BatsInTheBelphry's Journal

BatsInTheBelphry's Journal


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30 entries this month

spell a day Nov 30,2010

08:20 Nov 30 2010
Times Read: 748

Spell A Day

Sleep Tight!

November 30


Color of the day: Black

Incense of the day: Cedar

With night comes sleep, and with sleep come dreams.

Ordinary dreams give the mind a way to process the day’s

experiences and turn them into memories. True dreams

may bring messages from the subconscious or from the

higher self. Nightmares can make for restless sleep and

lethargic days, so here’s a spell for sweet dreams.

For this spell, you need a clear glass jar with a tight lid,

some white sugar, clean sand that is dark enough to

contrast with the sugar, and a wire. Pour a  -inch layer of

sand in the bottom of the jar, then a layer of sugar, then

another layer of sand. Poke the wire down through the

layers at the sides of the jar to make V-shaped patterns.

Visualize the sweetness of the sugar blending with the sand,

which represents sleep and dreams. Continue adding layers,

and making designs with the wire until the jar is full. Seal

the lid and keep the jar near your bed. Sweet dreams!




spell a day Nov 29, 2010

11:58 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 751

Spell A Day

Andrzejki Fortunetellings

November 29


Color of the day: Ivory

Incense of the day: Narcissus

A traditional Polish method for fortunetelling involves young

unmarried women who, starting at the back of a room,

would line their shoes up in a straight line one after another.

After all the shoes are in place, the person at the end of the

line takes their shoe to put it at the front of the line until

someone’s shoe reaches the door. It is said the owner of

the first shoe to cross the threshold will be the first to

marry within twelve months. Another fortunetelling method

is the “Fruit Rite,” in which several fruits are placed in a

line on a table. Participants are blindfolded and told to pick a

fruit. A ripe, red apple signifies a healthy relationship. A

lemon represents a wrong choice of partner. A pear or

banana means fertility. A prune means that the person will

live a lonely life. A strawberry signifies a lifetime





spell a day Nov 28, 2010

07:22 Nov 28 2010
Times Read: 755

Spell A Day

Remove Workplace Negavitiy

November 28


Color of the day: Amber

Incense of the day: Almond

Before the workweek starts back up, let’s remove any

negativity and envy others may be directing toward you at

your job. This crystal spell taps into the energies of the Sun

and the waning Moon and uses the crystal carnelian. A

beautiful, orange-red, and inexpensive tumbled stone,

carnelian encourages protection, passion, and healing (and

is rumored to remove jealousy and hatred). Hold the

tumbled stone in your hand and repeat the spell verse three

times. Afterward, slip the enchanted stone in your pocket—

keep it close to you until the New Moon.

The carnelian is linked with the element of fire,

Surround me with your healing strength and grant my


Ward me against anger, envy, and spite,

Let this week at work turn out just right.

By the powers of the Earth and Sun,

As I will it, so shall it be done.




spell a day Nov 27, 2010

06:51 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 758

Spell A Day

Prescription for Life

November 27


Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Patchouli

I am a crone. You are a warrior refining your skills. She is a

maiden or perhaps a mother with babe swollen in her belly.

Our day begins, each one of us with different needs,

different expectations; each of us requiring our own

personal medicine. What is your prescription for life today?

We might ask this question and simply draw a tarot card,

rune, or ogam. But it is interesting to discover what nature

whispers softly to us. Go out into the day. Sharpen your

senses. Listen, look, smell, and feel. Allow yourself to

experience this heightened expectation of magic brewing. Go

for a walk and remain very alert and aware of what’s

around you. Begin to collect objects that come into your

sphere. An acorn, a playing card, a perfect branch of birch, a

goose feather that falls from the tree right into the palm of

your hand, an electric-blue shard of glass, someone’s

discarded newspaper. It can be anything that catches your

attention or simply happens before you. Make it like a

scavenger hunt, discovering hidden treasure. When you

return home, spread out all of your findings. Think about

what they may represent in your life that you need right

now. Create your own medicine by divining the secrets of

your found objects and then writing a personal prescription

for your life.




