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The seven main chakras

19:09 Oct 18 2009
Times Read: 773

There are 7 major chakras (Spiritualist viewpoint)

Name: Root Chakra

Color: Red

Location: Some people say the soles of the feet, others say it’s around the genitals. When you’re sitting in the Lotus position, that’s roughly the same place.

Function: This chakra represents the physical, root, survival, security, your base

Name: Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Location: The groin area, lower abdomen.

Function: Emotions, sexual energy, creativity

Name: Solar Plexus

Color: Yellow

Location: The stomach or gut

Function: Personal power, control, freedom, mental energy

Name: Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Location: Heart and lung area

Function: Love, compassion, empathy, healing

Name: Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Location: Throat

Function: Communication, expression, speech

Name: Third Eye

Color: Purple

Location: Right between your eyebrows

Function: Intuition, psychic abilities, clairvoyance

Name: Crown chakra

Color: White or Violet

Location: Top of your head

Function: Consciousness, connection to the divine

You must understand there are many views on this that go back in more modern times to the early 20th century. Some have taken things and made revisements in western culture. You must study their origins to know the root of it all. There are some that believe chakras don't exist and that its all imagined and like many beliefs, just that. They didn't think the energy field of the body existed either but they now know that isn't the case. We may never be able to physically prove any of these things so it is a matter of belief. Due to the New Agers and spiritualist, Theosophists many of these ideas have become commonplace to many with no regard to the actual origin of the ideas and what they started out with. I took Indigo off this and left just purple because in India they do not speak of that color in regard to the chakras.

Many have used this as a color in the aura which does have shifting colors but Indigo isn't usually recognized within it even though it does exist as a color we recognize. It is generally represented as either purple or blue. I don't follow the Indigo Children and Crystal things and think it ludicrous that anyone does. The whole idea of Indigos comes from one woman and was then taken by a couple and a book written that was very successful and like many other things people think up theoretically it became popular and people now think it is fact...it is NOT fact. It is kind of like the book "The Secret" that everyone got so into. The ideas are not new at all. She basically stole ideas that have been circulated for years and written by other authors probably 30 or more years prior. If you research her background you find out she is kind of shady.

This is how I feel about Reiki. There were only a few systems when I first heard about it. It was really expensive to be taught after the first level. Don't remember what they called it. It is based on Christian mythos entirely, although the writings found that the ideas came from in the end were not Christian but are applied in regard to that religious view. Now a zillion versions of this has sprung up. I just sit back and laugh. It cost even in the 80s something like 10,000 dollars and up to learn this discipline per level and it was thought to be a secret doctrine. I found it to be an abuse of power and will have nothing to do with it. It has been a money making scheme. Now that there are so many forms and where they came from who knows, some teach the discipline of their type for much, much less. I would rather work with Hado which is the Japanese word for lifeforce and can be used for healing with no religious connotations. Some may try to tell me Reiki doesn't have that but it does...find its origin. If it doesn't then it is some person's corruption of the original premise of the healing modality.

This is what we used in massage school and even though there is no corroborating evidence as in Reiki other than anecdotal, I have seen this work, long before I ever heard of Reiki in the west. We used it in combination with Massage and Reflexology.

Polarity therapy is a synthesis of ancient Eastern and alternative medicine health care ideas, centered on the concept of a human energy field. Using touch, verbal interaction, exercise, nutrition and other methods, practitioners of polarity therapy seek to balance and restore the natural flow of energy which, it is claimed, flows from the universe and into the body through the chakras. The aim is to re-establish "balance". In addition to polarity bodywork, specific polarity yoga exercises, counseling/positive thinking, and nutritional recommendations are claimed to enhance vitality.

Polarity therapy is a holistic alternative medicine health system developed in the 1940s by Randolph Stone.

Read further here:


Reiki from Wikipedia:

Reiki (霊気 or レイキ?, English: /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Mikao Usui. After three weeks of fasting and meditating on Mount Kurama, in Japan, Usui claimed to receive the ability of "healing without energy depletion". A portion of the practice, tenohira or palm healing, is used as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Tenohira is a technique whereby practitioners believe they are moving "healing energy" (a form of ki) through the palms.

