Favorite Foamy Quotes:07:20 May 14 2005
Times Read: 625
Favorite Foamy Quotes:
Okay, five minutes I come back here, you're not up, I start electricuting you with a toaster in the bathtub... You were warned.
Fuck that shit, get up, take me to the store, man. Do it now. Do it now. Do it now... or taste my squirrely wrath! I do have squirrely wrath, you know. It's one of our hidden nature things.
So in closing, learn how to speak English, you fat bastards, and get off the fucking cell phone. Por Favor. Fucking jackasses.
Just be yourself. Eat that twinke. Enjoy that cake, Buy that extra pound of Gourmet cream cheese you have always wanted. And if people look at you funny becaue you are too fat or too skinny, tell 'em to fuck off and die.
I dont want to hear about "How sick and twisted" the ideas and concepts are in this cartoon. You dont like it, too bad. If television would have some decent shows to occupy and entertain my mind, I wouldnt have such demented thoughts. So its your fault. WELCOME TO REALITY TV ASSHOLES!
This would really hurt if I wasnt so loaded up on pain killers!
Oh, sad is the world, but I have Kavorkian Scarf.
Thats good with the getting better of avoiding death. Death is good to avoid.
No orgies for you, ya damn nipple pierced freaky.....freak!!
I’m the lord & master
All of you are bastards
Worship me
Or I’ll stab your eyes ‘till you bleed
I’m the lord & master
And so I’m, a squirrel
And you’re not, how pathetic you are
So I’m, a squirrel
And you’re not, you’re just human, how pathetic you are
You don’t have a fluffy tail
You don’t have squirrelly wrath
You just build to destroy
While I collect some nuts
And you all suck
What the fuck?! Why am I talking to someone in India about my computer that was made in Japan and bought in America?
You fuckin mindless zombie piece of shit. Choke on some bacon and die!
Go fuck yourself and die TWICE!
Somebody should stab you in the eye with a really hot french fry.
See! Supreme logic from the supreme being! meha!
So I think he’s just trying to hook me, and put me in this vicious cycle of disgusting my dependence of coffee over coffee thus, reinforcing the dependence and reinforcing his dependence on my money.
Someone should glue your mouth to your butt, so they may illustrate the fact that you truly, indeed, suck ass.
Your existence is useless, and you're dragging down the collective intelligence of humanity.
I forgive you stupid people.