BleedingPolaroid's Journal

BleedingPolaroid's Journal


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7 entries this month

16:22 Dec 22 2008
Times Read: 642

What a poo fested weekend.




Holly jolly

19:59 Dec 19 2008
Times Read: 651

I've been unable to get any information on that guy, other then the county he lives in. I recall him mentioning he lived in a trailer, big surprise, but that county is huge, and it'd be hard to pin point. No one wants to tell me anything because they don't to be involved. I'm not one to start drama, but he is sick and is proud of it.


on top of that, I still haven't heard from the Housing at GSU. I talked to them last week and they said I should hear something by today. So I guess I didn't get in, but They should have the curtsy to tell me, and give me back my 600 dollars. Grrr.

I really don't want to live at my moms, I would love to things to go back to how they were, but She moved out when I was finishing up high school, and though I was older, it still hurt. Loosing my father was odd, but loosing my mom being there always felt like I lost my stability. I feel selfish, since she's happy and doing better then she ever was. I love Dennis like a father, he's been more of one then my real father ever was. But I miss my old mom, and living with her wouldn't be the same. But if I have no choice, i'll mange. I always have my friend Haylee, she lives in a loft, and offered to make room for me. But blahhh why can't things go the way I need them too. lol. I need to do some magick it seems.

Speaking of magick, Yule is Sunday. :] I don't feel very xmas-y this year, I really hate it actually. I think watching the people I'm around turn into greedy pigs after thanksgiving just did it for me. My sister never fails to try to out do me, she keeps bragging on the stuff she got my mom and Dennis. (Ugly tshirts that have stupid sayings on them.) The middle child syndrome, It's pathetic.

I'm going shopping with my mom today, to finish up this gift shit. (I hate gift shopping)




22:51 Dec 19 2008

chipper up hon, i am sure you will find something to be happy for.

i am sorry that you can't find that jerk and that everything else is looking bleak.


sick people.

19:11 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 665

I'm not a violent person.

and I only am when I feel threatened.

but this weekend I almost snapped.

I was at my sister's friend's baby's birthday party.

haha, that's confusing.


Kid party.

Well it was all fine and dandy til This guy came over, he's someone's boyfriend. He's trashy. Smelled like beer and weed. Dirty old dude. and he's carrying a pitbull pup.

I almost vomited. Then man had cut this poor things ears so low that he couldn't hear. He even bragged he did it himself with scissors. They looked infected. As soon as he put the pup down i grabbed it and took it to look at it. She looked so sad, and she was so mean to the other animals. He kept bragging, as she kept fighting with the other dogs, he was gonna make money off her, and I snapped. I told him he was evil. and I started crying. I eventually got away from him before I mad e a scene because it was a birthday party.

I use to avoid pitbulls and believed that they were evil. But I've grown attached to them since My friend Amanda has them and they can be really sweet. Her dogs are so nice and have never showed aggression toward me. If you scream at them they piss themselves. It really is the way they are raised, and that man is going to be in jail.

I'm finding out where he lives and getting him arrested and have the poor pup taken before she becomes a monster.



19:25 Dec 15 2008

Definitely report that. The fact that he did that to her ears is enough to get her taken away from him.

If he intends to use her as a fighting dog, that is just evil. There is no reason to do that.

19:45 Dec 15 2008

Yes, call immediately.

Unfortunately, they will more than likely put the pup down, but at least the man will get in trouble, and may even be prevented from getting dogs in the future.

The punishments for this kind of thing are not strict enough...

06:05 Dec 16 2008

Let me know how this works out, I hope the scumbag gets put away.

14:40 Dec 19 2008

pit bulls really are amazing, sweet and loyal dogs.

this man has abused the pup and indicated that he planned to use her for fighting. i hope you get her removed.


18:56 Dec 15 2008
Times Read: 670

bush got hit with a shoe.




18:59 Dec 15 2008

Unfortunately I think he managed to dodge both of them.

The chucker forgot to pump-fake first...

14:37 Dec 19 2008

yeah that was funny.


Medieval Devices.

13:46 Dec 11 2008
Times Read: 680

I got (A)s in my art classes. Woo. Hoping I passed Biology. Big Hope.

Yesterday I went to the cancer people. Rode a creepy/ straight out of a horror movie Elevator to the top floor. eek. But the people were so nice. Much nicer then any of the other employees at the hospital that I've delt with. So that was nice, but I think it was a cover. A cover to mask they evil shit they do. lol. Jk. They were general nice. My doc explained everything to me, an detailed on every corner of the procedure. My risk, the after procedures, the effects etc.

Good news, They didn't see any cancer! Woo. But they did three biopsies (whish is where the pinch pieces of your insides out). THREEEEEEE. and then, they did this scraping thing on my insides with what look like a giant nail. GIANT NAIL. And the biopsy device was this gaint metal scissor/tweezer thing. You can imagine how horrified I was. They took all that stuff out me to test and see if my cells are pre-cancerous, or why my cells are dividing abnormally. If the test come back pre-cancerous, or whatever, they are going to do a Leep thing, which is actual big chunk cutting, in which I'm probably gonna pass out. I don't want to even imagine what those tools look like.

It was a very awkward, and never want to live through it again. I don' like being probed, pinched, and exposed to doctors. Nonono.

but on good news, I got pian meds! and a nifty hospital bracelet!



16:31 Dec 11 2008

i am very happy to hear that you had good news and good work on finals! i am biting my nails to see how you did on Biology(one of my favorites). i will be adding your journal to my favorites so i can keep updated.

19:47 Dec 15 2008

That's fantastic news....let's hope it keeps coming with the tests they're doing. :)


14:47 Dec 08 2008
Times Read: 687

I dislike Finals very much.

though the yare no different from regular test.

they stress me out.

and I get this disease where I sit around all day with my books next to me and I don't study, I keep telling myslef, in a second I'll study. But I don't.

like out of my whole weekend, I spent maybe four hours studying/drawing.

the rest I was reading True blood ( I finished two books!) and watching T.v.

wtf danielle.



20:50 Dec 08 2008

Haha, I do that too.

"What's one more minute? What's five more minutes? What's one more half hour?"

And then it's bedtime.

01:50 Dec 09 2008

I am the master at that, yawl got nothing on me.


17:32 Dec 03 2008
Times Read: 716

I have a cold. It sucks. I just wanna sleep and I have so much to do before finals.

I always get sick before finals, it's my bodies morbid humor.

I almost left my drawing class today, seriously. They were talking trash on politics, and our model who was this old fart said "I hope they find a way to kick him out before he gets into office and changes everything in the white house to fit his ethnicity" I was shocked. she said it so plainly. and then they went on rambling about how the Clintons were both whores and slept with all these people, such.

ugh. republicans.



03:57 Dec 04 2008

Never mind that John McCain left his first wife after she was crippled in a car wreck and is on record as calling his second wife a cunt in front of reporters.

Hey, if we're flingin' poo......

14:47 Dec 08 2008

haha. what a dick.

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