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Old Remedy

01:23 Feb 28 2011
Times Read: 470

Onion and mustard plaster

1)Chop 3 to 4 onions finely.

2)Saute them in oil ( it doesn't matter what kind of oil) . Make it a little on the greasy side.

3)Cook the Onions until they become translucent , but don't cook them too much . you want them to be hot and flexible. not mushy.

4) Now, slowly ppour on some apple cider Vinegar (just enough to almost ,but not quite , float the hot and flexible onions.)

5)Turn the flame down for the next steps to prevent the onions from sticking to the pan.

6)Add Cornmeal or FLaxseed meal. both of these are high in fat , so they absorb and later , radiate the heat , you can use flour in place of the cornmeal or flaxseed.

7)Using a spatula mixtogether and knead the onions , the oil and the mustard and the meal or flour into a wet plastic mass ( not too wet , not too dry, but peanut butter like).

8) When this is done to your satisfaction , put ot on a piece of cheesecloth , or muslin, or flannel cloth , flod it over like a fat omelet and stick the edges of the cloth together.

9) Apply the hot poultice to the body.

this poulticew is rich in Sulfurated volatile oils and theraputic mucilaginous substances.

you will want to create a complete seal betweenthe poultice and the skin by making sure there are no air pockets that will interfere with the "osmotic transfer" of energy between the poultice and the body.

for the lungs turn person over and apply another poultice on the upper half of the back.




Symbols for wiccan

17:56 Feb 20 2011
Times Read: 479

Sacred Symbols

Witches, as well as magicians, use a number of signs and symbols in their practices. Although most of these were taken from medieval ceremonial magic, even the ceremonial symbols were copied from much earlier pre Christian religions. The swastika is no longer in favor because of their misuse and abuse. During medieval times Witches probably used certain symbols and a mysterious alphabet not known to cowans as a means of passing messages without behind detected if their messages were intercepted.


Have been a symbol of the Horned God, the consort of the Goddess for thousands of years. Two horns with a disk between them were used in ancient Egypt, while a horned head with a torch between the horns can be traced to India. In matriarchal cultures, the bull and its horns were a lunar and fertility symbol of the Great Mother. The thirteen marks represent the yearly lunar calendar, the opportunities for female pregnancy. When a deity wore horns alone, it sometimes represented a God or Goddess of war, such as with certain aspects of Astarte. Under the patriarchal influences,the bull with its crescent horns came to represent the sun gods such as Attis and Mithra.

Crescent Moon

Symbol of feminine principle of creation. Therefore most moon deities were Goddesses. Sin in Babylon and Khensu in Egypt were known moon gods. Modern witches use the circle with an outward pointing crescent moon on each side to symbolize the Goddess. The Amazons used this same symbol as it represented the Virgin Goddess. In Celtic cultures the Goddess Arianrhod was connected with the moon of death. The Celtic name Emania means "Moon land" or land of the dead.

Labrys or Double Axe

Symbol of matriarchal cultures. Among the Amazons this symbol was used as a sceptr and, also in Crete and Delphi. It is formed by two crescent moons back to back, with the horns pointing outward. Representing the Lunar Goddess of renewing of life. Other Goddesses associated with this symbol were Gaea, Demeter, Rhea, and Artemis.


A five pointed star with a history in relationship to the Goddess of spirituality. The Witches pentagram represents the four elements plus Spirit. Some covens use this symbol upside down as a higher degree of initiation. Satanist adopted the reversed pentagram to create it to a negative symbol.


This is associated with many Goddesses especially those associated with death and rebirth - Norse Idunn and the Greek Hera. The Greek goddess Nemesis is always shown with an apple in her hand, representing destiny. In Wiccan rituals, the apple in its hidden symbolism play an important part. Cut the apple crosswise to reveal the hidden pentagram.


A six pointed star made of two interlaced triangles, one pointing up, and the other pointing down. Also known as the Seal of Soloman.

Seven Point Star

Also known as the mystical star. Used in ceremonial magick to invoke the seven planetary spirits who represent the seven unknown planets.

Eight Point Star

Symbol of the Goddess Ashtart of Phoenicia. In ancient astrology this star, usually pictured as black, represented the stars.

Nine Point Star

This represents the Ninefold Goddess " three times three, the most sacred of all numbers". The Nine Worlds of Norse myth, the nine Morgans of the later Celtic paradise, and the Greek nine Muses. It consists of three interlocking triangles. Nine is the number of completion, the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.


Infinity, of cycles of action and existence without beginning or end. Casting a sacred circle creates a space that dwells on the threshold between this world and the Otherworld. When the circle encloses a pentagram or hexagram, it is the ultimate symbol of eternity and infinity.

Black Circle

Also known as the Black Sun in many religions, represented the opposing force of darkness against the light and was used in petitioning some of the Underworld Gods. In Babylon the God Nergal personified the Black Sun. The Underworld deities were not all evil; some were known to be very wise.


Symbol of the Goddess, the Moon, and Foretelling. Some cultures had moon gods, but the majority were goddesses. Thoth had a lunar disk as his symbol. The mirror of the Egyptian Goddess Hathor was said to make very powerful magick.


A cross with a looped top that was used by the Egyptians. It symbolizes eternal life and is used today by many Witches.

Pointed Oval

A yonic or sexual sign used in ancient cultures. Called the vesica piscis "The Vessel of Fish", it is the symbol of the feminine genitals.


A figure eight lying on its side is an ancient Hindu symbol for eternity. Like the Chinese yin and yang, the lemniscate also represents a balance of masculine and feminine energies




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