Spell A Day
Borrowed Days
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Apricot
Woman superstition called the last three days of March
“borrowed” days, a term that might have its roots in the
change over to the Gregorian calendar. “Borrowed days”
were rumored to be dangerous, filled with bad weather, bad
spirits, and treacherous taboos. Do a detaching spell to pull
back parts of you that stretch like psychic tentacles out into
the universe. In a private space, envision the tendrils of your
energy that stretch out to people and places: physical,
mental, emotional, and psychic energy. Like an octopus with
many arms, remove your tentacles from bad spirits,
draining people, hopeless situations, and treachery. Draw
them in, coiling golden light in your core. Use your energy
for self-protection, a golden cloak enveloping you. Heed the
taboo “neither a borrower nor a lender be,” and today
return things (tangible and intangible) to their right place in
your universe.
Spell A Day
Good for You-and Everyone
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Lavender
On this day, ancient Romans worshipped Salus, the goddess
of public welfare and personal health. Her temple in the
Quirinal dates from 302 BCE. Her symbols include bowls and
serpents. Salus taught the Romans that a healthy citizen
makes for a healthy society, and vice versa. To honor Salus,
do one thing for the public good and one thing for your own
health. For the public good, you might volunteer at a charity
or pick up litter in a park. For your own health, you might go
hiking, jogging, or swimming; or treat yourself to a home-
cooked organic meal in Italian style. Write out your
accomplishments on slips of paper and place them in a bowl
for Salus to admire. If you have snake figurines, add them
to your altar as well.
i know im late again....
Spell A Day
Self-Defense Spray
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Cinnamon
We live in an increasingly violent world. While most of us
hope for the best, it’s a good idea to prepare for the
worst. It’s easy to buy canisters of self-defense sprays,
but it’s also possible to make your own. And while doing
so, you can concentrate on banishing any harm or violence
that may come near you.
Place 2 tablespoons ground red pepper into a small bowl or
Pour in about a cup of rubbing alcohol and slowly mix the two
together using a spoon. Make sure they are completely
Allow the pepper to thoroughly infuse itself throughout the
alcohol for a couple of hours.
Strain through a coffee filter to get out the remaining solid
Add 11/2 tablespoons baby oil and stir well.
Pour the final product into a small spray bottle that you can
easily carry with you. (Make sure this is legal to use
wherever you ’re living.)
Spell A Day
Personal Cleansing for Inner Peace
Color of the day: Lavender
Incense of the day: Narcissus
All you need for this ritual is sea salt, a bundle of dried
white sage, and a white quartz pendant. Begin by performing
forty minutes of fairly rigorous cardio exercise. Throughout
your workout, silently repeat the phrase:
It is safe to still my thoughts and relax my mind.
If your mind wanders, just gently return to the phrase.
Then, relax deeply as you take a forty-minute sea salt bath
that’s as hot as you can comfortably stand. (Be sure to
drink plenty of water during the workout and the bath.) Get
out, dry off, light the sage bundle so that it’s smoking like
incense, and move the bundle around your body to purify
your energy with the smoke. Extinguish the sage. Hold the
quartz in your right hand and say:
My energy is clean and clear and I am peaceful through and
Hang the pendant around your neck.
Spell A Day
Tansy Spell
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Juniper
Although tansy can be toxic when used either internally or
topically, the nature of the plant itself can be used to protect
your home from parasites and illness. I’d suggest you
first read about the plant before focusing on how you wish
to use it. When you are ready, either buy a plant from a
reputable nursery, or take a cutting from an established
plant that was grown by someone you trust. Choose a spot
near your front door, and prepare the soil for your plant. Dig
the hole during the Dark Moon, and leave it alone for three
days. On the fourth day, plant the tansy, and water the area
thoroughly. As you plant, say this chant:
Tansy fair, so green and bright,
Keep my doorstep in your sight.
Guard and ward from pests and ills,
And enhance my healing skills.
Spell A Day
Spring Cleaning
Color of
the day: Indigo
Incense of the day: Sandalwood
Spring has sprung! Many of us have an urge to clean and
reorganize at this time of year, and it’s an urge with
biological and magical roots.
