BleedingPolaroid's Journal

BleedingPolaroid's Journal


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16 entries this month


17:51 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 686

Everything is annoying me today.


The people at the stores, at the gas station, my friends, people on vr,and even my dog.

Maybe its because im sick.

But I really wish I could bitch slap some people.




Eating Brain is good for your Colon.

06:19 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 691

So I got things worked out with my College. I got Hope and Pell ( woot, being poor as dirt now has a benefits.) So I everything is worked out, and Feel liek a burden or a nail in the back has be lifted or ripped out.

I feel like shit though. My throat hurts so bad. Gah. I hate sickness, I feel like a zombie.


People dont take jokes well. :/ Opps.





02:49 Jul 23 2006
Times Read: 695

I saw Lady in The Water yesterday. It was nothing like I thought it'd be like, which surprised me. Night's other movie seem to be more scary, which this one has an eerie look, but it's actually funny. And it's a fairy tale, so that really hit the spot for me.




Boredom, just another way of existing.

22:40 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 697

Hmm. What's new...

Well I got a a fish. I named him Hubert. He's a blue fighting fish.

I might have a chance at getting everything straighten out with college.

I dyed my hair to black. Not to be trendy, I wanted to dye it back brown but last time I tried dying over green with brown and got baby poo color hair.

Im currently looking for a job.

My birthday is less then a month away now.

Me and Russell got back together, and I'm comfortable.

and that is it.

Growing up is a bitch.




I live on the short end of the stick.

21:24 Jul 20 2006
Times Read: 700

So I applied for that Fasfa (finacial aid) stuff awhile ago, like May. And it kept messing up. So Gordon told me just to apply for aid there, like last month. Well I know my income is low enough to get pell and stuff, and the aid takes 4-6 weeks to go through, and its been that long well i know over 4 weeks, and nothing is showing up. So i Called Gordon to go up there and take a loan since my dues are due next week. And They told me that I couldnt apply until the aid has come through and If i did take a loan it would take 4 to 6 weeks too.

So Im not sure ill be at gordon this semester. I am so pissed bc I turned my stuff in on time and Grrrr. >:(

They said they drop my classes after the 28th and if the aid goes through by the 11th that i could register again.

Very Gayeh. i got the worst luck. lol :-/






03:09 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 705



"Happy birthday, you're not special.

You're getting older, but not much better.

We all want to embarrass you, that's why we're singing this song.

So happy fucking birthday.

You're not special. "


Kidding. Your Cool and now your 24! Wooottttnesss.



*flails arms*


..anyway, Yay for you feel special.





05:18 Jul 13 2006
Times Read: 711

It's a tragedy.

It's chaotic.

It should be illegal.

Daire cut his hair.


Let us morn our lost of his hair.


*lights a candle*





Very Grrrr

19:06 Jul 11 2006
Times Read: 714

So I called about my ticket and it's going to be $48 dollars. Thats insane. Even more insane is that i'll be 18 on my court day if i want to take it to court. It's so crazy, Why dont they send out memos when they change laws? Because I would not have been driving if i knew I couldn't drive with and adult after 12. Fuck asses.

So I've been having to get my friend Russell to pick my sister up from work. He is really sweet for doing it, and of course my sister has to abuse everything nice to us. Her lil fuck toy lives in a whole other county then us and it's a bad county at that, shootings, robbery, and rape like every week. Well the Sunday she asked if he could take her up there (at like 2am) and his mom said he didnt need to be driving up there that late. Well when we got to my sister's work and told her he couldn't. She literally acted like a three year old, started cussing at everyone and throwing shit and whining how all she does is go to work. Ive nevr been so pissed at how fucking selfish and rude she is. Grrr. So Russell being nice lied to his mom and took her. But he said he wasnt going to do often. Well today I woke up and she's talking to her idiot boyfriend and she's like " ill be up there tonight" I told her no she wasn't because Russell doesn't like driving up there, and she told me he would if she paid him. I told her no, he wasn't, and if she pitches a fit I will chew her head off, im so sick of her bitching.

She is the selfish human being on earth, she just abuses generosity. Uggh.





