BlackAria777's Journal


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1 entry this month

22:06 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 602


"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back."

Hey click on the axe and grab it. Get your hands bloody baby! Add it to your page or put it in a comment box. Doesn't matter where you put it just PASS THE FUCKIN AXE!

Adritha is your Vampire name.

You are stunning to look at and to talk to. No

other type of Vampire has your creativity.

To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,

go here:


What is your Vampire name?
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Your death will be murder....Most likely because

your a very social person and everyone knows

you, but there is one person lurking in the

shadows that is so jealous of you or is so

obsessed they end up killing you...There are

many ways of being murdered...it depends on the

person, but your death will either be slow and

painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek

and painless (like a gunshot to the head).

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
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What angel dwells within your soul?

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~~What kind of angel are you?~~ (great pics)guys you can do this two ^^ didnt forget you

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Trapped. You are confused and feel lost in life.

You usually feel depressed and sad, people

usually stay away from you.


The Sensual Vampire

What type of vampire are you?
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What kind of soul do you have?
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Mothman. In 1966, the small town of Point Pleasent,

West Virginia, strange appearences and

reports of a mysterious, paranormal figure

have been paying some people a "little

visit". The being, or Mothman, Has been

described as a tall, dark grey figure with

wings and big glowing red eyes.

On November 15, a married couple(no names given)

was joyriding by the TNT area, or Munitions

plant. They saw Mothman, watching him as he

is them. Facination turned into Terror as

they were trying to go back into town to

cantact the police, only to find that it was

following them. The creature must of had

strong wings because When the young couple

had reached somewhere from 100-115 mpr it had

been only a couple of yards behind them since

the chase began. after making a couple of of

failed attempts to dive at the car, Mothman

finnaly dissapeared.

Over the next copule of weeks more sightings have

occured in Point Pleasent.But for some reason

Mothman had dissapeared as quickly as he

appeared. After somewhere around three weeks

after the first sighting has been reported,

he just seemed to have left Point Pleasent.

what mysterious creature are you? (cryptozoology)
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fly dude

You are followed by the Demon of Confusion. This

demon will make you confused about what you

want to do next. You can be quiet often and a

little on the dark side, but not depressed.

You can sometimes make poor decisions because

the Demon won't let you find which one is

right, but you remain calm which is good in

many situations. This is probably the hardest

Demon to get rid of. Hopefully you will grow

out of it or you can try accepting more

things they way they are.

What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:..
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You are Wrath!

What it is:The 3rd worst and the most common

of the sins. It is unrighteous anger, hatred,

revenge and denial.

Punishment in Hell:Dismembered(have your

limbs cut off)alive.(well if your in Hell you

would be dead anyway)



Demon:Satan(the Devil).

Which Of the 7 Deadly Sins Are You?
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People see hate in your eyes. You feel like there

is no good in the world. There's no one and

nothing that is worth your time anymore aside

from maybe causing pain to the unworthy

people around you. You hate all life and

probably just wish it would die or that you

could kill it yourself. You probably don't

have many good friends, and the friends you

do have are most likely sticking to a very

old and accurate saying. "Keep your

friends close but your enemies closer."

Sooner or later your hatred of the world will

be your own undoing because it turns everyone

against you. So good luck and watch your

step. (Image copyrighted to

http://arehandora.deviantart.com/ ))

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
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You are Form 7, Gryphon: The Wyrm.

"And The Gryphon displaced the balance of

the world in his favor. With grace and

control, Gryphon deceived mankind and ruled

over civillization. But even he realized

that all good things must come to an


Some examples of the Gryphon Form are Satan

(Christian) and Baphomet (Assyrian).

The Gryphon is associated with the concept of

control, the number 7, and the element of


His sign is the gibbous moon.

