I need help to pass and live this summer if u have any ideas help me!! Well my summer has been so so. My friend got busted for crap she didnt do. My bf broke up with me my grandparents r thinking of sending me to a bording school..all girlz. Some my friends r hating on my other friends. so i have to make with the peace and shut them up. I have to work a lil. I help out with pplz around town. So i mostly buzy this summer. The heat is going to kill me. Someone i need water and 100 spf sun block!!!
My boyfriend just broke up with me yesterday. We ve been together for seven months. It went down the drain. :(. He gave me a diamond ring kiss he held me we went all the way once. Then he went to camo and he found someone else.. I was so heart broken. I love him. But Im trian to fent it. Because I know that have friends that care and love me. So i have to be happy for them. I just wish that he hadnt broken my heart. Im 15 so I dont do what these ppl call cutters do. I listen to music and talk about it. Even though it hurts so much. IF U HAVE ANY ADVICE PLEASE COMMENT AND TELL ME
Ok my personal entries Im going to post twice or three times a month. I will tell you how my week was . How im doing. and just let you see what i live through. And mybe someone will hear me out for once. Im 15. so yea at that age with alot of stress. Im starting high school in the middle of August. So i cant wait. Il get to see my friends agian. Hangout with them. Sleep in class and pass the tests hopfully. Im not that much into spells but if i ever need one il make one up and post it up on here for you to see. Potions i dnt really know. Il think bout that one. Finally story entries are going to be my dreams that i want to post on here and short stories of old tales that i might remember whn my grandpa used to tell me. Old indian demon wolves leechs stories. Also love stories. well thats probly it for today my next post wil be in a week r so. bye bye!