Piss and hellfire!! HELLFIRE, I say! I have found the only part of Jersey without real Italians!
I went out in the freezing rain to forage for food and wanted to give the nearby pizza joint a shot. I ordered some Chicken Voldostano (grilled chicken, broccoli and prosciuto in a white wine and butter sauce) Mmmmm, sounds good on paper, right! Well. I JUST GOT PUNK'd!!!!!
What I found upon re-entering my hotel room was grilled chicked doing the back stroke in a sea of heavy cream with broccoli screaming for help. What's worse is that it tasted worse than the line above this!!!!
I was also stupid enough to choose the penne pasta, which I would have expected to find in that sea of goop, but instead received a side order of penne in marinara sauce. Is this the $15.45 joke for the day? Because. I. Am. Not. Laughing.
*chucks entire dish into trash and storms off to soda machine for dinner* Damn it, all. I want to go home. *sniffles*
Okay, okay, okay... *still laughing* Was reading xPsychex's journal (as should you all) when I came across this and nearly sprayed my laptop with Pepsi and choked to death laughing:
Thats When The Fight Started
17:49:59 - Dec 19 2007
Times Read: 7
I rear-ended a car this morning. So, there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . and you know how you just-get-sooo-stressed and life-stuff seems to get funny?
Yeah, well, I could NOT believe it .. . . he was a DWARF!
He storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!"
So, I look down at him and say, "Well, which one are you then?"
. . . and that's when the fight started.
Well, I feel like Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining! Now, let's review what's screwy about that comment:
I am not in the middle of nowhere
I am not the only person in the hotel
I am not surrounded by crippling snow
I am not seeing dead people
So, why then, do I feel like the bloody walls are closing in and I should start chasing my co-workers around screaming "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES ME A DULL GIRL!!!". *shrug*
Hmm, I have a taste for ice-cream. Where is that stupid room service menu?
Well, I am in hellacious New Jersey on business. I'll be staying in this blasted hotel room until the end of the week and then I can enjoy the holidays. I must laugh because I have zero desire to work and am only doing so to not have my fiance skin and fillet me. Don't get me wrong, I am fine with working but... I have spent so much time alone, I kinda like to keep it that way. Maybe grow a beard and lose the majority of my teeth and start naming pigeons. I realize how reclusive I can be/am. I can't help it. I spent a chunk of my life as a social butterfly and well, it got tired REAL fast. I have a small universe of people that I see "in the flesh" and an even smaller that I will actually call. Yet I get along with any and everyone -- I've always been very good at that but truth be told, I feel like I am always put on stage for people. People wait for me to come up with witty sayings and seem to follow me like I am some Alpha...which, I suppose could be true, if I cared. And I don't. I really should look into moving into a nice cave with a view. That, and I should start thinking of endearing pigeon names.
What is a friend? The person who plays lookout for you without passing judgement? The person professing their undying loyalty? How about the one who plays your personal shrink/priest who listens and absolves you for your trespasses? Well, I pose this question to those of you who believe themselves to be knee-deep in loyalty of the highest order -- when the proverbial shit hits the fan have you found your number of "friends" grow exponentially, disappear or remain? Now, tell yourself the truth. For all those we whorishly push the label of "friend" upon, the fact is one can be sure the real total amounts to the digits on their hand -- if at all.
Without surprise, this digital world is not too dissimilar from reality from this aspect. I admit, I tend to believ too much in the potential I want to see in people and inevitably make my crown of thorns to wear when I am always let down. Still, I rise. Still, I compromise. Still, I try to find that kernel of empathy, of loyalty, of understanding the scope of responsibility that goes with calling someone friend.
I love and hate equally. More out of frustration than anything. People are so predictable it's like being stuck in one of the levels of hell!! This particualr hell is known as the "Repetition of Humanity". Fire is hot, it burns and hurts but people still stick their hands in the flame; sometimes the same person more than once.
Am I on another level or a bloody caveman? Should I leave my brethren to work on their square wheel while I concentrate on flying until they get it together? Or do I offer to help and guide only to have some nonce bludgeon me with their primitive club, yet again...