Slowly walking across this field,
staring down at the blossom that it yields.
Baked by the sun’s rays,
this land now sees happier days.
But not long ago it was just mud,
trodden by boots and blood.
The wind still carries the sound of the pipe,
as it calls its men to fight.
Listen carefully as the cannons fire,
and the wounded just expire.
Another cavalry charge is led,
brave and foolish it was said.
Continuing my walk across this field,
putting ghosts to rest, this land is healed.
Whatever brought that on
I know I don’t belong,
as you used the words ‘goodbye’
I knew that you would fly
So final is your action
I won’t beg for a contraction
Good luck in the life you lead
Know that my heart does bleed.
Like with all that is fragile
Once broken or shattered
Beware the shards
Lest they cut you as you hold on.
Aint that the truth!
Or there again to test your mettle
You may chose to grasp a nettle.
.....but the pain serves as a reminder.......
hmmmm sounded better in my head
Sin~ interesting synopsis!
TLH~ maybe some things are best forgotten?!!
21:32 Jan 29 2009
A Civil Atmosphere.
22:19 Jan 29 2009
Very excellent
08:57 Jan 30 2009
I enjoyed that.
18:38 Feb 08 2009
brings to mind our gettysburg
00:41 Jun 20 2009
you are most talented