Spring cleaning is a great time to treat yourself to a new
besom—a broom. The besom is strongly associated with
witchcraft and Wicca, with Witches long thought to ride their
brooms across the skies. In reality, the besom is the
symbol of a hearth or kitchen Witch, who works with magic
and herbs at the fireplace in her home’s center.
A besom may be made or acquired. For best results, choose
a handmade broom of natural materials. Name your besom
as you would an animal familiar, then consecrate it in a
dedicated ceremony. Hold the broom over your heart and
make a wish: legend says the wish will come true if you
keep your besom close for the next seven days, then place it
in a safe, permanent location in your home.
Spell A Day
Festival of Joy
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Cypress
Today is Hilaria, the Roman Festival of Joy. Corresponding
with the ancient date of the Spring Equinox, this was the day
Romans celebrated the resurrection of Attis, a Phrygian god
beloved of the Great Mother Goddess Cybele. Romans could
dress up like anyone, even the Emperor himself, and wild
parties were the norm. Decorate your altar or house today
with fresh pine or violets, both sacred to Attis. You can use
this prayer at your altar today:
Attis, beloved of Cybele,
Your return brings with you
the renewal of joy.
Fill my life with bounty
That I may delight in it and
so honor you. Blessed be!
Spell A Day
Sowing New Seeds
March 24
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Clove
In Scottish folk tradition, March 24 was the beginning of a
ritual period known as Seed-Time. This was the busiest time
of spring, as planting had to be underway by this time.
Having ground that was moist at this time was considered a
good-weather omen. There was much ritual associated with
plowing and sowing seed, and the community elders
preserved ancient advice and lore associated with planting
seeds. Recite this folk charm for sowing seeds while
symbolically planting seeds or grains for new beginnings in
your life:
Let the first Tuesday in March pass by
And the second Tuesday, if need be,
But if the weather is good or bad,
I sow my seeds in True March
Though I cannot send a pebble
Against the strong north wind.
At this time, Seed-Time
Is the right time to sow!
Spell A Day
Wisdom and Love, Love, Love
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Lilac
The coming together of the birthday of Minerva, goddess of
wisdom, and the rites of the Great Goddess mark the perfect
time for love. Today, spend time thinking about the
components of love that are most important to you (not who
possesses them) and especially engage the challenges with
love you have had in the past. Ask yourself what you have
learned. With this knowledge pressed into wisdom through
time, you have the ability now to create a love spell that
shines brightly enough to attract a worthy partner. Before a
mirror, breathe cleansing and releasing breaths. Surrender
to higher wisdom and release attachment. Become willing to
be truly met. From this place, look into the mirror, gazing
past your face and into your soul. Speak your truth about
love and your desire to be met. When you have finished, use
rose oil to seal the spell at your heart.
Spell A Day
Color of the day: Red
Incense of the day: Ginger
Near the time of the Vernal Equinox, the ancient Romans
honored the goddess Cybele with a festival—they borrowed
this tradition from the Greeks. Cybele is an Earth Mother, a
goddess of nature— especially caverns and mountains. This
spring festival celebrated the death and rebirth of Cybele’s
son, Attis. A felled pine tree representing his body was
decorated with sashes of linen and violets—which are said
to have grown from his spilled blood. This festival actually
lasted for several days. Symbols of rebirth are found in
most cultures around this time of year.
Create a rebirth altar by decorating with pine and violets, or
burn candles in shades of purple and green. Place a few
drops of pine essential oil in an aromatherapy burner and
meditate on images of rebirth by taking a few moments of
silence to reflect on the cycles of life.
Holiday lore:
Cybele was the Great Mother of the gods in Ida, and she was
taken to Rome from Phrygia in 204 BCE. She was also
considered the Great Mother of all Asia Minor. Her festivals
were known as ludi, or “games,” and were solemnized
with various mysterious rites. Along with Hecate and
Demeter of Eleusis, Cybele was one of the leading deities of
Rome when mystery cults were at their prime. Hila’aria,
or “Hilaria,” originally seemed to have been a name given
to any day or season of rejoicing that was either private or
public. Such days were devoted to general rejoicing and
people were not allowed to show signs of grief or sorrow.
