I DID IT. I survived ten days here and so far no one, and i mean no one, has done anything bad to me hell yeah baby. Anyways heres a quote for you guys I'll see you all tomorrow
"God created wars so that Americans can learn Geography."- Mark Twain
For all those who messaged me and waiting for a response, I have reached my messaging limit in the morning. Talk to you all in the morning. Heres the quote
"Those who look for evil will only see evil, never the good."- Father James from Mafia 3
If they are friends and listed there online in margin or on What They're Doing link then you can use blast option to communicate outside of messaging i think.
Getting used to this website and loving it. Many people are nice and im starting to weed out who's who and all. Anyways night you vampires or whatever you guys call yourselves. Oh heres the quote.
"BONES"- Skeletons
Alrighty then. So remember that one short story I wrote called Final Days of The One. Well the sequal/spin off (Spin off cause of another story I wrote) is out. if you guys want the link just dm me i'll send it to you there. Anyways another day another quote.
"MMMMMMMM"- Microwave
Ah shit, welp i spoke too soon. Someone asked me for my kidneys. Anyways heres the quote, gn to you all
"Wonder if this is any good to eat"- A caveman saying this before he eats something bad.
5 days in and I'm not turned yet or made into a blood bag yay.
Ok that was a joke. Calm down put the knives down. Anyways Just finished the three parts of my story journal. Read it if you guys want to heard its good. Anyways love you guys all hope you have a good day or night. I'll write to you guys soon.
Oh crap the quote, ummm:
"Oh great another war"- A typical American response when WW1 started
Hello, i have nothing to type about today other than saying hi and the quote. Oh and also that one weird story I'm doing. Which by the way do you guys like it? Hope you do. Anyways here's the quote for today and see you all tomorrow.
"If life gives you lemons and you make apple juice with them, your not an inventor. You somehow fucked up the recipe."- Me in 2019
NOTE TO SELF: When going to add friends. make sure the person isn't a complete jerk about being added as a friend.
Due to this person I am now afraid of adding people as a friend. Mommy come pick me up I'm scared.
Anyways today was an ok day. First day of rehearsals so yay. Almost got scammed so not so yay? Eh anyways hope you all have a good day or night and no need to add me as a friend just cause what I said. I made a mistake of not reading the persons profile and the message the person sent me shook me is all. Anyways bye.
Crap forgot the quote for today, here it is:
"Nuts"- Actual message an American General sent to the German army during WW2 in the Battle of the Bulge
Yay finally able to send more than 10 messages. Anyways little celebration here and there doesn't hurt. Umm yeah day 2 and I'm doing ok for myself. Made a few friends on here so yay. Oh also updated my avatar. Damn hope this doesn't turn out to be a update thing god what is this Facebook. Oh right umm starting today and from then on I'll be posting a quote. Doesn't need to be specific I'll just say whatever quote I can think of, so heres one.
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself."-Mark Twain
Hello, I am new here. I am a human. I just got here last night and it's been over a day since I'm here. Want to just say hi hope you all have a good day or night or whatever.