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17:38 Nov 21 2010
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A Complex viewpoint on the nature and origin of vampirism


Scythian Griffins

Compiled and written by AsphaltTears Copyright ©2009

UPDATE: Since I wrote this Nicholas de Vere has passed away.

I’m sure this title must be quite intriguing and you may be wondering if this is something to do with NASA or some astronomical project or happening. Unfortunately it is none of the above. What it is relates to an idea. This idea deals with vampires.

Certain writers from various stratum of society have published some very unique ideas concerning the nature of what some refer to as “real vampires.” Could some of what we believe about vampires have been merely propaganda spread by those who were in fear of this particular group and their capabilities if they were to resume practices that have almost been lost in antiquity? These people believe they have a “Divine Right” to rule mankind. They have gone by many names over the centuries according to their own publications such as:

Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Sprites, Nymphs, Pixies, Angels, Demons, Devils, Witches, Giants, Vampires, Werewolves and just about every mythical being you can imagine. This is a very controversial topic and not all historians and writers in general agree on all points. These ideas come from a small circle of people that agree with the person who did the twenty years of research.

The Divine Right is said to come from God or the gods. They believe they are empowered to rule over man because they are descendants from a race of beings similar to humans created and bred by the Annunaki for leadership. These Annunaki have also been called by other names such as the Nephilim which are mentioned in the Old Testament and Apocryphal writings. Some consider them Pseudepigrapha, but they do exist and some take them quite seriously. If you are unfamiliar with the terms Apocrypha (singular Apocryphon or Apocryphal) and Pseudepigrapha, go to this website where the meaning of these terms is explained:


I will be presenting information written by the patriarch of the present day Dragon Court. They will consist of the origin of the vampire only briefly. This study is very detailed and well written and has been included in various published works. It is no more out there than many other theories. It’s not something that is really necessary to know in this article but if you are interested in the views of some associated to this history you can go to this site:


Some of what has been stated in this treatise has been refuted by other scholars so at this moment in time these beliefs are not definitive and the only ones. The Dragon Court is claimed to be of royal Aryan lineage. The Aryans or Scythians which many speak of in writings are claimed by Nicholas de Vere the leader of this organization. He believes that what has been represented historically as this racial group is an incorrect assumption. His research states that the real Aryan race is another race altogether. He goes on to say:

“The "yeoman-farmer" Celtic, Gaulish and Pictish tribes which we now think of as Aryan were actually of a different race, but had hired the extra-human Aryans to be their leaders.1

He also states that it was these very same Aryans that influenced many groups from the Indian to the Hittite. He includes in his list also the Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Sumerian and pre-Sumerian Ubaid cultures.

He has a list of certain unique characteristics of those he considers to be Aryan. This would include a less than normal body temperature, an extra vertebra and problems of procreation which he believes is indicative of a hybrid. Usually hybrids cannot recreate themselves. He has this down to even the number of this species within normal human society and that would be about 5 percent of all the people on the planet. They generally have RH negative blood types according to de Vere but he doesn’t explain how he arrived at these statistics and most are located in Europe at this time.

He believes that another name for them is Nephilim as mentioned in the Book of Enoch. The book states that their descendants will afflict, oppress, destroy, attack and cause wars and ultimately the destruction of planet Earth. They are generally up to no good. Perhaps this group is sometimes referred to as the Illuminati?

Certain groups of people who have fallen under the label as conspiracy theorists claim these beings are dangerous and that the Aryan bloodline is totally alien to this planet. One group is the Merovingians. The “Sons of Jared” who are considered a fanatical organization, who claim that there are 12 families and have identified them as “Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn, with the rest of the European Royal Families being categorized as Merovingian.” 1

This group is adamant about fighting against the descendants of this race because they associate them with a group of individuals who come from the pharaohs, kings and dictators throughout history, sort of a celestial mafia ruling the world according to certain conspiracy theories.