The Hilaria actually falls on March 25 and is the last day of a
festival of Cybele that commences today. However, the
Hilaria was not mentioned in the Roman calendar or in
Ovid’s Fasti
Spell A Day
To Release Justice to the Gods
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Lily
Something in life happened that just wasn’t fair, and
you’re feeling stuck and distrustful. Whatever happened,
you’re left with a loss of faith in the universe. This just
means that you’re human, and that justice in this situation
is not for humans to handle. If you still need to see the
situation addressed, go to a crossroads after midnight and
leave a little cloth bag with an offering of High John the
Conqueror root, a bit of cypress oil, and some graveyard
dirt. Take a piece of chalk and draw a circle around the bag,
laying a feather on top and saying:
Ma ’at, I petition you—pass your judgment on _____. If
justice is done, then I am done. But if his heart weighs more
than a feather, lay down your sentence.
Write the person’s name around the outside of the circle
and walk away without looking back.
Spell A Day
Spring into Sun and Fun
Purim Ostara - Spring Equinox •
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Hyacinth
Ostara is the Germanic Maiden Goddess of the spring. She
lends her name to this festival. Her symbols are the hare,
spring flowers, and, of course, eggs. This year the Spring
Equinox sabbat falls on a Sunday, which is associated with
the Sun, new beginnings, and success. Pick up some fresh
flowers for your home. Dye some hard-boiled eggs for the
sabbat with your friends and family today. Go ahead and
make Ostara baskets for your kids. Include Ostara’s hare
(the chocolate bunny), hide those eggs, and have some fun!
Also, don’t forget to go outside and celebrate the beginning
of spring. Look around you, what signs of the approaching
spring do you see? Are daffodils and crocuses blooming?
What about the buds on the trees— see how they are
swelling? Celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year by
spending some time in nature!
Ostara, gentle Goddess of the spring,
Sweet Maiden, new beginnings you do bring.
Your symbols of the hare,
eggs, and springtime flowers,
I ’ll include into my own magical powers.
By this sabbat’s magic, the spell is spun,
For the good of all, bringing joy and fun.
Spell A Day
Healing Bath Spell
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Sage
Tap into the transformative power of the Full Moon tonight
by taking a healing bath. As you draw a bath, gather equal
amounts of dried calendula, nettle, comfrey, oatmeal
(uncooked), and three pinches of salt and place the contents
in an old sock. When the bathtub is filled, place the sock in
the water. Hold your hands above the water and charge it
with intention by saying something like:
I charge and consecrate this healing water. As I bathe, so
shall I become healthy and whole.
As you immerse yourself in the water, allow yourself to feel
the warm water on your skin. Take the warm, herb-filled
sock and squeeze it above your skin, letting the herbal brew
soak into your pores, opening you to deeper healing.
Continue this for as long as is pleasurable and then simply
soak in the healing waters. You’re bathing in a huge potion,
after all. When ready, step out of the tub, visualizing any
disease remaining in the bathwater. As the water flows
down the drain, so shall you become healthy and whole.
Spell A Day
A Garden Blessing
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Mint
In many regions, the soil can now be worked in the garden.
It’s not too early to plant cool-weather vegetables—
lettuce, onions, and spinach are good choices. While you’re
in the garden, this would be a good time to perform this
simple blessing.
Begin by crumbling some soil in your fingers and inhale its
earthy scent. With deep reverence, begin hoeing and
loosening the soil. Let your hoe serve as your wand. Direct
your energy down the handle of the hoe and into Mother
Earth. Silently thank her for allowing you to plant and
eventually harvest her bounty. Take a moment to connect
with the natural world surrounding you at this time of year
—the sound of birdsong, the budding trees, and early
blooming-bloom-ing spring flowers. The Earth is alive, and
you are part of this magic.
