BleedingPolaroid's Journal

BleedingPolaroid's Journal


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12 entries this month


16:24 Jun 29 2007
Times Read: 765

Days now.

Would be 43 but I'm leaving a day early then I planned.



I find it funny that they have a horror movie out that has digits from S.S number. You know that one with Samuel jackson and the motel... They made it for me I bet.

Only a week or so til HP &OFTP woo! Im planning seeing the midnight viewing, it's going to be awesome. But they once again left out Bill and Charlie Weasley, damn them, I wanna see them.




Gay Parade

01:22 Jun 28 2007
Times Read: 769

Spent the weekend in Atlanta for Gay pride. It was a interesting exprience. The first hour we were there we saw this naked guy (really nice body btw) getting arrested. Danced all night in a feild full of drunk people. Around 11 we went and ate at this bar, where I find my platform breaking so I have to walk from Midtown to Buckhead with no shoes. Got on the wrong train, didn't make it to buckhead til 1am in the morning. Finally get to the hotel room, sleep on my fold out bed, get up, get all dressed up, go back to Midtown, find Robert my gay man, watch the parade, take tons of picture, pose with cute boys, after the parade go back to the park to hangout with Robert and his boyfriend, dance, talk, go home.

I loved it, it was like a whole new city. Everyone was happy and beautiful. No hate only love. I got teary eyed a few times during the parade. This country should not be negetive towards these people, they are just as human as the rest of us. Sigh.

But it was fun, and Ill go every year and shake it up.

I now have this crazy ass tan.

Ill post the pictures laterrrr.





03:54 Jun 22 2007
Times Read: 774

Bah. My car broke lastnight, and I thought I got it working.

But on the way to work it messed up again, so I had to call out of work which really sucks. Hopefully they (my stepdad and mom) can get it going. Maybe my boss will let me drive her car.

This week is Gay Pride, im going with my sister and her gf to see me some drag queens and hot gay men.It should be an interesting,lol, time. Big Guy buffet but all not attainable. What a tease fest.

On top of missing work and car messing p I have finals monday. So it's been a stressful day.





04:33 Jun 20 2007
Times Read: 779

So me and my sister got into this arguement the other day which maybe me start thinking. She told me I needed a back up plan incase I fail at being an animator lol. Which really hurt since I'm really insecure about my art as it is.But I fihured out my back up, If all else fails, I switch my major to business and work at WDW forever. lol. That was I still get my Disney Dream, I can still do art, and I never have to grow up lol. I still plan on majoring in animation because That's what iI want, but that's my back up. Woo.

I'm going to Gay Pride this weekend with My sister and her Girlfriend. It should be interesting from what I hear. Drag queens, gay me in assless chaps, Dikes on Bikes, etc. It's going to be a big tease fest, Bunch of hot guys...all gay. lol. I'm going to hang out with my Friend Robert and his boyfriend too.

55 more days.




Stole from Flan.

04:24 Jun 20 2007
Times Read: 782

Which celebrity is your soul mate?
Johnny DeppJohnny DeppJohnny depp, you are like him, because you have a soft side, and a wild side. You and him like chatting with people, and sometimes get too carried away.
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

I knew it. Mm. lol.

I would of liked Orlando too. lol




Patience Is what I'm lacking

06:05 Jun 16 2007
Times Read: 787

I've had a crazy week. Ugh. I was late to class Wedsnday, so we just skipped it and hung out with our Art teacher. We were suppose to have a test yesterday ( Reason why I really didnt want to skip that day) and then Professor doesn't show up. He didn't today either but some other guy gave us the test. I studied the past three days every chance I got, and I have this uneasy feeling I failed this one. Which stresses me out because next week is our final and I have to do good to pass.

Then work is becoming, workish. lol. Well, There is this lady, I don't know where she came from, I guess she was on vacation when I started but, she has no idea how to use an inside voice. She screams everytime she opens her mouth, no lie, and she's driving me crazy. I was taking a phone order and the customer could not hear anything because this crazy bitch is yelling about something. Urgh! There are more drivers now, which doesn't bother me everyone needs money, but this guy keeps clocking out on other people's runs. See we have to help in the store until our run comes upand we get put in order of who clocked in first, well he just walks in from a delievery and takes them. Asshole.

The past few night's I've only gone on five runs a night, but I still manage to bring home at least 20 bucks. The gods are watching my back or something. I still have so much stuff to get, and I only have a month and 27 days. lol. Giggity I can't wait to go.

I'm sick of getting bitched at Home. Everyday there is new drama. My sister keeps getting kittens, which pisses me off because we have enough animals and we can't take care of anymore. But she won't listen to me. I'm sick of digging graves for animals, it's sick an dtaking a toll on me. All we need is Dot, Precious, Tanna, and Stormy. The rest we need to find another home for. We dont have the time to watch anymore near the road or afford health care. gah.

