AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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8 entries this month

Out on a Limb

20:50 May 30 2011
Times Read: 762

I went out on a limb and bought a Euro Pro product. Their reviews and customer service leave a lot to be desired but considering the numbers who probably use the products, the cons aren't that big.

I wanted a blender and this one looked good. Whoever knows even if you buy them out of a store. Blenders are expensive. Vitamix gets the best rates online but its outrageously expensive. Maybe it holds up better but I AM NOT going to pay over 400 dollars for a dang blender even if it comes with extras and it didn't look like it did. I think it is metal instead of plastic. Many products these days have plastic parts.

I got the Ninja KS 1100 which does a series of things. One person who read all the negative reviews says people are not using it right. You must follow instructions or you may have problems. This thing can take veggies and make juice out of it and you don't have anything to throw out so you get the nutrients. It can make ice cream, smoothies, doughs, etc. I thought I would take a chance since it is less than 200 dollars and has 1100 watts of power. I will read the manual cover to cover before I use it.

I have had many blenders over the years and all of them including food processors haven't lasted that long. This one has more power than our microwave so I am crossing my fingers. The company has poor customer service skills from what I can tell but if the dang thing breaks, lol. I will throw it out. I priced blenders alone and this is a system of things and they were all high priced except the flimsy stuff so ... hope it works like the informercial.

I want to make some ice cream in it for the younguns. I am curious to see if I can make sorbet. I have such a hard time finding it in all the places I shop. I really love it. I went through PayPal for this so if I have any problems, they will step in. I have had problems in the past with things and they are excellent at getting things straightened out. Can hardly wait to make some smoothies with this.




Pre Graduation party

15:58 May 29 2011
Times Read: 764

I guess we are going to have a barbecue on the 8th. We are celebrating my daughter's granduation the next day. I could hear her in the bedroom with her boyfriend commenting on how hard she worked to finish just two years and no one appreciated that. That's not true. It is complicated actually. The other grandmother is coming to watch the kids so I can go to the graduation...woopee. I really wanted to go. I am her only living parent. No grandparents are alive either. The last of them have died over the last five years.

The problem is she is planning this on a week night and early. I would suspect people couldn't come and now, some relatives live out of state. Some have died. The graduation is on a Thursday evening but I really think they should have these things on Saturdays to be perfectly frank. I have to get flowers for her. I have gone to college graduations before and people come with flowers and balloons. I don't need the balloon thing unless I find a metalic, small with flowers as well that says something about graduation. I don't know what I will do exactly in that regard. It is a matter of whether I have enough time.




I had to laugh at this one

21:30 May 28 2011
Times Read: 777

Why would anyone tell someone that they shouldn't be on VR if they are over 30? It is 13 an up. I can assure you that there are all ages, genders and ethnicities in the vampire community. Since we don't know really what is the origin of the vampire in all reality, one cannot give sweeping statements about who is and who isn't. Why shouldn't older people like this site? I like it fine and I am retired. It can be fun and it can be sour grapes, so what. Those who have longevity here I think are the older people but I don't think a poll has been done. How can you get ideas from all perspectives if you limit the ages to adolescents? Just my opinion.

I have seen this bias in various club activities now and then but it's silly. I can get my walker through the doorway I assure you, hahaha. Stereotypes are silly!!!



01:23 May 29 2011

I 'think' you're old enough to read my stories.




22:37 May 26 2011
Times Read: 780

My daughter will be graduating from Junior College soon (Community College), June 9th. It has taken awhile since she works and is a single Mom raising twins. I think she is gettting an AA and an AS. The whole world has become dumb in her eyes, lol. She is edumicated, lol.

I had to figure out what gifts to get her. I got her a bracelet. Her birthstone is blue Sapphire so its blue sapphires with diamonds set in sterling silver with some overlays in 18K gold. Its really pretty. She is an avid watcher of Housewives of all the places they go and one lady out of the NYC group has her own line of wine. It is Romona's Pinot Grigio and is made near the Veneto Valley in Italy. (I hope I got that right, lol) It's a white wine but not outrageously expensive and it is signed as well by Ramona on the label. I think it isn't a fresh signature but it's there. I ordered her a bottle to go with the bracelet. All that is left is a small bouquet of flowers if I have access to getting any. I am not sure I can even attend her graduation due to lack of transportation but we shall see. I hope she will like the gifts.

