okie dokie...i'm back in SC...boring..
Well...life has been odd. Some one tied a dog to our mailbox. A border collie...she's soo pretty. 1 blue eye...one brown.
Then...i quit my job. I think i have a better one now. I once again work for a cell phone company...Alltel. I hope it works...
I saw Patrick today...rip my heart out and trample it please...I felt my soul crash when i saw him walk up. I cannot help fell like this when
HMMM...I am finially with my best friend in Va...I'm soo happy...though i can't get to sleep cause she's snoring so damn loud...lol
Priss and I came up here today...
We are going to go get some pictures of the mountains tomorrow and i think we are going to go see Saw II...I saw Evan tonight too..that was odd...his face lit up like a Christmas Tree...Priss is my cat if anyone reads this...
Amy is letting me use her lab top...:)) it was like a 6 hr drive today...i made it about 6"30..then we went to Mcdonalds and the mall...I got a HIM shirt and a pair of shoes that say FUCK U...on them...with shoe laces of hte #13...welll its after one am...i'm going to start throwing things at amy so i can get some rest...
good night
Okay...life really is sucking right now...i have problems even getting out of bed...i would rather be at work than at home....but then that gets depressing too....i see too many happy ppl...it is really odd...
I actually tried to kill myself again...i am tired of being alone....it really sucks...
Okay...i'm am really upset...i've been crying since like 6:30. I get up, go to work...have a shitty day...get off with a killer headache....go feed horses...
Then I get home...and see my parents greeting me at the door...they don't ever do this...then i notice something is missing...our little chiciuaua...wasn't greeting me...wasn't barking....I look at my family..my mom is crying....
FEZ is dead. Kusanagi killed him today..that's a wonderful thing to be greeted with at the door. Kusanagi had broken fez's neck for no damn reason...SO we now have 2 dead dogs.
I locked my door to my room and called Amy..she's my shoulder to cry on...and held my kitty, Priss. She knew something was wrong..soon as i went into my room she was in my lap...meowing..
Well...the last week and a half have been really odd. I have been sooo sleepy. work has been a major bitch. I've had like 6 more guys asking me out...*GRR* Saw a few of my enemies....
Okay....Well, Brandon, Alan, Eric, and I went and seen Dracula: The Ballet the other day. That was fun. I enjoyed myself, which is odd...lol
Then we went out for a while to The Goddess Cup and then just around Columbia...:)
Well, then I came home and the next night I went to Sebatations and watched my friend's band Alter play. They were pretty good. I shot some pool with Johnathan, the drummer, and me Christina and Tad. That was fun....lol
Then back to the grind...
On the 30th I had a small get together...we all sat in my floor, pigging out of candy....then we watched the Hellraiser 1 &2. Then we went to The Elizabeth Cemetery and said hi to all my friends...:)
Then on Halloween, I went to work, came home and took Santana trick-or-treating for a little while. She was a lady bug...sooo cute...
Then I went to Columbia..with Eric and went to Brandon's for a while...:))
But the thing that has really been wierd is that my kitty-Priss-attacked me the other night. We were sleeping..i had to get up to go help my mom with something that morning....and when I went back, Priss looked at me and jumped straight into the air. I went over and picked her up and she was fine. But when i went to take her back to bed she bit me...hard...drew blood...
then she sat on the floor hissing and growling at the bed...It took her 2 hours just to get near the bed..i had to put her on her pillow and she curled in a little ball and fell asleep shaking and growling....it was really wierd...