Peace awaits me in Florida. Hope I don't stuck with crazy ass roomates, I'll go insane.




62 days

05:01 Jun 12 2007
Times Read: 794


Next week is my last week of stupid math class. I swear it's draining me. There's this girl, I probably bitched in here about her when she was in my theater appreciation class. You can tell she's had her ears covered and blind fold her whole damn life to society. She has no touch of common sense what so ever. She just talks and talks to people who try very hard to ignore her. And she doesn't get hints. Like Eye contact, when people aren't looking at you, they are not listening or paying attention to what your saying. Or even when they start talking to someone else. You should pick up that your now just talking to yourself. And not trying to be mean (because I think lisp are neat, yeah im odd) but she has one and she also has this sqeaky voice. And since she talks so god damn much it's fucking torture to everyone in the class. She butts in other people's conversations, and then just keeps talking and talking. Then in actual class she tries to sound all smart when she asks questions but she is usually totally wrong. Like one time she was like I don't think this is question is right ( a problem the teacher asked us to do) and come to find out her dumbass had skipped over the putting the numbers part in the calculator to do the grid. But geez this is why home schooling should not exist for soon to be college goers, because they get thrown into the real world and torture the rest of us who grew up in it.

You know sometimes, I feel really bad when I read stuff on Vampire Raves forum. Because I think a lot of these people are fucking crazy. Maybe it's because I'm not into the whole RPG thing, and it's pretty big in VR. But I just can't take some of these post and people serious. Nothing against them and their ways, to each their own. But I personally just think it's too much. I also don't like ass kissers. On rave or in real life (like crazy talker girl), they just make it a point to compliment and do the bidding of authority to look good and to get something. It's a whole bunch of bull. I like Rave, not to get the wrong idea and all, just few things I can't get into or take serious.


Past month I've been gathering ideas and sketches for a Nightmare before Christmas play. I sent an email to my old Acting teachers who runs theater. I got some set drawing and costumes, also thought of some scenes and choreography with the soundtrack.If he likes it maybe he'll like my ideas.




Beep buh deep

05:49 Jun 10 2007
Times Read: 801

The other day I was delivering this pizza and the women hangs me a credit card. And I just look at her and go huh? and She replies I'm paying with this for the food. I just look at her, I dunno, where she thought I had the credit machine at. They ask the customers on the phone how they are paying, and do all that on the phone. Then she got all pissed because she had to give me the last of her cash. Like it's my fault. Geez.

Past week I've been missing Lilly really bad, I guess it's because I'm driving so much and having to brake for animals all the time. I just start thinking of how I wish whoever hit her whould braked for her. Sometimes I call Precious her name on accident and feel guilty. I also sometimes hold her and close my eyes and pretend it's her. Her coats just like hers. I love Precious a whole bunch, and I know it's wrong, but sometimes it helps to pretend. I don't think she minds. I decorated Lilly's grave with fake lillies. I just wish, they would of braked.

It's weird having my own money, I'm need a lot of stuff, but I'm afarid to buy stuff because then i'm like...do I really need this..and walk out and when I get home Im like damnit I do need it. Bah.





03:21 Jun 05 2007
Times Read: 805




Oh dear

06:04 Jun 04 2007
Times Read: 808

August 1st!


I need 22.oo bucks!


I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3 today. All I have to say is Orlando Bloom= Sexy mutha****er.





05:16 Jun 03 2007
Times Read: 812

I kinda like my job, it's easy, the people are nice and help me when I dont know what the fuck I'm doing, and I make decent money (for minium wage). I've gotten lost a few times in the past few days, there should be a law that if you order food, your house number should be posted clearly. I sucks guessing.

Today I had this delivery who tried to pay me with a 100, which I couldn't make change for because I only carry 15 bucks on me (safety reasons). Being the nice person I am, I give her food to her and go get change for her (which I could loose my job doing it), how does she repay me? Nothing, no tip at all. Bitch. I go out of my way to be nice, late to my other delivery and get no appreciation. lol. Gah.

My sister went to another doctor for a second opinion after she was released thursday after all the test and scares they gave us. (We think its bc she's not issured). We'll we get all the test results (which we had to fight to get) from them the next day and go to another hospital. They didn't help us much either, but they did look at the test results and said her blood worked showed she had a mild heart attack thursday and she has an enlarged heart. We looked through the files and looked up the diagnosis they gave her ( that they didn't tell us) and she has mild heart failure disease thing. Which means her heart is getting bigger because it's working harder to pump blood, and will eventually stop because you can't push it so far. The health care system is dirty, that something this serious isn't taken serious because people don't have the money to pay for it. For a Doctor, who is all about saving a life will let a 24 year old who works her ass off to suuport her kid and herself walk out of a hospital knowing she has a serious heart condition is a dirty son of a bitch.





21:26 Jun 01 2007
Times Read: 817

I can't wait. Ive dreamed this day.

Boy, wont the bibble thumpers shit a brick with this one!




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