spell a day Nov 26, 2010

07:10 Nov 26 2010
Times Read: 760

Spell A Day

Spell for Detachment

November 26


Color of the day: Pink

Incense of the day: Mint

During a period of Christian persecution back in the fourth

century, St. Peter of Alexandria instructed his followers to

conquer their fear of pain and death by detaching from the

idea of self. What neuroscientists have concluded in this

century is there is no part of the brain wherein the self

resides. What gives us the illusion of self is our brain giving

us an ongoing narrative of the “Me.” Whether you buy into

this idea fully or not, practicing detachment is an excellent

tool when you’re experiencing difficulties. Find yourself a

quiet place where you can meditate. Whether you sit in a

lotus position or in a chair, try to maintain an upright

posture. Center by focusing on your breath. When your mind

wanders back to the narration of self, gently steer it back to

the breath.




spell a day Nov 25, 2010

07:17 Nov 25 2010
Times Read: 762

Spell A Day

A Thanksgiving Blessing

November 25


Thanksgiving Day

Color of the day: Crimson

Incense of the day: Myrrh

Family gatherings can be a challenge, but since Jupiter, the

planet that rules Thursday, inspires us to share our

thoughts, beliefs, and prosperity, it is the perfect day for a

Thanksgiving spell. You don’t need to convert your family

to the Pagan practice, but offer to say a blessing when your

family gathers for the traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Sometimes the simple, nondenominational blessing is the

most powerful, speaking metaphorically to everyone


We give thanks for all

that we are blessed with democracy, peace, prosperity, and


Let us give thanks for the food that fuels us, the

abundant earth that has produced it, and our family that

gathers in harmony to enjoy it.

Let each of us quietly reflect on the great riches that are

ours, collectively and


As we gather here, let us be grateful for all we enjoy and

share our bounty together.




spell a day Nov 24, 2010

09:07 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 763

Spell A Day

Saraswati Knowledge Ritual

November 24


Color of the day: Brown

Incense of the day: Bay laurel

The Hindu goddess Saraswati is the patron of the arts and

sciences. She can be invoked using her mantra for help in

studies, exams, memory retention, intellectual pursuits,

insight, wisdom, writing, singing, dancing, choreography,

and composing as well as in scientific studies and research.

Wash or clean a statue, idol, or framed picture of Saraswati.

When it is dry, adorn it with flowers and perfume. Light

some incense and candles or a ghee lamp where possible. A

ghee lamp is nontoxic and does not have black fumes. Offer

fruits, sweets, honey, milk, sweet cakes, yogurt, and

unsalted nuts. Sit in a comfortable position before

commencing mantra chanting. The mantra for Saraswati is

“Om Aim Saraswatiye Namaha.” The mantra should be

recited at least 9 times each day, but if you are able to chant

up to 108 times per day in one sitting for thirty days, this is

even better.




spell a day Nov 23, 2010

09:03 Nov 23 2010
Times Read: 765

Spell A Day

Fireside Nights

November 23


Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Ylang-ylang

Deep in November, when the night settles quickly over the

hills and the wind moans through the pines, I’m drawn to

the fireside. Nights such as this are times to perform fire

magic. You may begin by divining the future.

Start by burning a piece of bark; as it burns look intently at

the shape of the bark as it curls. What do you see? After

building the fire more, watch the flames. If there are no

flames in the center of the logs, you’ll have a break in a

problem you’ve been facing. If the flames build higher in

the center, news is coming.

To send a message to someone, write it on a piece of paper

and feed it into the fire; you’ll receive an answer. As you

let the fire die, look deep into the embers, and you’ll see

the dawn of civilization.




spell a day Nov 22, 2010

15:56 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 767

Spell A Day

Buck Misconceptions about You

November 22


Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Clary sage

Most people think of deer as a gentle totem. However, this

time of year many species of deer go into rut; bucks will

then battle it out for the right to mate with does. Both sexes

possess sharp hooves and a powerful kick any time of year,

and deer have been known to attack people, especially this

time of year.

