Spock noted that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few and there is no refuting his logic. That noted, in a universe of reasoned benevolence, it should be possible for one with few (or none), who need them, to take on the threat to one with a great many who need, cherish and love them.
Knowing of such a situation, I can't help but have the desire to be able to wish such an arrangement into being. One with little to lose, loses little while one with so much to gain, also fulfills the needs of the many who need them.
Were it possible, that would be my wish. It should occur with little notice on one side, and great rejoicing on the other. And things would be more right with the universe. I'll wish... and hope, and look to that end.
Perhaps the universe will surprise me. The ball is now in its court, and I will wait.
All day and part of the night and only one thought occupies my mind. I've tried posting to deviate. I went shopping and still only one thing occupied my thoughts. I know life isn't fair but sometimes it seems so incredibly unfair as to be beyond random chance.
She can be incredibly strong when called upon but it does take its toll. We can still hope that the worst is avoided and that the anguish and anxiety endured does not lead her to abandon another part of herself.
smiles and wishes she could give hug.
19:22 Mar 01 2009
I like Spock's Logic.