u know he hates to write in these things, never knows what to put smiles. he was in two minds whether to put this under personal or stories but as what he's about to write is altho real life it is also a story so decided to place here. as anyone knows that is now reading this he has a fascination with bbks....... big black kats, hence the reason for his profile also his name, infact his emails and names he uses are all panther related. he has never understood this fascination he's had for as far back as he can remember, is something never been able to explain, he now believes that what he writes next is a strong possibility to why....
last year while visiting his parents he was talking with his mother, we got onto a general discussion of likes some of which cant be explained an he mentioned bout the panthers, she told him as follows:-
when he was bout two he had a ladybird book, well he had several but this was his specific favourite the name ...... the jungle book, he had it read that many times that at that age he could tell a person word for word what was said on the opposite page from the picture, no he couldnt read but when he looked at the picture he could relate word for word what was said because he'd heard the story that many times. so lets get down to the plot of the story.....
the jungle book... a story of a young infant left in the jungle no protection, meets up with a number of characters, a panther, a bear, a snake, monkeys, wolves and not to forget mentioned in the storyline mans arch enemy the tiger.
so as the story goes the boy is found by the panther taken to the wolves looked after by the wolves the panther always lookin over in the background, and the infant stays there till old enuff to walk and is then up to the panther to take him back to what is refered to the man village, he has quite a few adventures on the way till eventually he reaches the man village to safety.
anyone whos read the books or seen the films will know there have been variations of this story. but gettin back to what he was sayin, his mother believes that the reason for his fascination is due to this story, the connection between a panther and a boy how the panther served as his family to him and his protector and that this has left an imprint on kats mind and his love for the big black kat.
well that is basically it, he hopes he didnt bore u too much lol. thankyou for taking the time to read this journal, he wishes u the best an to look out for each other, tc .
04:32 Aug 04 2008
lol, i enjoyed it very much bbk