Likewise, you may be underestimated by others because

they may not understand you as much as they think they do.

Today, take a page out of Deer’s book and show others

what you’re really capable of! Of course, you don’t have

to resort to violence. Instead, shatter people’s illusions

about you in positive, constructive ways. Above all else, be

true to yourself. Deer doesn’t stop being aggressive just

because people think Bambi is the real deal. In the same

way, don’t compromise yourself just to please others.




spell a day Nov 21, 2010

07:06 Nov 21 2010
Times Read: 771

Spell A Day

Invoking Hecate

November 21


Color of the day: Gold

Incense of the day: Juniper

Tonight is a perfect time to work with the goddess Hecate

for protection and wisdom. This Triple Goddess has many

forms and faces. She can appear as the Maiden in a shining

headdress. As a mature woman, the Mother, or a wise

silver-haired grandmother, the Crone. Hecate is a

powerhouse and is fiercely protective of magic users. Light

three candles: one white, one red, and one black. If you own

a dog, call it to your side for this invocation, as dogs are

sacred to her.

The Mourning Moon of November rises softly this night,

Illuminating the night skies with a magical light.

Hecate hear my call and send me your blessings,

How you may appear, will keep me guessing.

With the dramatic howl of dogs, your presence is known,

I will honor your magic no matter where I roam.

Grant me the gifts of your protection and wisdom,

For I will hold these dear, within my Craft lessons.

By Hecate ’s power of earth, sky, and sea,

I accept your wise teachings, So mote it be.

Allow the candles to burn out in a safe place. Pay attention

and see what messages Hecate sends to you in the next





spell a day Nov 20, 2010

06:44 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 774

Spell A Day

Sophia the Internet Goddess

November 20


Color of the day: Brown

Incense of the day: Pine

There are those who say the goddess of the computer is the

motherboard. While I do not disagree, I also believe that

Sophia is an important goddess invoked by the computer.

We find Sophia (wisdom; derived from the Greek sophos

meaning “wise”) buried in among the many Wikipedia

listings that are unattributed, in the online encyclopedias

and dictionaries, the university information pages, and the

millions of blogs and newspapers. What we need to

understand is that not everything we read on the Internet is

true, and we need to ask Sophia to help us see past the

opinions, hearsay, and gossip to find the truths. Ask Sophia

to guide you as you rummage through the Google entries

when you are researching a paper or looking for information

on the Web. Listen, because she will point out the well-

documented information by showing you the footnotes and

bibliographies you should be looking for.




spell a day Nov 19, 2010

08:07 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 776

Spell A Day

Today is “Have a Bad Day” Day

November 19


Color of the day: Rose

Incense of the day: Yarrow

There is nothing wrong with being mad—the kind of

stomping, raging, yelling with your fists to the air,

screaming, “I’m not going to take it anymore,” anger—

as long as you don’t dwell on that kind of rage. To

magically express those emotions so that eventually your

cooler head will prevail, go to a private place outdoors near

some trees. Take a dozen eggs in a biodegradable carton.

After you are sure you are alone, scream, rage, and express

your anger. Name names and be as cussed as you wish.

When the anger peaks, take an egg and throw it at a tree.

When it breaks, see the anger release and the energy

transform. Repeat as necessary. When you are finished,

break up the carton, thank Mother Earth for her

transformative powers, and put the carton in compost or





spell a day Nov 18, 2010

06:32 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 778

Spell A Day

Offering to Cernunnos

November 18


Color of the day: Purple

Incense of the day: Nutmeg

Today is sacred to Cernunnos, the Celtic god. Cernunnos is

associated with shamanism magic and rebirth. In his darker

aspects, he is connected to the mysteries of death and

sexuality. He is the wild and untamable force in nature.