There is no scientific evidence for either the existence of ki or any mechanism for its manipulation, and a systematic review of randomized clinical trials conducted in 2008 did not support the efficacy of reiki or its recommendation for use in the treatment of any condition.

Read further in Wikipedia on the topic...this is where I got the info here at the last. This does not mean it doesn't work but even though it was developed before the other, I was around healers all the time and Reiki wasn't being used in the 70s by anyone I know but Polarity Therapy was and it is not tied to beliefs.




Frequencies and Vibration in regard to health

18:36 Oct 18 2009
Times Read: 774

"Qigong (or ch'i kung) is an internal Chinese meditative practice which often uses slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to promote the circulation of qi within the human body, and enhance a practitioner's overall health. Although, there are also many forms of Qigong that are done with no movement at all, in standing, sitting and supine positions, likewise, not all forms of Qigong use breath control techniques. Although not a martial art, qigong is often confused with the Chinese martial arts or tai chi. This misunderstanding can be attributed to the fact that most Chinese martial arts practitioners, will usually also practice some form of qigong and to the uninitiated, these arts may seem to be alike. There are more than 10,000 styles of qigong and 200 million people practicing, these methods. There are three main reasons why people do qigong: 1) To gain strength, improve health or reverse a disease 2) To gain skill working with qi, so as to become a healer 3) To become more connected with the "Tao, God, True Source, Great Spirit", for a more meaningful connection with nature and the universe. In its simplest form, the Chinese character for qi, in qigong, can mean air, breath, or "life force". Gong means work, so qigong is therefore the practice of "working" with ones "life force"."1

Nāda yoga is a ancient Indian metaphysical system. It is both a philosophical system , a medicine, and as the name suggests a form of yoga. The system's theoretical and practical aspects are based on the premise that the entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of sound vibrations, called nāda. This concept holds that it is the sound energy in motion rather than of matter and particles which form the building blocks of the cosmos.

Nāda yoga is also a way to approach with reverence and respond to sound. Sound and music is in this context, something more than just the sensory properties and sources of sensuous pleasure, sound and music is considered also to play the role as a potential medium to achieve a deeper unity with both the outer and the inner cosmos.

Nāda yoga's use of sound vibrations and resonances are also used to pursue palliative effects on various problematic psychological and spiritual conditions. It is also employed to raise the level of awareness of the postulated energy centers called chakra.

Music has been used by most Indian saints, prophets as an important and powerful tool in the quest for the achievement of nirvana; notable name to be mentioned here include Thyagaraja, Kabir, Meerabai, Namdeo, Purandaradasa and Tukaram.

The Nāda yoga system divides music into two categories: internal music, anahata, and external music, ahatter. While the external music is conveyed to consciousness via sensory organs in the form of the ears, in which mechanical energy is converted to electrochemical energy and then transformed in the brain to sensations of sound, it is the anahata chakra, which is considered responsible for the reception of the internal music, but not in the way of a normal sensory organ.

The anahata concept refers to one's own personal sound vibrations, which is thought to be so closely associated with one's self and the self that a person can not share their anahata with another human being.

The individual can, according to nāda yoga, "listen in on" their own anahata, their own "inner music", and exploit it. According nāda yoga, such a process of inner awareness and sensitivity leads to increased harmony and relaxation which are often the goal of people engaged in such activities as meditation.

Understand that sound is produced by a vibrating object; vibrations form a wave. Therefore as in the "Music of the Spheres" some speak of, it is believed every being has their own unique tone.

There is at present on our planet, a great schism in belief regarding resonant frequency. There are those who believe that yes, we all vibrate to the same frequency, whether it is the vibrational rate of the heart chakra or the vibrational rate of the liver. And many of these are people who believe they have indeed figured out the vibrational rate of the various organs, other bodily parts and etheric fields have invented instruments, made tapes or created machines which will somehow project the correct resonant frequency back in to the body to heal what ails you. Some of these people also work with using the voice, either to determine what frequency needs to be added or as a means of creating the correct resonant frequency.