Nicholas de Vere on the other hand has differing views. He has declared himself the Prince of the Dragon Blood and believes his race should have a rightful place as “shepards” of the human race. He had this to say:

“The fairies were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and activity generally. In the past, therefore, because the Fairies were, for millennia, physiologically bred and exhaustively trained to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited them to become social navigators... A dragon was one who saw clearly, and the clarity of vision engendered was always classically associated with wisdom, which itself produces power.”2

The Annunaki have been a topic of interest by many groups from the vampire community to the academic community. They were thought by some to have the capacity to live for thousands of years. Some of their attributes were the ability to levitate, inter-dimensional travel, clairvoyance and other para-psychic abilities or magical powers, all the sum total of “applied eugenics” according to de Vere. What is applied eugenics? It is selective breeding by trying to improve humanity through gene manipulation. They would select individuals with the highest abilities and beauty to mate.

Through selective breeding they were able to breed according to de Vere, “outstanding magicians whose gift of natural perception and understanding and whose ability to access the ’Otherworld’ helped to produce and guide brilliant kings who ruled with elegant aplomb. The ability to perform magic was carried in the blood and of that blood," and "the Elves were relied upon by their client races to be able to see things and perform feats that these client races couldn’t." 1

Even though there has been a falling out with Laurence Gardner who used much of the information compiled by de Vere for two of his books, he also concurs that this group was deliberately bred to rule mankind because they were both mentally and physically superior.

What made this possible? Most authorities believe it had to do with endocrinology. Due to specialization of certain hormones their ability to perceive higher vibrations was enhanced. This was caused by extremely high levels of melatonin. They developed a higher state of perception, referred to by de Vere as a sort of “knowing”. Elven blood is stated to have a higher concentration of hormones.

Accordingly Gardner goes on to say:

“In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set.

Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin. Rumor has it that the members of the super secret society Skull & Bones, to which both George Bush and his son belong, engage in a ceremony called "The Obscene Rite," which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice in order to get the fresh secretions. Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains:

"Their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture." 1

It was this enhanced species of man that needed something from the Annunaki that was common to them in high quantities and this was “Starfire.” What was starfire? It was a combination of menstrual blood and vaginal fluids that was taken from the females of the Annunaki considered to be goddesses. The ritual was called the ‘Black Mass’ and was a precursor to the Catholic Mass and not the other way around or according to this source. When the Annunaki left and they were no longer in physical contact, they had no recourse but to get the fluids from females that were bred for that purpose and called ‘Scarlet Women.’ These priestesses were considered sacred and also referred to as ‘Grail Maidens.’ Some of the terminology that has been used can be found directly in the Book of Revelation and also in certain rituals performed by Aleister Crowley that refer to his sexual partners during magickal rites.

It tends to seem very elitist in nature or at least closed off because not only were these females considered sacred but also Royal Princesses and virgins of nobility. There was a scheduled age where the females were considered ready to be feeders. The fluids that were obtained contained many substances but as described by de Vere they included, “oxytocin, prolactin, melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne triphosphate, dopamine, telomerase, and retinol."

What is interesting to note is that he also says that it is not only men who have semen but also females. In their ritual they have what is called a ‘golden straw.’ They use this item to collect this substance. This is apart of the ritual of Starfire. The ritual has been described as follows:

“This process is done by inserting this device into the virgin’s urethra to the depth of about one inch, while the partner in the rite inserted his or her finger into the vagina and massaged the "roof of the mouth" or uppermost wall of the canal nearest the open or ’mouth’ of the vagina, behind the pubic bone. After a few conducive moments perhaps, orgasm would occur and the fluid from the gland would discharge itself through the straw, either into the waiting mouth of the recipient, or onto a "grail platter" or dish held next to the vulva.” 1

This is very near the sex magick ritual that was performed by Aleister Crowley for his members of the OTO. In the case of the OTO, the difference was they obtained male semen called the ‘Red Tincture’ or ‘coagulated blood.’ Female fluids were referred to as ‘Gluten’ or ‘The White Tincture’ and mixed together were believed to form the ‘Elixir of Life.’ It has also been mentioned that in alchemy, blood and semen are primae material or first matter of the Great Work.

The basis of all the alchemical transformations required to obtain the Philosopher's Stone is called the Great Work and is a seven-stepped formula described by the Emerald Tablet of Hermes.