The Fall, after the one coming up, we will be moving again to Orange County somewhere around Fullerton because she plans on going to Cal State Fullerton. I get confused on her major because it changes but last she told me was she was becoming a Physician's Assistant. Don't know her minor. She doesn't talk about it much. At least she got two years done and did well, almost straight A scoring.




06:35 May 22 2011
Times Read: 789

I have been watching Glee most of the day. I just didn't feel like doing much today. I went to the store and that is about it. I kind of got tired of coughing but I think I am getting better. Looks like I am going to have my own apartment when we move. I don't think it was meant nicely but that is ok. I actually like the idea. I really would rather live alone. Although I am not sure I will go to the same place in these circumstances but not going to say so as of yet. Life...so much fun.

I don't know what I think about Glee. It is an ok show. Very musical and very funny but at times very corny.



14:38 May 22 2011

I haven't seen the show yet.


01:12 May 18 2011
Times Read: 800

I know some people think that I am Wiccan because I like pentagrams/pentacles, but I am not. Not even remotely that. I like symbols and this one I don't believe was used in the British Isles way back. I'm not sure about parts of Europe but it is a very old symbol and has been used in a myriad of ways so don't assume someone is Wiccan if they have one on or drawn on something. I like crosses as well, always have and I don't call myself Christian because I don't believe in the Trinity. I have just read too many things and I don't know, haven't selected anyone type of spiritual path. I like Nature but not in the same way. So I still get labeled Pagan since I am not Chrisitian, Muslim, or follow Judaism but I do find most belief systems very interesting each in their own capacity. I am only saying this because of things on my profile. I am and have been for some time interested in Asatru but I get lazy and I don't keep up with interests. Sooo I move onto other things. Maybe you can contribute that to my ascendant which is Gemini.



13:21 May 20 2011

So we don't have to burn you as a witch?

06:30 May 22 2011

Well I have been told I seem witchy, lol. It was by someone in the vampire community and he didn't mean it derogatory but I think he meant that I seemed like a witch. Usually I am not described in that way. I have heard from numerous people this phrase, lol. "Do you know how psychic you are?"

The last time I remember anyway, lol, was in San Diego when I went into a occult shop. I was looking for an icon of Sekhmet. I also wanted some information on Pennsylvania Hex signs which I have been interested in for years. The woman watching the store had a botanica inside of this one and she was the one saying it. I just said, "oh, you think so?" What I wanted to say was I can't count how many times I have heard that. I don't dwell on it or even try to cultivate it so I didn't want to be rude but I changed the subject.


05:21 May 03 2011
Times Read: 830

Another person has died. I just can't believe it. I am really upset because this person was pretty young. She was part of the vampire community in Las Vegas. I knew her on and offline. She was a wonderful person. I was just notified she had passed on the 30th of pancreatic cancer. No one had told me she was ill. I swear this is really getting to me.



10:40 May 03 2011

Death is always closer than one thinks, my thoughts go out to her family.

14:18 May 03 2011

Wow,I am sorry to hear this.

17:02 May 03 2011

Sorry to hear about your friend. I will be thinking of you & her family.



18:19 May 02 2011
Times Read: 848

I have been watching things about Bin Laden and even though he was a terrorist and even though 9/11 happened. I am glad it puts a little blow to his cult but I have to say it is hard for me to cheer at the death of anyone.

They are saying he was a strong, charismatic person and there is no one else there quite like him. This is probably why the government where he was hiding didn't get involved. It is a religious war to them and even though they didn't exactly approve of him, it still would have left bad PR for them. I'm sure they knew we were coming unless they are a group of idiots. It made it easy for them. They could do nothing and let the evil Western, Capitalistic country get rid of him for them. Perhaps they asked that pictures of him not be released, who knows.

He has a lot of family left alive and our government may have been asked to spare them, again who knows but I am sure they most likely got him. Eventually the pictures will probably be shown but they are doing or did DNA testing but if anyone wants to know more, watch CNN. I hate war because I lived through Vietnam.