Make an offering to Cernunnos today. What part of you is

wild? What part of you is completely free and untamable?

Think about this today. Even in the age of computers and

technology, there lives a deep, primal power within each of

us. How does it look for you? Journal in your Book of

Shadows if you like. Go to your ritual space and meditate on

the meaning of freedom and untamability in your life.

Breathe deeply and allow your true self to come forth.

Listen. What do you vow to do to foster your wild nature?

Offer this to Cernunnos today. May your day be blessed




spell a day Nov 17, 2010

07:27 Nov 17 2010
Times Read: 782

Spell A Day


November 17


Color of the day: White

Incense of the day: Lilac

Most people say wisdom comes with age, but it also comes

with experience. Use this spell to help you gain the most

wisdom you can from your daily experiences. Find a long

piece of yellow ribbon. You will tie three knots into this

ribbon and recite the following as you tie each knot:

Learning, living, loving —life

Contains both happiness and strife.

Help me see, and learn, and know —

So that I may always grow.

Carry the ribbon with you in a purse or wallet for as long as

you like.




spell a day Nov 16, 2010

07:27 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 783

Spell A Day

Long-Distance Friendship Spell

November 16


Color of the day: Black

Incense of the day: Ginger

When things get rough, it helps to remember that we have

people in our lives who care for us. Even when we’re far

away, traveling or away at college, they still bless our lives.

Sometimes we need a reminder that we aren’t alone,

especially when we’re feeling down. Get a beeswax candle,

preferably one that will burn for a long time. Next, ask

permission from those closest to you to carve their names

into the candle; if they’re of the magical persuasion, you

might even ask them to put a personal blessing on it. Once

you’ve carved their names, hold the candle and say:

I am blessed by every friend

Who helps me get back on the mend.

Whenever you’re having a bad day or feeling like you’re

all alone, burn the candle for a little while and meditate on

those whose names are on it and their relationships with





spell a day Nov 15, 2010

06:57 Nov 15 2010
Times Read: 786

Spell A Day

Healing Tribal Blood Lines

November 15


Color of the day: Lavender

Incense of the day: Lily

Collect your fingernail clippings and excess hair from combs

or brushes. Place them in a loose muslin bag and bury them

in an undeveloped area or woodland park close to you. When

finished, place your hands over the fresh soil and chant the

following mantra slowly and clearly ninety-nine times, to

invoke the number of change and progression.

Oh, spiral life; all tribes are one.

When you have finished, give your own personal prayer to

the ancestors of all people on the Earth. Try to evoke a

feeling of global unity and humanitarian love. Let this flow

freely from you into the Earth; keep nothing for yourself.

When you feel that the Earth has accepted your offering,

walk away whispering your hopes and dreams for peace and

unity. Continue repeating these prayers as you travel home

and give energy to them often.




spell a day Nov 14, 2010

07:32 Nov 14 2010
Times Read: 790

Spell A Day

A Coffee Spell

November 14


Color of the day: Yellow

Incense of the day: Hyacinth

As the cold returns, we often choose a hot beverage in the

morning for comfort and cheer. Let coffee infuse you with

delightful good dark magic. Whether you grind your own

beans or use preground coffee, take a moment to smell the

stimulating aroma. As your coffee brews, know that light

transforms into darkness, just as the water transforms to

coffee. As you gaze at the coffee in the pot, look also to the

dark, rich places inside you. What parts of you need

stimulating and enlivening? What energy do you need to

awaken? What aspects of the darkness will you most enjoy

in this time? Pour yourself a cup of coffee and fix it to your

taste. Sip the magical brew, incanting:

Into the darkness I safely slide,

Knowing my magic dwells inside.

