. I just laughed. seriously. what a hell week.
oh but it gets better!
I went to lunch today, and I was pulling forward out of the space and someone in front of me started to pull out, so I stopped and I was too busy watching them and didn't look how close I was cutting the wheel to the car next to me. and scrape.
yep. oh yeahhhh. just what i need. It wasn't a bad scrape, serious like this big..
it did more to my car, which wasn't much, then hers. But her parents wanted to call the cops. Which sucks ass, I mean i know I did it, I'm totally at fault etc, but A bitty scratch compared to the GAINT dent in the back where she said she took a cement light pole out, you couldnt even tell.
Now i have my mom stressing me out about my car insurance and telling me if it goes up she wants me to start paying for it with what little I make, but she doesnt want me to get a serious time consuming job because of school. and completely ignores the fact Im trying to save to get my own place when I switch schools next semester.
shitty shit shitty shit mcshister.
I posted not to long ago how my new book series/obsession/love is being made into a film.
They started filming recently and released pictures of the Cullen family, which is the main focus of the books besides Bella. I think they did and amazing job with everyone minus Carlisle and Jasper. The Family is a vampire coven type thing, and in the books all of them are like beautiful beautiful people. Jackson Rathbone who is playing Jasper, is pretty when he has brown hair, but in the promotion pictures he is blond and looks fugly. Like he's wearing a junky wig and his face doesn't fit the blond right. Peter Facinelli plays Carlisle in the book he's a doctor and he's really young looking and stunning, in my mind I totally saw Dr.Chase from House m.d playing him, but that Peter guy's face is pointy, like a bird.
maybe I'm just being too judgmental. But after seeing Harry Potter be butchered, I really want this to be perfect. and Stephanie Myer is a really cool author and I put faith in her that she will not let her book be turned into shit.
05:47 Apr 01 2008
i hope it works out as well