Oh dear....
So nothing really exciting has happened...Im at school and Im bored galore.
Tomorrow is prom and Im dressing up as a doll. Hopefully it will be fun, Let us hope. I can't wait to go and make funny remarks in my head..Hehe. What? There will be orange people there with bright colors and painted faces..muhaha. Yeah..anyway...
Blahhh. You know what? Crushes are crazy little balls of likeness that poke at your head with a hot iron pointer thing saying "Grrrrrr, haha. Im here to destroy you!" (Marina agrees)
Giggity Giggity, disco on the dance floor. Batman in a leizure suit doing the hussle.
I think Im dying. I feel bad today, i think its from the lack of sleep and business. Poo. After i graduate..I think i will sleep for a week need to put that on the to-do list...hmm..
So this weekend I went to go find a prom dress, and i couldn't find one...They all were hideous. The only one I liked was at this costume shop. It was a snow white dress...they didnt have it so i might go back this week to another one to see if the have it in stock. If not, Ill wear the one from last year and alter/decorate it....
I sound so girly...lol
I haven't been able to get on the net a lot, which means I haven't been on Rave like I usually am..Im slack in favor earning..pooooooo....I think Im going to set up a day where I try to earn 100 favor in a day..lol...yep i can do it..lol maybe..possible..kinda...oh dear.
I feel cheap.
I dont know why, I really have no reason to feel like that...but im crazy and paranoid.
Marina took this picture of us at the play...lol
I have never been so tired, like I was today. It was painful. Xp
Driving that car is making me sick...really. I want to puke everytime I come to a stop, bc Im terrified im going to shut down. Grrrrr.
So last day of Spring break ends with a bang! lol..kinda.
Yesterday, Me and Marina went on our "date" (which wasfor winning a bet and she said she'd take me out to eat.) We went to one of those fancy chinese/japanese places where they cook on the gaint grills in front of your table and fire and pow...I was of course amused by it. It was really good. Yum. Then we went to Dixie land for a game of Lazer tag. Which I was once again "Betty" and We go in..I notice my gun doesn't work... and they were playing stupid whinny music..so... I ran around with my non working gun going "bang bang your dead" and "pow pow". I also did my gun slinging dance. Yep. Went home and drove my new car...which was terrifying I freaked out they whole way....
Today I made sure I slept in as late as I could because I go back to school tomorrow. My mom came by, she went to look at the car bc some the lights aren't working... and she leaves...blahhhh...then I go to take my sister to work and my car is dead...DEAD. My mom conviently left the lights on..which drained my battery. Great. I have no clue how to fix it..it wont charge...my head hurts from breathing in exsuast (sp?)..Poo. Crap.
I think I want one...
I got a new car today, problem is it is a stick shift..which means I have to do a lot of feet stomping, oh shits, and "why are we rolling backwards?"...Good times.
Im happy about being a loser, I came to that conculsion today. Most teenagers on spring break..go places, party, and do teen things. I on the other hand...sleep late, hang around the house in my pjs dance around the house while my record player blares swing music, waste away on the net, stay up late either on the net or reading til odd hours of the night. ANd then rense and repeat. Wooo, I like being me. :D
So my to-do list got bigger in the past couple of days...I now have to find a prom dress bc the place i ordered it from is like...dead or something and they were sold out..could of told me that three weeks ago...poo faces. Then I had a nightmare the other night about college..im really stressed...why? I dont know, I just dont want to fuck up. :/ So i really need to apply asap. Oh and im not doing good in trig, and its starting to make me worry big time bc I only have a month and a half to get it up..grrr..im going to be a wreck in next week.
My mom yelled at me yesterday, like actually was serious and not messed up yelling. She told me that I needed to stopping worrying about everything. She said " Danielle you have always worried about every little thing, Your 17. You are to young to be worrying. You always do this, every since you were young you start panicing about stuff you shouldn't even care about. Go out have fun and forget about it." Blah to her.
:/ I wish it was that easy.
So today i drove my sister around to all the place she needed to go, my car is really about to die...or kill me. My mom is suppos eto be getting me a new one...since im the new taxi service...
I went to kenna's for a water balloon fight, and lost horribly. I was drinched, and noticed to be the only one. :/
Im so bored, nothing exciting is happening in life...phoey. I feeling like im hoping for a lost cause these days. Oh dear. hmmm
I saw these in my literture book a few weeks ago...I fell in love with it..the color and the style. i wish i could paint like this..plus it looks like a fairy tale
Zonist18 (10:11:25 PM): I wish my grass was emo...
Zonist18 (10:11:29 PM): that way it would cut itself
Petite Mortea18 (10:11:33 PM): lol
Last night was awesome, We successfully pissed off the mean chorus teacher. She has been a bitch to us the whole time we have been preparing for the play, so last night everything she told us we couldnt do..we did. Beautiful and the crowd loved it, so it shows she is stupid old man. I like making people laugh. I got a lot of compliments on my dancing skills, lol. The only downer last night was that my mom didn't come, it hurt. But oh well. :p
Afterward we all went to Marina's to party. I played pool, and I actually hit th ball...it didnt go in the pocket but I hit it. We danced, and stuff. at one point I was sitting on the couch watching Family Guy by myself, the other room had to many people in a small area and i felt trapped...lol..giggity giggity.
Spring break + Me = Lots of sleep and Hangman.