As their eyes met, she felt a jolt of recognition. This was the man she had been dreaming of for the past month. His grey eyes pierced through her soul. She felt an instant connection, like she had always known him. She didn't know if it was one sided or if he felt the connection as well. Jasmine felt like she was slamming back in her body and she swayed slightly. The man with the grey eyes looked at her intensely and asked, "Are you ok, Miss?" Shaking slightly Jessica nodded her head, she was too afraid to speak because she did not think she could quite yet. She felt like the whole world were rotating swifter than normal. She sat down in the nearest chair, and watched the man depart. She hadn't even asked his name, she wondered if she would meet him again, and as soon as that thought entered her head she new she would. She knew that their lives would entertwine, she just didnt know if she should run screaming inthe opposite direction, or run after him right this second. She knew he was trouble, but not who he was trouble for, and that thought alone excited her.
Well, then I shall stop by from time to time to read....:)
I stop in from time to time then an have a read if I don't get lost in the darkness.