Strength and safety, dreams and insight,

Darkness befriends me just like the light.




spell a day Nov 13, 2010

07:52 Nov 13 2010
Times Read: 795

Spell A Day

Prepare for Winter

November 13


Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Ivy

The runic period of Nyd, also known as Nauthiz, begins

today. As the rune of necessity, Nauthiz urges us to make

ready for winter. What tasks do you give yourself this time

of year to prepare for winter? Whether it’s packing up

your summer clothes and bringing out the quilts, cleaning

the chimney, mulching the garden, or all of the above, these

activities bring us in line with the rhythms of our world and,

if done mindfully, can be a spiritual practice. As a deepening

of this practice, consider what needs mending in your

emotional life. This is a time to pay back old debts and heal

old grudges. If you view the upcoming winter with dread, try

to identify what makes this season hard for you and

brainstorm how you might remedy the situation.




spell a day Nov 12, 2010

07:02 Nov 12 2010
Times Read: 799

Spell A Day

Keep a Secret Spell

November 12


Color of the day: Purple

Incense of the day: Thyme

When a friend tells you a deep dark secret and swears you

to secrecy, sometimes it’s hard to keep your mouth shut.

Now that the Sun is in Scorpio, this is a favorable time to

work a spell that will help you guard a secret. For this spell

you’ll need black paper, a black ink pen, black ribbon, and

an old key you don’t need. Write this verse on the black

paper with black ink (the idea is that you can’t see it):

My lips are locked, my lips are sealed,

Your secret will never be revealed.

Place the key over the verse and fold the paper around the

key. Tie the bundle with the ribbon. Hide this bundle. When

and if the time comes that you no longer need to keep the

secret, burn the paper in a ritual fire. Then take the key to a

muddy body of water and throw it away.




spell a day Nov 11, 2010

11:46 Nov 11 2010
Times Read: 802

Spell A Day

Healing, Peace, and Hope

November 11


Veterans Day

Color of the day: Green

Incense of the day: Jasmine

On Veterans Day, the U.S. government asks that we honor all

the men and women who have served in our nation’s

military. Some may not agree with the military actions the

United States has engaged in during their lifetimes, and

others, who may not know any soldiers, struggle to connect

to the meaning of this holiday. But whatever one’s political

beliefs or personal experiences, today is a good day to work

for healing. Whether you want to direct energy toward

ending a world conflict, increasing tolerance in your own

community, or a soldier you know who has been wounded or

psychologically injured in combat, take time today to create

an altar. On the altar, place three candles—for hope,

healing, and peace. Visualize a world in which the soldier’s

job is no longer necessary, and acknowledge the value of

fighting for freedom and human rights. Close your ritual

with a salute.




spell a day Nov 10, 2010

11:56 Nov 10 2010
Times Read: 803

Spell A Day

Protective Clothing

November 10


Color of the day: Topaz

Incense of the day: Marjoram

Part of being a Witch is seeing all life as sacred. Our

experience of existence is the most holy ritual we will ever

perform. Because of this, magicians and Witches should

always be conscious of how they are living in metaphysical

consciousness from day to day. First and foremost, we

must be centered in our bodies and minds; we must

holistically be at peace with ourselves—and protected.

There are countless ways to weave magic into our lives. The

most mundane tasks can easily become sacred mini-rituals

or acts of magic. I recommend the book Instant Magic by

Christopher Penczak for gaining such ideas, and recommend

performing the following spell to influence your daily cycles.

When in public, all sorts of energies surround us and can

influence us on many levels. To help secure daily energetic

protection, simply go into your room with a smoldering

wand of sage. Quickly smudge every article of clothing you

own—everything from the elegant wear to the underwear.


