I don't always want to be this girl
The bumps and bruises should fade with time
But all of you keep adding more
I can't even recognize myself
Who's face is in the mirror
She's sad and scared
She's unprepared
And I don't think I like her
It shouldn't have to be this way
But every time I catch a break
She tries to guilt me out of being free
Beseeching me to hand her all
And leave nothing to call my own
Says It's wrong to leave
Tells me I'm despicable
Why should I long to spread my wings
When I could stay shackled at home
She claims she gave me everything
And I nothing in return
That if I leave they'll all be doomed
But I look back at what this is
At what this always was
I see the truth
There are no strings or chains or lines
Connecting me to her
Behind me It's dark and shadowed
With only one voice still calling out
And even that one dulled
It's no longer enough to keep me here
And although I know I'll feel wrong
I know I'd better spread my wings
Before she rips them off