I do know from personal experience that the mindset of those from that area is entirely different. I had a family when I did respite where the Mom was born in Russia (she was actually Pakistani) and the father was from Iran. I saw with first hand experience and what the wife went through because she didn't exactly embrace Islam. Her father from Pakistan, had been an Ambassador to Russia and she was born there so she didn't actually live in those countries but her husband did. He kept correcting me on how to say Iran. You pronounce the I as an E...so it is Eron. They don't teach you that in school, lol. It perturbed him but I got it after awhile. They didn't wear shoes in the house and she had women parties as she called it. She didn't wear cultural dress often but the others did. They have an entirely different outlook even here...so who knows what will happen but I am hoping Bin Laden's group splinters and dies out.

I don't like politics or war for any reason.



18:27 May 02 2011

I agree,I can't cheer for the death of anyone be it friend or foe

18:30 May 02 2011

Its the 9th time he has died.


19:18 May 02 2011

Perhaps or this is a conspiracy site, lol. I will look later but it is the first time the President of the United States has stood up and addressed the citizens officially that he had been killed. There is more information coming through. I guess he had a gun but they don't know if they he got any rounds off. I guess his courier turned him in, I don't know. Still believe they knew but because of how sketchy it would be to do anything about it in that country, they kept quiet figuring the US government would find him one way or another. They are saying he had family in the compound which I knew because they said one of his son's might be killed but they used a woman there as a shield...says a lot about that culture...Nothing more to say about them or Bin Laden at the moment. I think the other stuff was just rumors like Elvis was abducted by aliens. :)

23:35 May 02 2011

I think that this will stir up a hornets nest, our governments will be on high alert for major reprisals.

To throw a stone in the pond wasn't he CIA funded at one time or is that just a conspiracy?

12:50 May 03 2011

Who are you talking about Theban? You mean Bin Laden? I think they worked together in Afganistan when they were at war with Russia. So I am going to look in wikipedia. I don't keep up on the middle east. I think they are all lunatics for the most part.

"In mid-1979, about the same time as the Soviet Union deployed troops into Afghanistan, the United States began giving several hundred million dollars a year in aid to the Afghan Mujahideen insurgents fighting the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Soviet Army in Operation Cyclone. Along with native Afghan mujahideen were Muslim volunteers from other countries, popularly known as Afghan Arabs. The most famous of the Afghan Arabs was Osama bin Laden, known at the time as a wealthy and pious Saudi who provided his own money and helped raise millions from other wealthy Gulf Arabs. An often missed fact, when the tables began to turn and the Soviets started to overcome these Afgan fighters, the United States then stopped all aid. This lead to the complete demise of the forces meant to help the U.S. with the Soviet issue. Tens of thousands of Afgans were killed in this U.S. funded venture."

"During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA."

That was before he turned his attention against the US. Who knows what the CIA does. They more or less work outside of what any average citizen knows about. Makes me mad. There is the power and the people and that is exactly how it is.

13:00 May 03 2011

As for the other item, the guy on the site is considered fringe like Glenn Beck, a conspiracy theorist. Therefore, I don't know if he reads things into happenings or not. It didn't look like people took him too seriously except those that are into conspiracy. But you know there are a lot of people speculating on things and rumors that have happened etc. It is hard to know where the truth starts and ends. All one can do is wait and see. I would rather not speculate.

Should see if Peter Lavenda has written anything on it? Among other things, he writes books on government conspiracy. You know him, he has another name...ever hear of Simon??? That's his other name he uses when he writes on another particular topic.

14:36 May 22 2011

Just a little something that I posted in my Coven a while ago...

However to open this thread more I am still not 100% sure that he would have had the intelligence to have masterminded 9/11 and after listening and watching many conspiracy theories, also knowing what I know about explosives and demolition, it just doesn't add up to what your government has told you.

The theorie which is going around now is that he had to be killed because he knew the truth about 9/11. He knew the government knew that the terrorists were on board the planes and that they were allowed to take off. He also knew that as well as others in the American government that air defence were told to stand down.

I wont bore you with all the inconsistency’s(on both sides of the table) because there are so many, so here are a few.

1: Explosion before the plane hit number 2 tower 6/7 seconds before the plane hit testified behind closed doors by William Rodriguez maintenance wtc

2 Dr Steven Jones 'Physicist' who analysed the dust and found explosive particles in the dust from 9/11 who then subsequently reported his findings and was then sacked. His report was never shown.

2: Trade centre building number 7 wasn't even hit by a plane but collapsed anyway because of fire...this is odd because it did burn for six hour unattended.. Looking at film footage, I would say that it looked like it was a controlled explosion.

