...the power of words.
More and more I'm noticing the difference between what we say and what we do. This seems to be one of the most effective tools of politics. If you say the things people want to hear, many seem oblivious when your actions are contrary to your words. As long as you gain favor through speech, many seem not to realize that your words and your actions are at odds.
I think I'm going to try to become more focused on what people do, and pay less attention to what they say -- except to remember that if what they say and what they do are inconsistent, they're someone in which I should hold no trust.
Tell me what you will. What counts is what you do.
The demons of my day flank and manuever, driving me into night. In sleep the monsters of the night take hold, driving me panicked and sprayed in sweat, back to the wakeful monsters of conscious life. And no place may I rest between, save one.
Four-fifteen, head pounding, mouth dry and eyes roasting in a hot wind of fatigue. There is no place for me here. I remain marked, horrible and alone.
Wow, luv it ... just need to keep you away from your bike and writing more.
Yep, I agree with him *looks up*.
There aren't any monsters taking hold of me in my dreams... but I am having a hard time getting to the dreams. I lie awake head pounding, mouth dry and eyes roasting in a hot wind of fatigue... but I am just having plain old insomnia :)
I'm in agony because dreaming is my favorite things to do. I escape to Planet Clandestine.
favorite *thing*
14:06 Feb 24 2009
These words will never lead you wrong, in fact they will show you a more powerful world than you may have thought possible. Granted it is one where you will be disappointed several time, but you will also have those stellar moments where people surprise you in the most unexpected ways.
Personally I am at the point where I am trying to do live as I watch- to follow through and when I am unable to act, being honest with myself first, so that others understand my plight is not about them or their actions.