Then, there are others who believe that we are all unique vibratory beings; that the frequencies of our organs, bodily systems and chakras, may be different and are not the same. And some of these people have also invented instruments and will make tapes or create machines which will somehow determine what the correct resonant frequency for you is, and then have that sound device project this frequency. And many of these other people work specifically with the voice because they believe it is easiest and more effective at determining the correct resonant frequency and to project it into an imbalanced area.

These are two main areas of contention in the sound healing arena today. Some say that everything deals with “Shifting Frequencies” and that if you believe you will resonate to only one frequency, you are not giving yourself the opportunity for vibratory change. Some prefer to focus on the use of the voice as an instrument of transformation and have come up with several reasons for this pursuit. One reason in particular is that some believe the voice to be an extremely easy vehicle for effecting change in one’s vibratory rate or in the body and field of someone else. They have found that the resonant sounds for different parts of the body and the chakras change and shift depending upon many parameters.

There seems to be a general (though not universal) assumption that those of higher vibration are somehow beneficial for us. Also higher seems to mean in 'frequency'. Frequency is the measurement of the speed of vibration. A higher frequency is fast vibration, while a low frequency is slow vibration in a given amount of time.

Spritualists in general are seeking a lighter body or a higher vibration. They know frequency is involved but they don't usually break it down that way. It is the scientific end of things and they are of course "spiritual". Therefore when they prepare for channelings they avoid things like meat and such which is dense to elevate and raise their, yes you got it, lol...vibration.

I do not think of the vampire exactly as another race but some do. I am thinking more of an ethnicity in a way stemming from man or what man evolved from. Not as in evolution but how they may have been created. That part I really don't care about because it is in the ancient past. I believe that everything in general has different frequencies creating a different vibration and there are some with a much lighter body who need a different density of feeding matter. Some of them still need the boost from denser materials that are from the body itself. It could be the prana, which I doubt or the frequency of the actual product. All eat food which is dense matter and I think this is part of what accounts for the lethargy most have. It has to be done to survive but most of what we eat isn't really that good for us and we break down with various organ, autoimmune disorders, migrains and allergies. Just my opinion and this isn't a scientific one. Everyone has some of these problems from what they eat but there are subtle differences which I cannot pinpoint but the problems each have as beings in general are similar, yet not exactly the same.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qigong

2. http://earthharmonyhome.com/do-we-all-vibrate-to-the-same-frequency/

3. Nada Yoga, wikipedia and around the net. Many copy Wikipedia so I don't know the author.

Note: Some is written by me but since I am no authority on these disciplines specifically, some is by various authors many not identified or they have taken extracts from Wikipedia and other places and some word for word which is all right if from Wikipedia under GNU licensing.





22:27 Oct 10 2009
Times Read: 780

I am not putting this as just errant thoughts but more of a musing in here. It has always bothered me when the KJV passage which has been carried on in other versions in more modern English about witches is believed to be a proper translation and it comes up in the forum from time to time.

If you do in-depth research you find out that the Jews were worried about poisonings at the time and it was about not letting a poisoner live and nothing more. It wasn't gender specific. King James had a phobia about what he perceived witches to be which was all wrong. Now, mostly in North America people think Wicca is meant but there is nothing mentioned about that in any translation because it has only existed since the 50s.

According to the Scofield Reference Bible this verse from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) was written in the year 1491 BCE. This is some 650 years before the origin of the Celtic people circa 850 BCE from whom some elements of Wicca were taken. So Exodus 22:18 can hardly be referring to Wiccans. The whole concept of a "Satan" was unknown in the area in question, so those practicing anything in the relative area of England were not practicing anything by that name or witchcraft. They were not consorting with someone they had no idea about. Witchcraft is very different from Wicca and they don't actually worship deities. So the whole thing is made up by superstitious people starting with King James and no one stood up to him even though there were those that contested the translation.

The word "witch" appeared in Christian scriptures as maleficos, which is gender neutral, until the mid-1500s. Then things took a nasty turn. In the Luther bible, the German line is "Die Zubeninnen soltunicht leben lassen," which makes the word "witch" feminine. By 1566, in La Saincte Bible of Lyon, France, the word is even more clearly female, despite a footnote that the law applied equally to men. It all escalated from King James and grew into something really sinister which caused the deaths of many people.



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