Bel12702's Journal


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7 entries this month


"We The First People"

21:21 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 560

We The First People

I'm proud to belong to one of the original clans

Whose Ancestors occupied all of these lands

Before we were found by some wandering seaman

Who knew just where he was - and we became “Indians”.

Tell me about our history, a tear will glisten

Stories of how life use to be, bring a rueful smile

Drums talk to me of our victories, I will listen

and flutes will find me dreaming all the while

In order to “save” us, they killed us

Our peaceful cultures were “dangerous”

And they thought they could just ravage us

But by fighting back, we became “savages”.

Call us lazy indeed - we're not driven by their greed

To gather materials about them

But my question is, how did we exist,





21:20 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 561

In the wood, I lie dreaming

Watching images of that yet to come

Stories weave in the air around me

With the history that creates what I am

On the Earth I lie dreaming

Warmed by the sun Cooled by the breeze

Listening to secrets Whispered by the wind

Whirling through the mind of a paradox living

In the winter I lie dreaming

Waiting for the song that signals me to wake

The joining of history with myth and story

Twining around what I am,,,what I shall forever be

In the wood I lie dreaming

Waking softly to a life constant, ever-changing lived joyfully.

Ancient wisdom teaches that we must become that which we believe. The forgotten link is the heart center...........it is the heart that supplies the brain with vibrational information instructing us on what to do next. It is said the heart receives its messages from Mother Earth.....and the Earth from Spirit. As the Earth raises her vibrations, and as we enter this wonderous time, ------------the Shift of the Ages, so must all living beings




It is compassion that will help us to raise our own vibrations ....... it is how we will be able to enter the Fifth World of Illumination -------A time of peace at last.

We all walk with Spirit.

Sometimes they are our guides in another dimension.

Sometimes spirit takes the form of animals or birds.

Sometimes an angel appears and walks with us.

The experience is transformational - alchemical.

As consciousness evolves - we become more aware of spirit in its many forms.

Recently, when I was with a friend recently, they mentioned sensed - my spirit guide walking alongside us both and in my home.

A nother friend, also mentioned the presence of spirit walking with them.

many of my friends have reported knowing thepresence of spirit and how they tap into their messages.

These people report a feeling of protection by the spirits who touch their lives.

This is also accompanied by a feeling of deja vu.

I have always experienced spirit with me - so this is nothing new - but it is wonderful to know that others are becoming more aware.

Many of the spirit walking share there storys with people.

Speaking of spirits I was sent a message. And the blue light in this case is light refraction - but its presence is spirits way of saying, "I am here."

"I have become interested in learning all I can about Spirit Guides and would like to share with you,That finding your spirit guide cold be in form of animal or human images. I believe mine to be a white hourse that has lead me, to be my Spirit Guide, and think he is beautiful, I dream of him often, and cannot imagine my life without him now that I have discovered him."

Have you ever felt the presence of spirits walking with you?




"Prayer for Family"

21:06 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 562

Prayer for Family

Grandfather hear my offering.

Grandfather I lift my voice to you,

HE that is above all.

It is you, Grandfather, that holds

The four winds in your hand.

Grandfather, it is you that has

Made the day and the night.

It is you, Grandfather, that has

Put breath in my lungs.

My strength, my spirit,

Grandfather, are your gifts.

I ask, Grandfather, that

You protect my campsite.

That my children grow up under

Your eyes as well as mine.

Grandfather, I offer up my prayer

With all honor.

Grandfather, hear my pleas.

My pleas for my family.

Let not my enemies overtake us.

Grandfather, send forth your Watchman

To guard our camp.

The eagle has taken my prayers

Upon his wings Grandfather




An Indian Prayer

21:05 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 563

My grandfather is the fire

My grandmother is the wind

The Earth is my mother

The Great Spirit is my father

The World stopped at my birth

and laid itself at my feet

And I shall swallow the Earth whole

when I die

and the Earth and I will be one

Hail The Great Spirit, my father

without him no one could exist

because there would be no will to live

Hail The Earth, my mother

without which no food could be grown

and so cause the will to live to starve

Hail the wind, my grandmother

for she brings loving, lifegiving rain

nourishing us as she nourishes our crops

Hail the fire, my grandfather

for the light, the warmth, the comfort he brings

without which we be animals, not men

Hail my parent and grandparents

without which

not I

nor you

nor anyone else

could have existed

Life gives life

which gives unto itself

a promise of new life

Hail the Great Spirit, The Earth, the wind, the fire

praise my parents loudly

for they are your parents, too

Oh, Great Spirit, giver of my life

please accept this humble offering of prayer

this offering of praise

this honest reverence of my love for you.




"Oh, Great Spirit"

21:04 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 564

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,

Whose breath gives life to all the world.

Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.

Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf & rock.

Help me seek pure thoughts & act with the intention of helping others.

Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - Myself.

Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.