4:Super Thermite can be painted on in a liquid form though a high ignition would be needed to cause the nano-particles to react.

5: The twin towers had been constantly repainted over the course of a number of years, which of course it would have been. What were they painting it with though.

6:The planes black boxes were reported to have never been found and yet eyewitness statements have reported seeing 3 of the 4 black boxes.

Now I can only theorise and the evidence can be disputed however there was never a proper investigation

The attack on the twin towers is known by some as a False Flag Attack which apparently isn't the first to have been done.

False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.

The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors, that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.

I really have to say that the official story for 9/11 is a complete conspiracy theory. It's STILL never been proven in a court of law. The 9/11 Commission has openly admitted that 9/11 was covered up by the Pentagon, and they were set up to fail, and that their report is almost entirely untrue.

If you want to be embarrassed by anything, it should be the cover-up of 9/11 and the official story that the USA's multi-trillion-dollar defense apparatus was magically crippled by a small group of cave dwellers with boxcutters.

Let's look at how good your government is at it's deception towards it's people.

'The Gulf of Tonkin incident' I don't know if you aware of the incident but basically it states that the reason why America went to war in Vietnam was based on government lie.....sound familiar...

As far as I am aware Bin Laden never actually admitted to blowing up the Twin towers and has never been formally charged by your government for doing so.

You guys got the wrong man...lol

As you can see I really am right into conspiracy theories Lol

21:06 May 26 2011

Quite honestly, our government is never solely involved in things from what I can tell and there isn't any government on the planet that isn't behind something. There are a lot of complaints about the British government as well as others. You can call it MY government but the problem with that is I didn't get a choice to be born here and I don't have any say in government even if I vote. Most think of us as a Democracy and in certain ways yes but we technically are a Republic, not founded on Christianity as some try to state. BUT the problem lies in PR and the rags that publish information. I have NO idea what the government of the US does or their covert operations. They don't tell us and the reason I believe they keep things secret is due to the press. Freedom of the press is well and good but they are the reason things get skewed and why people get killed. I was sitting at my computer when the buildings went down. I thought it was a hoax. I had my tv on and saw it like I had my TV on because I was home from school when JFK was shot. I also was listening when Manson and his crowd killed Sharon Tate and the others.

A lot of things have happened over here and some of it, which is going unnoticed, is the rise in Hispanic gangs. I am not saying Mexican because it is a lot of gangs and some very insidious goings on that is impacting the vampire community due to gangs. People are focusing on all these other things while these groups are rising in numbers across the country. Immigration is out of control, which they need to fix to stop the rise in health conditions that were eradicated here and now popping up and people getting killed trying to get here. We need a firm program and less red tape. People don't know what they are getting into coming here.

We are in a depression, I call a spade a spade and there is homelessness everywhere and funds helping those out of work running out. Money has been misused and everyone is damn mad but can't do anything about it. We legally cannot file suit against our government for stealing our money and/or putting it in places where the majority do not favor. You can do petitions but it is a matter of lobbying and if you don't have money...heh. It would take a civil war to change anything. You can call all of this politics but it really isn't. It is the way of life and it is crumbling because of circumstances and people in other parts of the world seemingly thinking there is a race called American when there isn't and it is everyone from every corner of the earth living here, even those from the UK. I say this in the most humble and respectful of ways. People need to understand we are a melting pot and those who were born here of whatever ethnicity wish others would quit coming here in droves and try to solve the problems where they live. We have a lot of our own. We have nicer places to live in some cases for less money but that doesn't make it better. We need to quit sending our money to places where the government steals it and no changes are made in the quality of living of the general person living there. I could go on and on and there are many bitter people here that want to bow out of helping anyone because our country assists so many but when it comes to here it is slow coming and others don't help us when the chips are down. So, people are grumbling a lot and don't think too much of other places. Regionally there are differences here. What someone in California thinks is drastically different than the deep south or the New England area. Even what you can buy at McDonalds is different, lol...

Conspiracy might be right but I don't believe they would kill all these people. I'm sorry, I believe it was a terrorist group but not sure that any one person was the head as in an organized group. I think it was a small band of men who got together and some were living here for awhile before they made any attempts. Some very near where I was living in San Diego. I'm not sure they had even chosen a distinct plan when they first came here but if an agency, one that is buried deep in our govenment was involved, we will never know.

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