Spell A Day
Luck Spell
St. Patrick's Day
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Nutmeg
Tapping into the “Luck of the Irish” can be both a blessing
and a curse! However, the energy of this day is certainly
beneficial to any luck charm you would like to make. You will
A small clay pipe (easily found during this season)
Copal incense (enough to fill the pipe)
A green ribbon, or a live shamrock plant
An emerald
Fill the pipe with the incense. Wrap the stem of the pipe with
the green ribbon, or place it in the middle of the shamrock
plant. Light the incense and hold the emerald in the smoke
of the incense, chant . . .
Luck of the Irish come to me, as I will so mote it be. Love
and laughter, each times three, as I do, so mote it be.
Wear or carry the emerald with you all through the year.
Spell A Day
The Go to Hell Spell
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Marjoram
Today the Finnish celebrate Saint Urho, who when faced with
a plague of locusts devouring Finland’s wine-grape crop,
simply told them, “Grasshopper, grasshopper, go to hell”
and they left. Now, you probably don’t have much of a
grasshopper problem in March, in most of North America,
but perhaps there is something else that is eating away at
you. Be like Saint Urho and banish it to hell. Name your
problem, writing it down on a piece of paper. Over a ceramic
bowl, or the toilet, carefully light the paper on fire. As it
burns say:
Problem, problem, go to hell.
It is most effective if you substitute the exact words of your
problem, as in:
Self-doubt, self-doubt, go to hell.
As the paper burns, envision your problem in the flames of
the metaphorical hell. See Hades gleefully take it in. Be free
of devouring locusts.
Spell A Day
Prayer to Enhance Growth in Life
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Geranium
In Celtic tradition, March was the traditional time for
planting and sowing seeds. In Scotland the seed was
sprinkled with clear, cold water for three days prior to
planting, the person doing the ritual walking in a deosil
direction. Then the seed was ritually consecrated and used
in an ancient ritual to enhance the power of the sacred
I will go out to sow the seeds,
In the name of those who gave it growth
I will stand before the wind
And throw a handful in the air.
Seed day, auspicious day
The dew will come down to welcome
Every seed that lay asleep
Since the coming of the cold.
Every seed will take root in the earth
As the rulers of the elements desire.
The grain will come forth with the dew
It will inhale life from the gentle wind.
Holiday lore: Why is March 15 so notorious?
On this date in 226 BCE, an earthquake brought the Colossus
of Rhodes—one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
—to its knees. But a more famous event likely accounts for
the notoriety of the “Ides of March.” Julius Caesar’s
rule, somewhere along the way, became tyrannical. In
February of 44 BCE, Caesar had himself named Dictator
Perpetuus—Dictator for Life. Brutus assassinated him on
March 15. Caesar’s murder was foretold by soothsayers
and even by his wife, Calpurnia, who had a nightmare in
which Caesar was being butchered like an animal. Caesar
chose to ignore these portents and the rest, of course, is
Spell A Day
Eating the Apple of Knowledge
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Rosemary
The forbidden fruit is the fruit of wisdom. When Eve took a
bite in the Garden of Eden, after being tempted by the
serpent, her (and Adam’s) delusions—illusions of the
nature of reality—came crashing down. Naïveté was lost.
Whether or not you resonate with Judeo-Christian
mythology, you may wish to perform this spell in order to
see what is “hidden” in your own sphere of
consciousness. Are you ready to invoke true wisdom, even if
it may be unpleasant? Situate yourself in a magical circle.
The ideal environment is within nature, under trees, in a
quiet and sacred space. With an apple in hand, put yourself
in a meditative state and concentrate on issues in your life
where you may not be seeing clearly. You may wish to think
about other people’s perceptions in various issues (such
as disagreements), or re-examine your own changes in
perception over time. When you’ve concentrated on the
issue or issues, declare:
As Eve once took of this forbidden fruit, I now invoke the
wisdom of the Isle of Avalon and the Garden of Eden into my
consciousness. Yahweh! Reveal truth to this seeker! So mote
it be!