“When placed against gold it converted it into a white powder which could be ingested. It is said to cause nothing less than immortality, as it sets off a self-correcting mechanism in your DNA that lasts for thousands of years. It also bestows the enhanced melatonin production and magical powers associated with Startfire, including clairvoyance, dimension-hopping and flying capabilities. It is believed that this "white gold" is the same as the "Shew-bread" and "Manna from Heaven" mentioned in the Old Testament. So therefore an alchemical process was created as a means to artificially create the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone, also known as "potable gold." This is created using a black powder known as occultum, the universal solvent which has the power to transmute metals.”2

This substance from a mundane female source is said to have very little affect. Over the years the purity of this race was minimized and Starfire no longer had the same value to those who believed in its powers. de Vere states that this began to happen around 1960 AD. According to the belief, God told Noah to cease consuming blood. Even with this edict another source had to be found and this source was via alchemy.

A man named David Hudson who is actually related to the Merovingian Grail family through Claude de Guise claims to have found a substitute which he patented. The white gold has been named ORME which stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. Ormus is a name associated with the Holy Grail.

“Basically, the powder is created by putting gold into a higher atomic state through a series of intense heating and cooling sessions, during which it loses and gains weight radically, as though portions of the mass were being transferred into another dimension. David Hudson describes the magical quantum properties of his white gold:

These M-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation... They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell. Ingesting in-state gold has different effects on the body than the effects of ingesting metallic gold. At 2 mg. it totally has gotten rid of Karposi Sarcomas on AIDS patients. Within 2 hours, their white blood cell count goes from 2500 to 6500. ... Stage 4 cancer patients have taken it orally, and after 45 days have no cancer left any place in the body. It’s been used on Lou Gehrig’s disease, it’s been used on MS, it’s been used on MD, it’s been used on arthritis. It literally corrects the DNA.”5

For information on David Hudson’s patent you can go to this website:


More information on David Hudson can be found here as well:


When we look into the origin of the word vampire if this is the word you wish to use to describe this unique race whether you agree with all of their premises, de Vere had this to say from an excerpt of his article, “From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells:

“Contextually, when applied to an individual as a ’witch’, the word uber would suggest that the person referred to was in some way ’over’ or ’above’ others, as in the German ubermensch or uberherren. The Germanic languages, as with the others sampled here, are all Indo-European and the Sanskrit in particular, being of Aryan or Scythian origin is closest to the Galatian, and we shall see that the argument for overlordship is exactly the case.

From a cultural standpoint, we read the word ’witch’ and with it comes a large trolley of baggage that we have inherited from the popularly reinforced understanding of the word, influenced heavily by fairy stories and biased histories told from a protagonistic point of view. Today the specifically Saxon word ’witch’ tends to conjure up images of old hags prancing about on dark, spooky moors and cackling into cauldrons.

Witch is derived from the Saxon root word wicce (feminine) or wicca (masculine) and the Saxons used it to describe a class of persons whom they thought were inhabited by an intelligence or spirit - a daemon or genii - usually evil, because the Saxons took up Catholicism pretty early on in their careers and were consequently biased.

Conversely, some people today would like us to believe, however, that ’witch’ meant a "wise one" and say that witchcraft, or in Saxon - wiccecraeft as they like to call it - means craft of the wise, failing completely to realize that the word wise in Saxon is wita, not wicca or wicce.

Wicca is actually related to both ’wicker’ and ’Viking’ or Wiking as the Norse would pronounce it. In Russia the word Vikhr meaning whirlwind, is a title of the Zmei Dragons, sons and daughters of Zmei-Tiamat. This confirms that the link between Sumaire, Zmei or Zumei and Sumeria was also known in Russia, once a Viking province.

It also demonstrates that the Danish Vikings, witch lords, were sons of the Dragon and the Scandinavian Tuadha d’Anu. In Ireland the Zmei Lord or Vikhr is known as the Dark King - the Whirlwind, meaning he was sumaire or vampire and via Uber, a Witch Lord or Wicca. As the Willow (wicker) bends and yields to the whirlwind so the witch (wicca) yields to the Sumaire, the ancient vampire legacy within him or her, a legacy that is awoken during the Mass of the Phoenix, when the primordial ancestors rise from the dead to take possession of the witch’s soul!”