"Earth Healing Ceremony"

21:03 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 565

O Great Creator,

I come before you in a humble manner

and offer you this sacred pipe.

With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart

I pray.

To the four powers of Creation,

To the Grandfather Sun,

To the Grandmother Moon,

To the Mother Earth,

And to my ancestors.

I pray for my relations in Nature,

All those who walk, crawl, fly, and swim,

Seen and unseen,

To the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation.

I ask that you bless our elders and children and families and friends,

And the brothers and sisters in prison.

I pray for the ones who are sick on drugs and alcohol

And for those homeless and forlorn.

I also pray for peace among the four races of humankind.

May there be good health and healing for this Earth,

May there be Beauty above me,

May there be Beauty below me,

May there be Beauty in me,

May there be Beauty around me.

I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love and Beauty.




"Animal Symbols"

21:02 Oct 30 2005
Times Read: 566

Alligator-Stealth, Survival

Ant-Patience, Diligence and Work

Antelope-Taking Action

Armadillo-Boundaries, Self Protection

Badger-Aggressiveness, Passion and Drive

Bat-Death and Rebirth on Personal, Spiritual Level

Bear-Gentle Strength, Introspection and Dreaming

Beaver-Building, Accomplishing Goals

Bee-Service, Gathering, Community

Bird-Unity, Freedom, Community

Buffalo-Abundance, Survival Needs Met, Good Fortune, Healing

Butterfly-Self Transformation, Balance, Grace

Bumblebee-Honesty, Pure Thinking, Willingness and Drive

Caribou-Travel and Mobility

Cougar- Power, Swiftness, Balance

Coyote- "The Trickster" , Humor, Charm, Folly of Self-Deception and Survival

Crane-Water, End of Summer, Migration

Cricket-Singing, Spring, Fertility

Crow-Sacred Law, Gateway To Supernatural, Shape Shifting, Illusion

Deer-Gentleness, Compassion and Kindness

Dog-Protection and Loyalty

Dolphin-Joy, Harmony, Intelligence, Self Connection

Dove-Love, Gentleness and Kindness

Dragonfly-Dreamtime, Illusion, Spring, Water

Dolphin-Life Force, Rhythm and Breath

Eagle-Spirit Connection to Higher Realms, Courage

Elk-Stamina, Pride, Power, Majesty


Firefly-Communication, Illumination

Fish-Water, Current, Flow of Life From the Earth

Fox-Camouflage, Adaptability and Integration

Frog-Fluidity, Water and Rain, Cleansing and Tears

Goat-Tenacity, Diligence

Goose-Safe Return, Love of Home

Hawk-Strength, Foresight, Truth

Hedgehog-Self Preservation

Heron-Patience, Grace

Horse-Physical and Spiritual Power, Carrier Of Burdens

Hummingbird-Pure Love and Joy, Celebration of Life

Ladybug-Delight, Trust

Lion-Pride, Nobility, Cunning, Courage

Lizard-Dreaming, Foresight, Ancient Secrets

Loon-Peace, Tranquility, Generosity

Lynx-Keeper of Mystical Secrets

Moose-Self Esteem, Assertiveness

Mountain Lion-Wisdom and Balance in Leadership

Mouse-Scrutiny, Attention to Detail

Opossum -Strategy and Diversion

Otter-Earth and Water, Balanced Feminine Energy

Owl-Clairvoyance, Magic, Astral Projection

Parrot Feather-Bringer of Essential Rain and Seed

Peacock-Recognition, Self Assurance, Pride

Pelican-Abundance, Plenty

Pheasant-Warning, Concealment

Porcupine-Gentle Innocence and Trust

Quail-Protectiveness, Group Harmony

Rabbit-Fear, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Raccoon-Curiosity, Inquisitiveness

Ram-Strength, Determination

Raven-Bringer of Magic and Light, Creation and Knowledge

Roadrunner-Speed, Agility

Salmon-Dependability and Renewal

Sandpiper-Foraging, Scavenging, Quickness

Scorpion-Defense, Self Protection, Biting Truth

Seagull-Carefree Attitude, Versatility, Freedom

Seal-Inquisitiveness, Organization, Contentment

Snake-Transmutation, Life Cycles

Skunk-Reputation, Respect, Caution

Snail-Perseverance, Determination

Snake-Power, Life Force, Sexual Potency

Spider-Weaving, Symbolism

Squirrel-Gathering, Preparation, Thrift

Swan-Grace, Surrender to the Universal Plan

Tadpole-Fertility and Renewal, Transformation

Turkey-Give Away, Sacrifice of Self and Others

Turtle-Mother Earth, Protection

Weasel-Stealth, Information Gathering

Whale-Historical Record Keeper, Traveler, Guardian

Wolf-Teacher of New Ideas and Wisdom, Intense Loyalty with Balance of Independence

Woodpecker-Change, Persistance



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