Spell A Day
Awakening to the Sun
Daylight Saving Time begins 2 am
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Heliotrope
Today, make sure you get out of bed on the right side—
literally. Now aligned with the energies of the rising Sun as
experienced in your body, plant your first footfalls on the
ground with intention. Before doing anything else, take a
moment to breathe: right nostril for the Sun and left nostril
for the Moon, alternating in and out each side. With three
deep breaths, balance these energies within you. Offer them
as a container for the cycling of the elements through your
physical and subtle bodies. Now imagine the rays of Sun and
Moon held perfectly in union at your third-eye center, and
allow this awareness to be present throughout your day,
coming back to it again and again in moments of stress or
uneasiness. Today, as in every day, you have the resources
inside of yourself to find peace with the whole of creation.
Spell A Day
Know if You’re Ready for Love
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Magnolia
Everyone suffers a broken heart even if what hurts you
happens in an unusual way. If it’s still a rather short time
since your last romance ended and someone on the horizon
looks rather tasty, give yourself a moment’s pause and
grab your tarot deck. Rather than fishing for romantic
possibility and ignoring all warnings about negative
outcomes (we all do it!), ask this question: “Have I learned
what I need to learn from my last love?” Throw down the
cards—if the Tower or the Hanged Man appears in any
configuration, you need to wait and simply admire the new
friend from afar. However, if the Fool or Death right-side up
appears, go ahead and drop a hint that you’re interested—
you’re ready for the next phase of your life. When you’re
ready again, the Sun and Cups cards below the number five
will appear.
Spell A Day
Celebrating Births
March 11
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Orchid
Springtime is the time for birth, with Earth’s renewal all
around us. This magical ritual makes a lovely
accompaniment to Wiccanings, christenings, or other infant
welcoming ceremonies throughout the year.
Hold the new baby in your no dominant arm. Whisper, so
only the infant can hear you, “Not above you, not below
you, but within you.” As you whisper, use your other hand
to gesture above and below the baby, matching the words
you speak. Finish by touching the baby’s forehead and
heart, or all seven chakras, if you prefer. If you can’t be
physically present, make or purchase a baby blanket (blue
is ideal for health and protection). Cradle it as if it was the
new baby, and perform the above ceremony with the
blanket-effigy. You might print a rune of protection, such as
Algiz ( z )or Thurisaz ( x ), into one corner. Send the blanket
to the new family, where it will serve as a power piece for
the new child.
Spell A Day
Businesslike Basil
March 10
Color of the day: Turquoise
Incense of the day: Balsam
Basil has long been considered a profitability plant, good at
attracting money and increasing business. Boost your own
business profits by blessing a basil plant with attracting
more customers. Keep the plant on your desk, work counter,
or somewhere near the front door. Every so often, around
the Full Moon, let the plant spend a day in the sunlight to
recharge. If you have a green thumb, you can even grow
your plant from seed, charging it a little every day with
attracting more money your direction.
Spell A Day
Go Vegan (or Vegetarian) Ritual
March 9
Ash Wednesday
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Honeysuckle
Find that veganism (or vegetarianism) lends itself to the
magical lifestyle because it’s a diet that honors our health,
our animal allies, and the entire planet. It also lifts our
vibrations and connects us more deeply with our guidance
and our power. If you’ve been thinking of making the
switch, today—the first day of Lent—would be an
appropriate time, as giving up the eating of animal products
can be a powerful act of spiritual devotion. Light a white
candle and take a sea salt bath. While you’re in the tub,
I now release all lower vibrations associated with
consuming animal products, and prepare myself for this
happy new phase.
After bathing, say something like:
In an act of love and devotion toward the God, the Goddess,
all animals, and all of life, I now fully surrender the
consumption of all animal products. And so it is.
Spell A Day
Go Vegan (or Vegetarian) Ritual
March 9
Ash Wednesday
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Honeysuckle
Find that veganism (or vegetarianism) lends itself to the
magical lifestyle because it’s a diet that honors our health,
our animal allies, and the entire planet. It also lifts our
vibrations and connects us more deeply with our guidance
and our power. If you’ve been thinking of making the
switch, today—the first day of Lent—would be an
appropriate time, as giving up the eating of animal products
can be a powerful act of spiritual devotion. Light a white
candle and take a sea salt bath. While you’re in the tub,
I now release all lower vibrations associated with
consuming animal products, and prepare myself for this
happy new phase.