Flee, all foreign vibrations! This clothing is mine, and shall

protect me for all of my days. May they continually serve as

strong barriers of protection. So shall it be!




spell a day Nov 9, 2010

06:18 Nov 09 2010
Times Read: 804

Spell A Day

A Grieving Ritual

November 9


Color of the day: Maroon

Incense of the day: Bayberry

None of us are exempt from sorrow and grief; and mourning

takes its own time and its own path. For a spell to honor our

sorrowful heart, gather a black candle and a silver candle,

special items to commemorate who or what you are

grieving, patchouli incense, a pen, fallen leaves (dry), and a

fireproof bowl. At your altar, honor the directions and call in

the guides and deities that sustain you. Light the black

candle in honor of your grief and light the silver candle in

honor of love and hope. Light the incense and let its

grounding power envelop you. Write messages and

blessings on the leaves in honor of your grief. Present the

leaves to the directions and the deities and the lit candles;

and then burn them one at a time. Watch the smoke waft

upward as prayers for blessings and comfort.




spell a day Nov 8, 2010

06:52 Nov 08 2010
Times Read: 806

Spell A Day

Protection Spell for a Child

November 8


Color of the day: Silver

Incense of the day: Neroli

I think we all know about the “Star Light” spell that we all

come to realize is probably the first spell we learned as a

child. Here is special spell to teach a young child for

protection and to instill a feeling of warmth and security. It

is a great way to introduce another spellworking that your

child will benefit from and never misunderstand. You may

substitute your deity’s name for Goddess, and Father for


As I work and as I play,

Goddess watch me night and day.

Keep me safe in all I do,

Mother Goddess, I thank you.




spell a day Nov 7, 2010

06:46 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 808

Spell A Day

Sacrifice for Change

November 7


Daylight Saving Time ends 2 am

Color of the day: Amber

Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

Try something today that is often greatly misunderstood by

others—make a sacrifice. Though this may conjure images

of blood-stained altars, think about how often we talk about

the sacrifices made by great athletes, politicians, or anyone

who works hard to achieve something. Sacrifice is giving

something you are not going to get back—time, money,

energy, gone as sure as something burned up in a ritual fire

—in an attempt to achieve a larger vision, such as victory,

social change, or a better future. Sometimes you don’t

know if or how sacrifice will pay off, but believing in the

reciprocity gives the act meaning. So do something today for

the greater good, the bigger picture, and infuse your action

with your belief that it will make a difference. Consign your

overtime, extra change, or one less trip out for coffee to the

powers that be, and see what happens.




spell a day Nov 6, 2010

05:06 Nov 06 2010
Times Read: 813

Spell A Day

A Time to Look Within

November 6


Color of the day: Blue

Incense of the day: Rue

Tonight is the New Moon. The Earth’s shadow casts a dark

cloak across the shining Moon, hiding her from our eyes.

This is the turning point, when the energy reaches its

inmost focus, for tomorrow the Moon begins her return. For

now she lies in balance. The world below pauses in the

indrawn breath of the Moon. Now is a time for introspection

and scrying. If you have relevant tools to dedicate—such as

a crystal ball, tarot deck, or black mirror—this is an

auspicious time. Past-life regression is another good choice.

The three-faced goddess Hecate oversees this phase of the

Moon for she can see the past, the present, and the future

all at once. To aid your scrying, gather a black altar cloth, a

black candle, white sandalwood incense, and your favorite

scrying tool. Light the candle and say:

Here is the light of the hidden Moon.

Light the incense and say:

Here is the smoke of the Earth ’s shadow.

Hold your scrying tool and say:

By light and shadow, may Hecate show me the way.

Then do your reading. Remember to thank Hecate for her

insights after you finish.




spell a day Nov 5, 2010

16:33 Nov 05 2010
Times Read: 815

Spell A Day

Two of Swords Meditation

November 5


Color of the day: Coral

Incense of the day: Rose

Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit. Tie a blindfold gently

around your eyes. Folding your arms across your chest,

visualize holding the gilt of two crossed swords pointing

upward. Focus on your heart chakra. See if you can hear or

feel the pulse of your blood.

Become very still, softening to the sound of your internal

rhythm. Engage your center. Now raise your awareness to

your third eye chakra, Ajna, which houses your psychic

sense. Allow initial random thoughts to float through your

mind like a carousel. When you feel the moment is right,

stop the circling mental motion and focus sharply on

whatever becomes totally present. Hold on to that thought.