23:29 Jul 09 2006
Times Read: 720













Why is it when I FINALLY get together, head cleared, over him. DO THEY POP UP AGAIN. I mean really, wtf? If your going to ignore me and not talk to me, fine, keep it that way. But if not make up your damn mind of what you want. GAhhhh. lol.

I got pulled over i again lastnight, In my own driveway, how fucked up is that? I got a ticket for driving past curfew, Police are such dicks.

I think my car is cursed Ive been pulled over three times since i got it.




Thrills and Chills

19:30 Jul 07 2006
Times Read: 725

So yesterday I went to Six Flags. It was a lot of fun, Rode the new rollar coaster that was the biggest in the south..i think. That was pretty scary. I think I have teretzits (sp bad)..or flunt cussing disease thing on coatsers. I got to ride front row on Batman (in YOUR FACE!), waiting in line these german kids kept talking..it made my day. I watched this show tribute to the 195os, i wish i lived back then.

Anyway bad part, so my sister, and her bright self forgot the directions ( I told her to get them, she only got the ones to the place). So we try to go back the way we came, which course didnt work. So I end up at the airport, where the shuttle buses are, im not even suppose to be driving there. there are big busses full of people around me, and im freaking out. So i get out of that and end up in College Park (Its so ghetto Rapper rap about it) and we stop to get directions and we are the only white people there, it was a bad part of town and I thought we were going to get shot or raped. Finally after that store ( they wouldnt help us) we got help from this nice old guy, and we made it home.

Three panic attacks and a almost puke but I survived!




Death Star.

04:54 Jul 05 2006
Times Read: 726

You know those really big fire works that make big bubbles? I call them Death Star, because thats what i thin kof when they are hanging over my head.

Today I went to My friend Josh's parteh, but I go there late and missed the Dj, But I got free cds, anmd he's really good.

Then went to Kennar's house and we met Ryan at his house where Dave, Nate and Garon were blowing things up.

Then we went to the ball fields to watched fire works, it was cool, I was around old friends, it felt like old times. Times that i miss now that high schools gone.

On my way home, I had this horrible thought flash through my mind. I pictured a car hitting me head on, and me riding in a abulance. They told me I was going to die, and I told my sister to call my friends before i died, and I started crying in the hospital bed because I didnt want to leave them.

lol. Im so gayeh.





09:16 Jul 03 2006
Times Read: 729

Ok it's 4:14am on Monday July 3rd and PostSecret has not updated. I am Really sad now. :[ I look forward every sunday, whats the deal, frank, WHAT?

My world has ended.





Boys are stupid

02:32 Jul 03 2006
Times Read: 733

Lastnight i went to my friend Ryan's Party that he was throwing for his friend Pat who got back from the Army.

When Kenna and me got there, we walked to the backyard and Ryan was wrestling Pat and was choking him. Pat stopped and was apperent he was drunk. He was like "who wants to fight?" and was like "let me show you pressure point sthat could kill". Come to find out just about everyone was drunk, lol. It was funny.

Little bit later he kept trying to show people these pressure points, it got annoying. Lol.

But the guys we were hanging with were talking about getting laid and me and kenna were the only sober ones there. It was just so sad to hear guys talk about girls like that, im no "girl power" person, but i mean..come on. Dont be a dick.

Afterward me and kenna went to Ihop and talk about boy sand how stupid they are.

Good times





20:06 Jul 02 2006
Times Read: 736

Lastnight I had another dream with Rammstein in it, it was awesome.

Then i dreamed me and my two firends killed thie baby who happened to be a child of an exbitch teacher. i felt bad though

then I had a dream i was in the book store buying the new anita blake and my sister was tring to get gone with the wond insted and i freaked out.




Should be for sale

01:29 Jul 02 2006
Times Read: 738

I was watching Queer Eye today. I come to the conclusion, I want the fab 5 as pets. lol. They are so cute and funny. I know its all television but its so adorable.

Carson is just..so..gay, Thom talks like a old women, Jai is funny, Ted is boring and Kyan, Kyan doesnt look gay but he is. *tear* He is the best.




Good Song

03:57 Jul 01 2006
Times Read: 694

I downloaded this song.

It is really good.

I havent heard it in forever

"We're not living in America"-The Sounds




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