Okay i need some advice from guys and girls...what is your opinion on this situation?
My boyfriend of over a year decided to move all of his stuff out of the house while i was at work....then text me telling me he moved out and didn't wanna talk about it. I cried for hours.
Then he called me later that night and said he didn't want to break up, that he still loves me, but we need to slow things down a bit. he said that i do things that piss him off.
to clarify...he wants house cleaned every day ( which i agree with) He wants laundry done everyday washed dryed and hung up (ok no biggie)...he basically doesn't want to have to do anything but work and come home. ( he does cook dinner though)....but if i forget to do any of those he gets pissed off.
I have tried so hard to be what he wants...and he still moved out..what am i doing wrong?
04:07 May 12 2009
For mine - I don't believe you are doing anything wrong, per se, so much as you are not (or have not been) doing what he wants...
... and what that comes down to is what sort of relationship you want, need, and expect to have with this guy.
The real question is: do you feel what he wants is a reasonable expectation?
04:11 May 12 2009
Yes i think it's resonable, the problem is that my memory is crap and i forget sometimes...there is also an age difference in us...dunno if that is a reason or not.
04:24 May 12 2009
Are you working? If not i understand he may feel that you should be responsible for keeping the place neat and tidy. But, you two are living together and if he can't pick up after himself, you're not living with someone worth while. Make sure he isn't taking you for granted.
He shouldn't get pissed about this kind of stuff, it's childish and irrational. If he is older then you he should realise that communication with your partner doesnt involve storming out and texting you to tell you he's leaving.
You deserve better. Why don't you make him realise what he's missing... tell him to clean his own damn clothes!
05:03 May 12 2009
Seems what he wants is a maid not a GF. He needs to share in the work. Its nice to have clean clothes and a clean house but its no reason to get pissed about it
13:57 May 12 2009
yes i work two jobs, and he is a truck driver that works 12 - 14 hrs a day....all i ever asked him to do was take out trash....I do think he has commitment issues though..he has been married 3 times before.
15:33 May 12 2009
A relationship shouldn't be give, give, give on you end. It should be equal. Give and receive. Plus you shouldn't have to change who you are as a person to fit with him. If it's ment to be then it will be a natural give and take relationship.
19:22 May 18 2009
ok hon, here are some cold hard facts:
1: are you his momma or his girl friend?
2: why do you have to be the one to do it all? is his hands broke?
3: my husband helps he clean and does anything I ask him to with out a fuss or getting pissy about it.
4: this is not the dark ages it is the 21 century women do how do the king of the castle shit unless the choose to meaning its your choice not his.
5: and if you work also get a life and get the fuck rid of him and find someone who appreciates you for you .
04:05 Jul 29 2009
What you're doing wrong is giving in to his every demand...
Fuck that.
You work just as much as he does if not more.
Tell that lazy bastard you are not a maid and you are not there to cater to his every whim and fancy.
If he doesn't like it, drop him like a hot sack of taters and move on girlie.