As a member of Form 7, you are a very in control

individual. You maintain your coolness in

most situations and always seem to be

prepared. Though some may say you are a bit

of a control freak, you know that you really

do make the best leader even if others can't

see it. Gryphons are the best friends to

have because they have a positive influence

on people.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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You yearn to be socially accepted yet have trouble

expressing yourself to others. You grow

nervous around large groups and seek solitude

far too often. You also low self-esteem and

fear rejection.

What's Your Disorder ?
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The First Born Son

The First Born Son

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
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You are a Black Talon, a breed of black werewolf

that is usually seen in a pack or 2 or more,

they have a muscular frame and are the

largest breed of werewolf. You are normally

quiet but if provoked will be tempted to bite

rather than bark. You prefer the darkness and

seclusion of your den but will venture

outside oftern...

Which Breed Of Werewolf Are You?
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Your word is: Hate. Your heart has been turned to

black since you haven't experienced love, or

maybe you felt love but got none in return.

So if no one else is willing to like you,

then why like them? You are now a very bitter

soul, trying to find a place and perhaps

someone who can co-exist with you. That can

be a problem since you tend to keep away from

most people and be rude, but maybe someday

you will be okay again.

What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics]
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You are burning

You are burning

What Self-Mutilation Are You?
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OMG! your soo mean :'( ignore that comment that I'd

kill you if you hate me ^-^''' Oh god don't

hurt me *runs away scared* OHH BTW FOAMY


What Icon, are you??????????
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Vidar Vaaer

Vidar Vaaer

Which Black Metal musician are You? (10 possible results)
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You are Cradle of Filth

Which Black Metal Band Are You?
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?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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You are sad because you are suppressed

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
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You are the Driller Killer! You have awesome style

to kill the ladies with! Keep up the great

dancing and killing!



The Ultimate Anne Rice Vampire Character Selection
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Black Wolf: Mystical and wise. A symbol of darkness

and strength.

What Kind of Wolf Are You?
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What Kind Of Person Are You?
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Paranoid Disorder:Very High
Schizoid Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Disorder:Moderate
Antisocial Disorder:High
Borderline Disorder:Very High
Histrionic Disorder:Low
Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Disorder:Moderate
Dependent Disorder:High
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

-- Personality Disorders --

Take the quiz: what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)weed.you are weed.you are laid back, ralaxed and outgoing.Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Carnival of CarnageYou were born in the year of Carnival of Carnage.

Which means you feel for the people in the

ghetto, dislike Rednecks, and are a little

bit crazy.

Relevant Years:

1951, 1957, 1963, 1969, 1975, 1981, 1987, 1993,

1999. Most Compatible with Great Milenko.

The Juggalo Zodiac Quiz
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Take the quiz: What piercing are you?Surfacethe dark one... mysterious, you keep to yourself and dont mix well with others, but you dont want to either. you like to be alone and dont like to go out clubbing and having fun (thats not a bad thing - im like you!)Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz: How long can u last in bed???Over 60 minutes Damn...u really know how to work it and keep the heat up for a long time. U prolly experiment and tease a lot. Your partner thinks you're a kinky bitch and loves doing it with u. U keep it coming and know how to make it fun. You really know how to pull an all-nighter and make it extra special. You get the caressing, teasing, and experimenting in all in night. It makes u even more irresistible and the sex even more intimate.Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

System of a DownSystem of a Down

What Band Would Love To Have You? (With Pictures) 15 Results
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Eric Draven

You Have Returned For Justice, To Avenge The Death Of The One You Loved At All Costs And To Show Those Fuckers That They Messed With The Wrong Musician!Which Character From The Crow Are You?

Take the quiz: What house of 1000 corpses character are you?Captain SpauldingHe seems like the all around good guy. He likes to play jokes, entertain all his guests at his Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz: Which vampiric angel are you?Chrytaeral, Angel of Servitude and the FallenChrytaeral received his name from Atheiral. His vampire name was Lucien. His existence is based on the way he views life: servitude in the name of something devastating and murderous. This angel is also known as the Angel of the Fallen or the Damned Angel.Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

You have a sexual IQ of 153

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com



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