The Mass of the Phoenix can be found here:


This mass first appears in the Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley but no instructions are given. It is only in the A.A. that any ritual instructions are given. It is an exoteric form of the Eucharist or Ritual of Law.

Frater Osiris had this to say about the Mass of the Phoenix:

“This indicates that the Mass of the Phoenix is a true Mass, in that it celebrates the Eucharist. In Liber Aleph, Crowley puts the Mass of the Phoenix on par with the Gnostic Mass: Neglect not the daily Miracle of the Mass, either by the Rite of the Gnostic Catholic Church, or that of the Phoenix. The Miracle of the Mass is the process of transubstantiation, whereby the bread and wine are transformed into the body and the blood of a God. The general nature of this Eucharist is explained in Chapter 20 of Magick in Theory and Practice: The Eucharist of Two Elements has its matter of the passives. The wafer (Pantacle) is of corn, typical of Earth; the wine (Cup) represents Water. (There are certain other attributions. The wafer is the Sun, for instance; and the wine is appropriate to Bacchus.) The wafer may, however, be more complex, as the Cake of Light described in Liber Legis. This is used in the exoteric Mass of the Phoenix mixed with the blood of the Magus. This Mass should be performed daily at sunset by every Magician.”4

Exoteric means this is a ritual open to anyone who practices magick as opposed to someone who has esoteric or secret knowledge for the select.

Therefore what the whole thing boils down to is there is an elitist group, The Dragon Court, who believes they are inheritors of this knowledge by divine right of genetic heritage to be overlords of the human race and have been called by many names one of them more popularly, vampire.

Who is Nicholas de Vere? Tracy Twyman a writer and member of the Dragon Court, made this statement:

“As the Sovereign Grand Master of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order, Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg provided the inspiration, the research, and a hefty portion of the writing for Gardner's Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. Yet amazingly, de Vere is not listed as co-author on many editions of Genesis, and receives no credit at all in Ring Lords. Both of these books, credited to Laurence Gardner, are based almost entirely upon the text From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells, by Nicholas de Vere, recently published by The Book Tree under the title The Dragon Legacy.

But there is much in the original de Vere text that is not to be found in the Gardner version, and there is an authenticity to de Vere's work, derived from the fact that he is the true inheritor and guardian of this tradition - the Dragon tradition, also known as the Grail tradition. De Vere has spent two decades delving into history, mythology, science, religion, and his own family archives to compile what is perhaps the most extensive and insightful text upon this subject ever published. What de Vere has come up with is enough to comprise not just another pop culture craze, but an entirely new theology, with a new philosophy and politics as well.

In addition to his groundbreaking work as a researcher and author, de Vere serves as the head of an elite occult order with origins stretching back to the Knights Templar, and he holds a potential claim to several important royal titles. This, some have supposed, is the real motivation behind his work. Some believe that de Vere wants to be the King of England or France, an assertion that he flatly denies. Others see in de Vere a candidate for nothing less than the anti-Christ himself, and see in the Dragon Court an international Satanic conspiracy somewhere on a level between the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Bilderberg Group. But while it is true that, when the Great Dragon of Revelation does emerge to take hold of the world, he will undoubtedly be of the Dragon blood, and may even be a member of the Court, Prince Nicholas de Vere is certainly not he.”5

When he was queried as to where he gained his information he had various things to say but to keep it simple this is one of his comments:

“I would say that the serious academic backbone of The Dragon Legacy in terms of corroboration and confirmation, lies in the work of Dr. David Barker; George Woodcock; Lysander Spooner; Professor Miranda Green; Pierre Proudhon; Professors Pierpaoli and Regelson; David Anderson; The Oxford English Dictionary and an old associate Mr. C. Murray Hall M.A. (Lecturer in Barbarian Cultures: Sussex University).”5

One question in particular may clear up what Prince de Vere means by a Dragon.

“When you refer metaphorically to "the Dragon", what exactly are you referring to?