After bathing, say something like:
In an act of love and devotion toward the God, the Goddess,
all animals, and all of life, I now fully surrender the
consumption of all animal products. And so it is.
Spell A Day
The King Takes the Cake
March 8
Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
Color of the day: White I
ncense of the day: Ylang-ylang
Among the most interesting Mardi Gras traditions is the
King Cake, a ring-shaped loaf of sweet bread or cake. Its
three colors of sugar represent desired qualities: purple
(sovereignty), green (prosperity), and gold (purity). Charms
made of metal or another oven-safe substance (often with
trailing strings, so you can find them without biting into
them) is baked into the cake for divination to tell what the
coming year holds for you. These include a coin for wealth
and a heart for love. The best is the baby, or king, which
indicates great good fortune—and the person responsible
for baking the next King Cake!
Holiday lore: While most holidays across the world celebrate
the lives and achievement of men, March 8 is one day wholly
dedicated to the achievement and work of women. Originally
inspired by a pair of mid-nineteenth-century ladies’
garment workers’ strikes, today the holiday is little known
in its country of origin; though this day’s legacy is clear in
March’s designation by the U.S. Congress as Women’s
History Month. Throughout the month, women’s groups in
many American towns hold celebrations and events,
concerts, exhibitions, and rituals that recall heroic and gifted
women of every stripe
Spell A Day
Peace Powder
March 7
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Hyssop
Conflict is inevitable and can lead to positive change, but we
always hope it will be resolved peacefully. To help ensure
the conflicts in your life resolve without aggression, make a
peace powder that you can sprinkle when things get tense.
Gather up some of the following dried herbs: rose petals,
chamomile, lavender, jasmine blossoms, thyme, sage,
lemon balm, or catnip. Crumble everything as small as you
can with your fingers, and then grind even finer with a
mortar and pestle, spice grinder, or small food processor.
Put the powder in a white cloth bag or small bottle and
charge with this chant, which you can repeat when you use
Calm the tension, calm the fight, everything will turn out
Open our hearts and clear our minds, the best solution we
will find.
If you substitute essential oils for some of the dried herbs,
this powder can also be tension-easing incense.
Holiday lore: Although the month of June is named for Juno,
principal goddess of the Roman pantheon, major festivals
dedicated to her are scattered throughout the year. For
instance, today marks Junoalia, a festival in honor of Juno
celebrated in solemnity by matrons. Two images of Juno
made of cypress were borne in a procession of twenty-
seven girls dressed in long robes, singing a hymn to the
goddess composed by the poet Livius. Along the way, the
procession would dance in the great field of Rome before
proceeding ahead to the temple of Juno.
Spell A Day
A Spell to Cause Sleep
March 6
Color of the day: Amber
Incense of the day: Marigold
Are you an insomniac? Many people suffer from insomnia
for a number of reasons.
To help cause sleep, you can either make a sachet or stitch
your own “dreamtime pillow.” For the latter, simply get
some cotton and cut a piece of fabric (preferably black,
white, or indigo) to size. Stitch up the sides, leaving the end
open. Stuff the pillow both with cotton and with a
combination of any of these herbs: agrimony, lavender,
mugwort, bay leaf, hops, and poppy. Under the light of the
Moon, dedicate the bag (in your own manner) to the gods
and spirits of sleep and dreaming. Declare the bag as a tool
that invokes slumber in the user. Be sure to state your
intention clearly, saying that a “full night’s rest” is
latent in each use of the pillow. (You wouldn’t want this
spell to put you asleep too long!) When you lay your head
down to sleep, make sure the conditions are pleasing (soft
music, a guided meditation, darkness—whatever you like!)
and draw the soft energy from the pillow into your body.
Spell A Day
Honor Isis
March 5
Color of the day: Blue
Incense of the day: Rue
Did you know that the Romans honored the Egyptian goddess
Isis? She was magical, beautiful, and nurturing. Around
March 5, an annual festival was held to honor her as the
patroness of sailors. Offerings of spices and other valuables
were made to her by setting them afloat on a special ship
with a white sail. A parade of worshippers carrying torches
and candles would leave flower petals, perfume, and milk in
the streets. Create your own centerpiece or altar to honor
Isis today. Start with a bowl or dish of water; add a few
drops of perfume, essential oils, or milk. Float candles or
flowers on the water. (Be careful of the flowers near flame.)
