Hello Let me start by letting you know what is happening
Lets see , My kids were placed in Dss custody Back in Valentines day Feb 14th, And have been there for two years , they did not want to go to school and other things took place that I will leave out And there was alot of things I had to do to start having visitation of them . We had to rebuild the inside of the house in another words make it livable, and suitable. I had to go for counceling judges orders and keep all my appointments and even sessions where my daughter is. She is in a group home in Troy NY. My son was placed in a theraputic foster care
Dss finally returned my son this past year on jan 28th But he is now 18th My son Then on May 4th and daughter will be home for good aug 20th
I never thought I would beable to return to Vampire Rave I have missed every one and missed Vampire rave very much all the things to do to keep you busy.
Things have chaged in my life and I have my children back for good.
Vampirerave is so different since Ihave been on. I have gave my accounts away awhile ago and missed Vampire rave so much .
I have not forgot about the people or the site.
My book finally was published it is called Vampiresbelong about the site mostly.
I am still in college, attending Everest for criminalistics, forensic science, and going to grey school for wizardry,.
I have my family all together now , My children returned home to me. My daughter finally got her permitte,
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