"The Dragon" is a term I use generally to mean the dragon archetype resting within the Dragon blood and passed on through the genes. It is the conduit through which flow the memories of the wisdom and experience of the Dragons who have gone before. The word "dragon" is derived from the Greek "edrakon", which is an aorist of the word "derkesthai", which means "to see clearly". "The Dragon" therefore is the inherited Dragon archetype and that archetype is the conduit of clear sight through which racial knowledge flows. Clear sight also and principally refers to transcendent consciousness.

He was further asked this question:

What was the original meaning and purpose of vampirism?

Vampire stems from the word "vber" or "uber", and means "witch." It originates in Anatolia; the location of the seven yearly Druidic gatherings: the Nemetons. "Witch" in Gaelic is "Druidhe", or "druid." In practical terms and suggested by the term "uber" itself, a Scythian druid was an overlord, and so originally a vampire was an overlord, and hence a Dragon.

The purpose of vampirism depends on the type of vampirism practiced. Starfire was the purpose of "royal" or druidic vampirism in the ancient Scythian families, and in Scythian "warrior" vampirism, drinking the blood of fallen brothers in battle was intended to take their essence and bravery into the recipient. The blood of vanquished foes was also drunk. In both cases this also had the advantage of topping up one's adrenaline and testosterone levels in the heat of conflict. The folklore image of the vampire in Europe stems from this historical root. Vampirism was an integral part of Scythian/Dragon life.”

You can read the rest of the interview here:


There are cases where de Vere seemingly contradicts himself in the area of magick but I think this deals with the fact that he studied magickal systems and especially Thelema and Hermetic practices prior to doing his research when he was much younger. He has a personal admiration for Aleister Crowley’s works and rituals he performed and this is why it would seem this way. As far as the hereditary, genetic line he speaks of he has specific views on that, which seem to differ from some of his interests. This can be said of numerous people. He believes that true magick can only be worked properly by a hereditary witch with a traditional background. He does put down some forms of magick, but it is more in regard to mass produced books to entice young people to buy them that really are not definitive but attract people who have no background in the occult.

A Comment made concerning de Vere’s viewpoints by another source:

The genetic superiority claims of the Dragon Court's Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg reveal much about the Western world's obsession with natural shamanism. Drakenberg and the Holy Grail bloodline aristocracy believe they possess unique genes which raises them above mere mortals, allowing them communication with "The Gods" and supernatural magickal power. However, they equally believe the indigenous peoples of the world to be "sub-human", and to be preventing the human race from further evolutionary advancements. And yet there are countless accounts documented by anthropologists of indigenous shamans "walking with God", "visiting God's house", or "speaking with God". - shamana.co.uk


If conspiracy theory is your forte you can find even more on the vampire. Marcus LiBrizzi writes about David Icke’s ideas which seem to stem from books written by Zecharia Sitchin. In certain ways, they parallel many of the things stated by de Vere but overall are different. Nicholas de Vere does not believe in an alien connection whatsoever. The following are excerpts from David Icke’s 1999 book entitled, “The Biggest Secret.”

“The Anunnaki, whose name is Sumerian, meaning "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came" (Icke, p.5), are a reptilian race that originated from the legendary planet known as Nibiru (Planet X), or the place of the crossing, which has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit that takes it between Jupiter and Mars and then out into space (p.5). For the past 450,000 years, according to Icke, the Anunnaki have been ruling earth in different guises and from different dimensions. Through genetic engineering, the Anunnaki have manipulated the evolution of humans as a slave race. "[T]he Anunnaki created bloodlines to rule humanity on their behalf," he writes, "and these [...] are the families still in control of the world to this day" (p.9). The interbreeding of the rich and powerful (primarily, for Icke, the European aristocracy and the Eastern Establishment of the US) is not done for reasons of snobbery but rather "to hold a genetic structure that gives them certain abilities, especially the ability to 'shape-shift' and manifest in other forms" (p.9). Working with these crossbreeds are full-blooded Anunnaki, some physically present on earth, others influencing individuals and events psychically from what Icke calls "the lower fourth dimension" (p.25). Forming a "Brotherhood" or secret society network, the Anunnaki have effectively "hijack[ed] the planet" (p.46).