Freeze this frame. Now find yourself guided by asking

questions of whatever picture you have “taken,” whether

it is a person, place, or thing. If it is simply a sensation, ask

it to show you a sign. If it is a color, ask it to express an

emotion. If it is a person, ask them to give you a message.

Pass through the portal that is the Two of Swords, seeking

inner vision and hold the knowledge close to your heart.




spell a day nov 4, 2010

06:59 Nov 04 2010
Times Read: 817

Spell A Day

Mischief Night

November 4


Color of the day: Turquoise

Incense of the day: Carnation

This is Guy Fawkes Eve in Britain, a traditional night for

making mischief and celebrating with firecrackers and

bonfires. In your own way, to honor the need to enjoy some

good-natured rule-breaking, do something surprising or

unusual for yourself—safely and legally, of course! Go out

dancing or dance at home, call an old friend, try new food or

listen to different music—take a break from your routine. It

doesn’t need to be dramatic, just something new for you

to spice up your life and inspire you. Or, go all-out and have

a mischief night theme party. Light a purple candle or wear

something purple. Before your activity, recite the following:

Discovering new sides of me,

the freest person I can be —

take a break, have some fun,

mischief night has begun!




spell a day nov 3, 2010

05:53 Nov 03 2010
Times Read: 818

Spell A Day

The Lullaby of the Earth

November 3


Color of the day: Yellow

Incense of the day: Honeysuckle

When the life of the fields begins to slumber and Old Man

Winter pulls his coat on, we gently put our yards and

gardens to rest. As you bed down your scrap of Earth or

window box for the winter, stroke the soil gently and tuck it

in with leaves or other winter mulch to encourage fresh life

in the spring. This is a great way to snuggle in bulbs for

springtime blooms and it can encourage us to let go of the

cycles of the past and embrace the future. Singing to the

Earth is a sonic offering of love and gratitude, which reminds

us of the larger cosmic vibrations that we are a part of. As

the wheel spins ever ’round and change greets us anew,

singing the Earth to sleep can inspire us to give thanks for

what we have harvested. This opens us to experience the

fullness of each season in turn.




spell a day nov 2, 2010

14:03 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 819

Spell A Day

A Child‘s Blessing

November 2


Color of the day: Red

Incense of the day: Basil

While not all of us are parents, grandparents, or guardians,

children are part of our lives and our communities. Children

are the manifestation of our love and our future. Children

are precious. Too often, children are the victims of violence,

abuse, and bullying. While we cannot be with them always,

nor fight all their battles for them, we can bless the children

and invoke a spell of protection over them. Let us all bless

the children:

Sweet babe asleep in mother’s arms,

Goddess keep you safe and warm,

Toddler bounding on eager feet,

Goddess bless you and keep you sweet,

Child at play running long,

Goddess make you healthy and strong,

Teenager creating a separate identity,

May the Grace of the Goddess be with thee,

In her embrace you children are safe,

Goddess be with you throughout your days.




spell a day Nov 1, 2010

11:10 Nov 01 2010
Times Read: 822

Spell A Day

Create an Ancestral Altar

November 1


Day of the Dead - All Saints' Day

Color of the day: Gray

Incense of the day: Clary sage

Traditionally celebrated November 1 and 2, Dia de Los

Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a celebration of the Beloved

Dead in Mexico. Families gather at the graves of their dearly

departed to share a meal and give food and gifts. Large and

elaborate altars are created with pictures of their beloved

friends, foods they liked, special possessions, and plenty of

orange marigolds. Many of them also display religious icons

such as the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Though many of the

original practices have been Christianized or lost to

antiquity, scholars trace the origins of this holiday back

thousands of years to the indigenous Aztec tribes. The

festivities would be dedicated to Mictecacihuatl, goddess of

the dead. As Christianity became more prominent, the

practices blended with All Saints’ Day.

Create your own Dia de los Muertos altar by gathering

pictures of your beloved dead, trinkets, flowers, and

candles. Leave the altar up for the day or make it a

permanent part of your home.



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