You can float candles on the water and put flowers around
the dish, or vice versa. Meditate on the characteristics that
caused many to call Isis the “Queen of Heaven” and draw
this energy into your life.
Spell A Day
Conjure Up Romance
Color of the day: Pink
Incense of the day: Yarrow
New Moon symbolizes beginnings and fresh starts. During
this New Moon phase you could work to bring new romance
into your life (or bring more romance into an existing
relationship). Today we have the planetary associations of
Venus in play, so why not work with this and conjure up
some romance, just for fun?
Burn a pink candle for Venus and to represent the romance
that you wish to bring into your life. Add a fresh white
rosebud to add a touch of flower fascination to the spell. For
a little extra pizzazz, you could scatter fresh rose petals
across your work surface or use a rose-scented, pink
candle. Use your imagination and see how you could
personalize today’s spell.
On this night sacred to Venus and under a New Moon,
Goddess of love, please hear my call and then grant me a
The pink of the spell candle is an affectionate hue,
The white rose symbolizes virtue and promises true.
Combine these elements and bring romance to light,
With harm to no one this New Moon spell springs to life.
Spell A Day
Peace Corps Day
March 3
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Myrrh
The first week in March, com-memorates the founding of
the Peace Corps in March 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.
What we know as the “peace sign” is a combination of the
semaphore signals for the letters N and D, i.e., “nuclear
disarmament,” a remnant of the Cold War.
You can create your own peace symbol for empowering your
own peace works. Select an alphabet or symbol set: you
might consider the Futhark runes, Theban font, semaphore,
or even the regular alphabet. Combine the letters P-E-A-C-E in
different ways to create a pleasing sigil. Or, work with
letters from the words pais or pax, French and Latin for
“peace.” Capture your sigil by inscribing it on a wooden
surface, etching it into a disk of oven-firing clay, or painting
it onto ceramic plate. Use white for tranquility, and enjoy a
peaceful focus for your altar.
Spell A Day
Binding Spell
March 2
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Bay laurel
Binding spells prevent others from doing harm against us.
As with any sort of magic aimed at another, consult your
guides and divinatory oracle before casting. You will need a
poppet to represent the person, a black candle, a large piece
of paper, a black cord, and equal parts of thyme, dragon’s
blood, garlic, basil, and bay leaf. In your ritual space, stuff
the poppet with the herbs. (Alternatively, you could also use
a photograph to represent the person.) Place the image on
the paper and drip a circle of wax around it for protection.
Begin wrapping the cord around the image or poppet as you
Your words (actions) are harsh,
Your words (actions) are dense,
I bind you now in my defense.
Your words (actions) bring harm
That you cannot see. I bind your harmful words
(actions) from thee.
There is no other choice. There is no other hope.
I bind you (name) with this rope.
So mote it be.
Keep the image or poppet in a dark place until the harm has
ended. Bury in the earth to release the energy.
Spell A Day
Magic at Your Fingertips
March 1
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Cinnamon
Yoga is a practical way to increase physical flexibility and
spiritual awareness. Mudras are hand gestures or poses
that influence personal energy flows—in essence, a concise
and discreet form of yoga that you can perform anywhere.
Here is a set of mudras to do when you are stuck in line or a
waiting room: Guyan Mudra: Touch the tip of your thumb
(symbolizing ego) to the tip of your index finger
(representing Jupiter). This stimulates knowledge and
ability, while encouraging receptivity and calm. Shuni Mudra:
Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your middle finger
(representing Saturn). This promotes patience. Ravi Mudra:
Touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your ring finger
(symbolizing Uranus). This invigorates health, energy, and
intuition. Buddhi Mudra: Touch the tip of your thumb to the
tip of your little finger (symbolizing Mercury). This enables
clear and intuitive communication.