The Anunnaki, like traditional vampires, enjoy eternal or extended life spans. Icke claims that "[t]he fourth dimensional reptilians wear their human bodies like a genetic overcoat and when one body dies the same reptilian 'moves house' to another body and continues the Agenda into another generation" (p.46). One type of creature Icke describes is a reptilian "inside" a human physical body; "[i]t seems that [...] [the Anunnaki] need to occupy a very reptilian dominated genetic stream to do this, hence certain bloodlines always end up in the positions of power. Other less pure crossbreed human-reptilians are those bodies which are possessed by a reptilian consciousness from the fourth dimension and these are people whom psychics see as essentially human, but 'overshadowed' by a reptilian" (p.46). Crossbreeding to infuse reptilian genetics into human bloodlines, the Anunnaki gain the means to defy death, as we conceive it.

In respect to blood drinking, Icke is very clear: The Anunnaki drink blood, which they need in order to exist in this dimension and hold a human form (p.288). Embedded in this need lies another parallel between the Anunnaki and the figure of the vampire — the power to shape-shift (from reptilian to human form for the Anunnaki, and usually from vampire form to that of bat or even mist for the traditional vampire). But the Anunnaki also feed off fear, aggression and other negative emotions. Thus, while blood is needed as a vital life force, the Anunnaki are also addicted to "adrenalchrome," a hormone released in the human body during periods of extreme terror (pp.290,331). Rather than sucking the blood directly from the necks of their victims, the Anunnaki apparently slash the throats of their victims from left to right and consume the blood out of goblets (p.303). Icke claims that the origin of the vampire stories are the blood drinking and "energy sucking" rituals of the Anunnaki (p.26). "In India," he writes, "it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia, some researchers suggest. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was — the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers" (p.288).

http://www.serendipity.li/eden/librizzi.htm (Excerpted from an article, previously published in the Fall 2000 edition of the online magazine

reconstruction: studies in contemporary culture.

“David Icke’s overall premise is this: “Icke's basic argument is that humanity was created, and is controlled, by a network of secret societies run by a race of interbreeding bloodlines originating in the Middle and Near East in the ancient world. Icke calls them the "Babylonian Brotherhood." The Illuminati, Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the IMF, United Nations, the media, military, science, religion, and the Internet are all Brotherhood created and controlled.[37] (Children, p. 339; Lewis and Kahn 2005, p. 11.)

The Brotherhood is mostly male. Their children are raised from an early age to understand the mission; those who don't are pushed aside. Key Brotherhood bloodlines are the British House of Windsor, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, European royalty and aristocracy, and the Eastern establishment families of the United States. The origin of the bloodlines is extra-terrestrial. At the apex of the Brotherhood stands the "Global Elite," the same group identified throughout history as the "Illuminati"; at the top of the Global Elite stand the "Prison Wardens." The goal of the Brotherhood—their "Great Work of Ages," or the "Brotherhood Agenda"—is world domination and a micro-chipped population.[38]” (Barkun, p. 104, Secret, pp. 1–2; Truth, p. 8; Children, p. 368) 6

There are a few groups within the modern community that might feel world domination to be the goal since they profess little concern for “humans” as they call them and sometimes the word “mortals’ is used. The problem is that some of these types of groups do not feed on blood but other sources. This is by no means a scholarly study of this particular person and his belief system but one of curiosity and presented for inspection by those who might be interested in researching further or quite frankly challenging these viewpoints.

1. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_divinerightrule01.htm

2. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/dragons/esp_sociopol_dragoncourt02.htm

3. http://sacred-texts.com/oto/lib44.htm

4. http://www.hermetic.com/osiris/analysismotp.htm

5. http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/mykingdom.html

6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke

Note: Much of the same information (Concerning de Vere) can be found repeated on many websites so the main site to look for information would be the one I have listed as belonging to the Dragon Court. It is stated by some sources that de Vere is now suffering from a mental health issue and has stepped down from his position in the Court. Originally according to one source, all of this information was to be shared freely with any inquiring mind.

Disclaimer: I or any organization I might be affiliated, in no way claim that the viewpoints related from the Dragon Court or Prince de Vere or David Icke, are the correct viewpoint or advocate what has been said. This article is for educational purposes only.

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