Im not really sure where this post goes, so if this isnt the right place I wont bitch if it gets moved.
This is a warning for all other Kin and my Fanged Family.
On sunday night I was at a club with my House members. I went out back for a ciggarett and I saw 3 large men near a black sudan with serveral "God talk" and Jesus Stuff stickers. I smoked my cigarett as I watched these three yutzes strap on all kinds of Vampire Killey shit, steaks, crosses, clubs, and knifes. I went inside to warn my House and get them out as quickly and safely as possible. There where several other Vampires in the club who also made a go for the door when we did. These ass holes had jumped the back gate and proceded to beat the ever loving life from some poor Vampire who just so happened to be at the club, it was several minutes befor securety got to them. Thanks Be to the Gods, these ass holes are now in jail for a hate crime, but they where touting some holy crusade, gods will Bull Shit.
Also, I was speaking to my House Mistress in our AZ sect and she told me that our neighboring, and friendly house had lost 4 of there members due to murder.
If this is some new movment, or these events are somehow realated, I want you all to be warned and keep an eye always on the watch. If you see anything shady going on, call it. It might save a family members or you own life.
A Word to those bastards who did this:
God did not tell you to do this you close minded redneck morons! God is love and there for to do his will you must spread only LOVE. If you harm my family, my clan, my house, or my people, I WILL make it my personal mission to exterminate you. I WILL hunt you down. I WILL Give you to the athorities, And if they do nothing to you, I WILL be waiting for you and I WILL.
Fanged Family, Please be carefull
In our Beloved Darkness
Safty and Blessings
James A. McMorrigan
House of Scarab and Sword
Ok, heres my issue. I joined this sight because its supposed to be full of these resources for vampires. And yet again, I find the one thing I hate in this culutre I love to much...Its elitist BULL SHIT! I just moved to a new area, I have proferia (the vampire desease) and I need to bloody FEED and I have to way to find a new food source. And y? because this damn sight which clames to be a resource for vampires doesnt have that information, and If it does, because Im new to the sight, I cant have it. And maybe thats not public info, well then why cant I post a damned question about where to get my meal!? I need food, and anyone who reads this and knows, I hope you can find it in your barely beating heart to tell me where I can get a fresh fix.
In Beloved Darkness
James A. McMorrigan
Ive been in a heated debate for the last couple of evenings with my coven on the subject of unbecoming. Since it is apparent that we wont be coming to an agreance anytime soon on the subject, I leave this question to any and all who would answer it and respond. I would ask that you respond even if you arnt sure, just say as such. The question is........
Is is Possible to unbecome a vampire, vampielle, or (and I will be bleaching my finger tips shortly for typing it LOL) a lycan? If so, then how. And if not, then what is your oppinion as to why?
I and my coven look forward to hearing from you all.
In the Beloved Darkness
James A. McMorrigan
The Dark Rose
Ok, Im an old vamp and an older dragon, and I understand that the Vampire culture is elite and whatnot, but I this sight, while it seems cool, is alittle over the top with the elitist stuff, so much to the point that I cant find my way around.
So, that said Im asking for someone to help me into this, as a guide. So, if you will, please get back to me when ever you are able, especially if you are willing. Im like a vampire from the old world comming to the new, enjoying the ride, but rather lost in it.
Beloved Darkness
James A. McMorrigan